The first approach to confront the powers of darkness is to stand blameless in spirit.
Personal and ancestral repentance is important, to silence the voice of any allegation, condemnation or accusation against you. Bad testimony in the spirit will ruin your victory and you can get beaten by the enemies. |
In Tactical combat, if your capacity in the realm of the spirit is smaller than the capacity of the structure of darkness that you are fighting against, and if the principles that built that satanic structure is greater than your principles in Christ, then you will fail and be in trouble.
If the knowledge of your opponent from Hell is stronger in his/her god, than your knowledge is in your God, that opponent will over power you; and if your opponent is stronger in his/her god, than your are in your God and Savior, that opponent will over power you.
If the knowledge of your opponent from Hell is stronger in his/her god, than your knowledge is in your God, that opponent will over power you; and if your opponent is stronger in his/her god, than your are in your God and Savior, that opponent will over power you.
Engagement against the satanic kingdom is engagement against the operation of the Rebel Angels; engagement against witchcraft is engagement against the demonic world.
In spiritual warfare, God may direct you to use certain direction, colour or material; these are significant and are connected to the spirit realm. (Read the Book of Exodus and Leviticus). This is called strategic.
Generally by nature, spirits [Angels, Demons] are connected to points, numbers and materials: Cardinal points, (Exo 26:35), Gemstones, (Exo 28:17-20), Materials (Exo 26:14, Exo 27:6), Colours, (Exo 26:31, 28:5-6), Measurements (Exo 27:1), Plants i.e. Acacia wood- Leviticus... Time..... and Seasons.
God Himself operates through gemstones, certain materials, colours etc. (See Exodus 28:15-20, Exo 25:3-8).
Certain Days and Months are very significant in the mysteries of God, just as the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars. They are given to reveal the mysteries and power of God. (Psalms 19).
In spiritual warfare, God may direct you to use certain direction, colour or material; these are significant and are connected to the spirit realm. (Read the Book of Exodus and Leviticus). This is called strategic.
Generally by nature, spirits [Angels, Demons] are connected to points, numbers and materials: Cardinal points, (Exo 26:35), Gemstones, (Exo 28:17-20), Materials (Exo 26:14, Exo 27:6), Colours, (Exo 26:31, 28:5-6), Measurements (Exo 27:1), Plants i.e. Acacia wood- Leviticus... Time..... and Seasons.
God Himself operates through gemstones, certain materials, colours etc. (See Exodus 28:15-20, Exo 25:3-8).
Certain Days and Months are very significant in the mysteries of God, just as the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars. They are given to reveal the mysteries and power of God. (Psalms 19).
Under the Cosmic World of the Satanic dimension, the World is ambushed by four Demon guardians of the Earth.
These four king Demons who are stationed at the four corners of the Earth are the Demons of the "4 Elements".
One is the king demon over the "Element of Water". He contaminates waters knowing that humanity uses water more than anything else on earth. Humans are made of 60-70% of water, while the earth is covered with 21% of water.
The other is the king demon over the "Element of Earth". He contaminates the Soil, for soil is used greatly.
Thirdly is the king demon over the "Element of Wind". He contaminates the air we breathe with sicknesses and spells.
Fourthly is the king demon over the "Element of Fire". We use fire greatly on the earth.
The mission of these four demons is to strengthen the power of demons and witches all over the face of the Earth. Therefore, whenever the witches need more power to accomplish a great task, or even performing a great incantation, they would call upon the four elements for power, and command the four Elements to be in subjection to them and be at their disposal. Under these are the Demons of the Continents.
These four king Demons who are stationed at the four corners of the Earth are the Demons of the "4 Elements".
The mission of these four demons is to strengthen the power of demons and witches all over the face of the Earth. Therefore, whenever the witches need more power to accomplish a great task, or even performing a great incantation, they would call upon the four elements for power, and command the four Elements to be in subjection to them and be at their disposal. Under these are the Demons of the Continents.
- The giant king demon of the North;
- The giant king demon of the South;
- The giant king demon of the East;
- The giant king demon of the West;
These four king Demons who are stationed at the four corners of the Earth are the Demons of the "4 Elements".
One is the king demon over the "Element of Water". He contaminates waters knowing that humanity uses water more than anything else on earth. Humans are made of 60-70% of water, while the earth is covered with 21% of water.
The other is the king demon over the "Element of Earth". He contaminates the Soil, for soil is used greatly.
Thirdly is the king demon over the "Element of Wind". He contaminates the air we breathe with sicknesses and spells.
Fourthly is the king demon over the "Element of Fire". We use fire greatly on the earth.
The mission of these four demons is to strengthen the power of demons and witches all over the face of the Earth. Therefore, whenever the witches need more power to accomplish a great task, or even performing a great incantation, they would call upon the four elements for power, and command the four Elements to be in subjection to them and be at their disposal. Under these are the Demons of the Continents.
These four king Demons who are stationed at the four corners of the Earth are the Demons of the "4 Elements".
The mission of these four demons is to strengthen the power of demons and witches all over the face of the Earth. Therefore, whenever the witches need more power to accomplish a great task, or even performing a great incantation, they would call upon the four elements for power, and command the four Elements to be in subjection to them and be at their disposal. Under these are the Demons of the Continents.
Understanding the secrets of Satan [Example, knowing the time the Devil is loosed to operate on Earth] is vital for strategic praying. Let me share some Revelatory Knowledge for warfare strategy that you won’t hear in a local Church but is vital for the Saints of Warfare and holiness.
The Bible says in Acts 2:15, "For these are not drunken as you suppose for it is only the third hour of the day".
9:00AM is the third hour of the day. Therefore, on that morning at 9:00AM the Fire of God came down on the Day of Pentecost. Why 9:00AM?
6AM - 9AM is the first quadrant of the Daytime and 9AM - 12Midday is the Second Quadrant of the Day.
However, the Devil is released upon the Earth for 6 hours every single day; 3 Hours in the Daytime and 3 Hours in the night-time. [This is how it is established in the Seraphic and Cherubic Order; they rule for 6 hours every day.]
The Devil is loosed at 9AM and would tour the Earth from 9:00AM - 12:00Midday; and he is also loosed every 9:00PM and would tour the Earth from 9:00PM -12:00Midnight.
This is not what we were taught in Church. Any question, please ask me because not everyone will understand these mysteries of God’s kingdom.
Remember, Angels operate by time and hour on the earth.
These 6 hours are given to the Devil to roam the Earth as this is confirmed in Job Ch.1.
Just as he was accustomed to when he was in the service of God, God still allows him this privilege of roaming the Earth for 6 hours just like the other Seraphim.
When we look in the Book of Job, the Devil had just come from roaming the Earth during his 3 Hours during the daytime.
Job 1:7, "And the LORD said unto Satan, whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, "From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it."
Therefore, it was important for the Anointing of Fire to come at 9AM because this is the hour when the Devil was being released.
The Holy Spirit had to make a spectacular entry upon Satan on Pentecostal, nevertheless, at the end of every quadrant there is an open portal and shift in the heavenlies.
Also, to mention, 9:00 AM and PM is the hour when Warfare begins, and last up till 12:00.
Many of us read the Bible but do not understand its mysteries.
Understanding the secrets of Satan [Example, knowing the time the Devil is loosed to operate on Earth] is vital for strategic praying. Let me share some Revelatory Knowledge for warfare strategy that you won’t hear in a local Church but is vital for the Saints of Warfare and holiness.
The Bible says in Acts 2:15, "For these are not drunken as you suppose for it is only the third hour of the day".
9:00AM is the third hour of the day. Therefore, on that morning at 9:00AM the Fire of God came down on the Day of Pentecost. Why 9:00AM?
6AM - 9AM is the first quadrant of the Daytime and 9AM - 12Midday is the Second Quadrant of the Day.
However, the Devil is released upon the Earth for 6 hours every single day; 3 Hours in the Daytime and 3 Hours in the night-time. [This is how it is established in the Seraphic and Cherubic Order; they rule for 6 hours every day.]
The Devil is loosed at 9AM and would tour the Earth from 9:00AM - 12:00Midday; and he is also loosed every 9:00PM and would tour the Earth from 9:00PM -12:00Midnight.
This is not what we were taught in Church. Any question, please ask me because not everyone will understand these mysteries of God’s kingdom.
Remember, Angels operate by time and hour on the earth.
These 6 hours are given to the Devil to roam the Earth as this is confirmed in Job Ch.1.
Just as he was accustomed to when he was in the service of God, God still allows him this privilege of roaming the Earth for 6 hours just like the other Seraphim.
When we look in the Book of Job, the Devil had just come from roaming the Earth during his 3 Hours during the daytime.
Job 1:7, "And the LORD said unto Satan, whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, "From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it."
Therefore, it was important for the Anointing of Fire to come at 9AM because this is the hour when the Devil was being released.
The Holy Spirit had to make a spectacular entry upon Satan on Pentecostal, nevertheless, at the end of every quadrant there is an open portal and shift in the heavenlies.
Also, to mention, 9:00 AM and PM is the hour when Warfare begins, and last up till 12:00.
Many of us read the Bible but do not understand its mysteries.
Strategic Warfare is basically using extreme strategies in war against the kingdom of darkness.
Example: when we are praying against Generation Curses, we lay hands on the person's Navel because the Umbilical Gate is where all Family curses are passed on from the family blood line to each child born in the family .
Let me add, God may tell you to use these things literally or he may speak using these things in a dream.
When God speaks it is translated in the language form of Dreams and Vision. SEE: Interpreting Dreams
When you get a dream or vision, you will see any of these and would need to interpret them to know what the Lord is saying.
Your Weapon will be according to the Angel that is assigned to you.
Example me. My Weapon is fire...and this is because the Angel that is assigned to me is an Angel of Fire.
In spiritual warfare, you will only win if you use your weapon.
If David had use a sword and shield, he would have lost because at the time, this was not his weapon. His weapon was the Christ. Christ is the Rock; and that is why David had to take five rocks, which represents the five mantles of the Apostolic ministry of Christ.
Therefore he said, the Lord is my Rock and my Salvation.
Example: when we are praying against Generation Curses, we lay hands on the person's Navel because the Umbilical Gate is where all Family curses are passed on from the family blood line to each child born in the family .
Let me add, God may tell you to use these things literally or he may speak using these things in a dream.
When God speaks it is translated in the language form of Dreams and Vision. SEE: Interpreting Dreams
When you get a dream or vision, you will see any of these and would need to interpret them to know what the Lord is saying.
Your Weapon will be according to the Angel that is assigned to you.
Example me. My Weapon is fire...and this is because the Angel that is assigned to me is an Angel of Fire.
In spiritual warfare, you will only win if you use your weapon.
If David had use a sword and shield, he would have lost because at the time, this was not his weapon. His weapon was the Christ. Christ is the Rock; and that is why David had to take five rocks, which represents the five mantles of the Apostolic ministry of Christ.
Therefore he said, the Lord is my Rock and my Salvation.
Warfare is done in many ways using different strategies, e.g.: