I want speak about Tongues a bit.
Wherever there is a loophole, the devil will take advantage. Because the Devil sees that there is a lack of the interpretation of Tongues in the Church, he is infiltrating the church.
Many people in the churches are under demonic spirits and demons of Divination, and they are speaking in Demonic Tongues. But the people will never know because there is no Interpreter.
When these demons speak in tongues, it curses the person's life, and also place curses on the Church.
Some people, when they speak in tongues, Demons are speaking, and in many occasions, they are actually cursing God in tongues.
Some are Babbling words that are not tongues. Reaping the same words over and over and over thinking it is tongues.
This is a great Forum for Witches and Satanist. They would come and speak in tongues loud in the church, and people would think it is the Holy Spirit.
Many times, the people would laugh, and dance and speak in tongues, but it is demonic.
In many church meeting, when people get "Slain in the spirit" it has nothing to do with God. It is demonic, it is a demon of false holy spirit, a demon of divination and Kundalini.
When you see ever body in the church wiggling like worms in their sits, and making funny noises like gibberish (so called tongues), it is demonic manifestation.
That is why there MUST be the Gift of "Interpretation of Tongues", and the "Gift of Discerning of spirits."
When these two gifts are in operation, Witches cannot come in a church and last. Demons cannot speak in tongues and get away with it.
The woman that was married to the Devil tole me that she would go in the church, and would send demons in the women who were on the worship team, and they would get slain in the spirit.
People would think it is the power of God, but they did not have discernment to know that the women who got slain were slain by demons.
NOTE: when Demons enter a person, according to the demons, the people would actually fall down flat on their backs. It is a natural process of being filled with a demon.
According to how powerful the demon hits you, it can even throw you back few feet into the air.
When this happens, the person would speak in tongues, but it is false tongues.
That is why Churches need to focus more on holiness and purity and deliverance and righteousness, rather than running after so-called "Evidence of speaking in Tongues".
People only speak in tongues when they are filled with the Holy Spirit. If a person is living a dirty life, how can this person get filled with the Spirit and speaking in tongues while they are still living in active sin [Sins unto Death]?
1. Other Tongues (Tongues of Men)
2. Tongues of Angels
3. Unknown Tongues
When you speak in Other Tongues, humans can understand you.. according to the language.
When you speak in Tongues of Angels, human beings CANNOT understand you, but Angels can understand you: and most possibly the Fallen Angels, Devil, Lucifer can understand you because they are angels also.
When you speak in Unknown Tongues, not even the angels know what you are saying. That is why it is unknown.
In this way, angels, that it to say the Fallen Angels cannot understand what you are saying.
It is t he language of God himself.
But there some co-called tongues that you will know for a fact it is not tongues. Some people speak in words because they want to blend in with the church system of speaking in tongues.
Or the pastor is forcing them to speak in tongues.
When pastors force people to speak in tongues, it is dangerous.
Some pastors would force people to speak in tongues. They would tell the people to bring it out or open their mouth and say what ever word that comes to their mind; and they would crank the people to speak the foreign words.
When the true Holy Spirit comes upon a person, no one need to crank or motivate the person to open their mouth and say whatever that comes on their tongue.
No one has to tell the people to do this or that.
The bible says says that they were filled with the Holy Spirit and WITH BOLDNESS.
When the Spirit is upon you, you get a boldness that those around you will not even be able to understand. Shy people turn to bold people, timid people become like lions...
There is a difference between Worshiping (Singing) in Tongues (Cor 14:15), and Praying in Tongues (Cor 14:15) and Speaking in Tongues ( Cor 14:2).
SPEAKING IN TONGUES is for Prophesying and bringing forth the Mysteries of God to your life and the Church. This is called in Corinthians 15 "EDIFYING". When this tongue in interpreted, it comes forth as Prophesying. Prophesying can come with or without tongues. Nevertheless, Paul made it clear that speaking in tongues MUST have an interpretation. 1Co 14:5 I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied: for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying. Paul also said in 1Co 14:27-28, "No more than two or three of you should speak unknown languages during the meeting. You must take turns, and someone should always be there to explain what you mean. If no one can explain, you must keep silent in church and speak only to yourself and to God".
SINGING IN TONGUES is your person worship to God which does not require interpretation, but Paul made it clear that we should also sing in our earthly language so other can know what we are singing. 1Co 14:15, "...I will sing praises with my spirit, and I will also sing praises with my mind.
1Co 14:16 Otherwise if you give thanks and praise in the spirit, how will one filling the place of the ungifted say the “Amen” to your thanksgiving, since he has no idea what you’re saying?
1Co 14:17, "For you certainly give thanks well, but the other person is not built up".
[10:40, 2/14/2020] A DIVINE ENCOUNTER: PRAYING IN TONGUES does need an interpretation, nevertheless, Paul made it clear that when we are praying, we should pray in both Tongues and our earthly language.
1Co 14:14-15, "For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful. What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also:
The Modern Church does not seek interpretation for tongues. Singing in tongues it good when you are singing to yourself, but when you are singing to a church in tongues, Paul said to be discreet. He said that in order for the people to praise God also with us, we have to sing with our own language so they can understand. The same goes for praying. Nevertheless, Interpretation is heavily placed upon "Speaking in Tongues", not much on praying or "Singing in Tongues".
That's why he said in 1Co 14:23, "If, therefore, the whole church comes together and all speak in tongues, and outsiders or unbelievers enter, will they not say that you are out of your minds?"
In 1 Corinthians 14:26-33. Paul speaks of the Orderly manner in Prophesying and Interpreting in the Church.
Moreover, in 1 Corinthians 14:26, Paul said what must be done and how. He said, VS:26, "Then how is it, brothers? When you come together, each one of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be for building up".
In the Church in Corinth, the Women were very disorderly, and had misconduct in the operation of their gifts. Therefore, when Paul was speaking and giving orders for the Church in Corinth, he had to put a restraining order on the Women in that Corinthian Church. He said in that same chapter VS.34, "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law."
Take note that Paul was speaking and sending the letters to the CORINTHIAN CHURCHES.
He said to the Bishop of Corinth, "Let YOUR women".
So this women being silence in the churches order was not for all christian women, but only those in Corinth.
Wherever there is a loophole, the devil will take advantage. Because the Devil sees that there is a lack of the interpretation of Tongues in the Church, he is infiltrating the church.
Many people in the churches are under demonic spirits and demons of Divination, and they are speaking in Demonic Tongues. But the people will never know because there is no Interpreter.
When these demons speak in tongues, it curses the person's life, and also place curses on the Church.
Some people, when they speak in tongues, Demons are speaking, and in many occasions, they are actually cursing God in tongues.
Some are Babbling words that are not tongues. Reaping the same words over and over and over thinking it is tongues.
This is a great Forum for Witches and Satanist. They would come and speak in tongues loud in the church, and people would think it is the Holy Spirit.
Many times, the people would laugh, and dance and speak in tongues, but it is demonic.
In many church meeting, when people get "Slain in the spirit" it has nothing to do with God. It is demonic, it is a demon of false holy spirit, a demon of divination and Kundalini.
When you see ever body in the church wiggling like worms in their sits, and making funny noises like gibberish (so called tongues), it is demonic manifestation.
That is why there MUST be the Gift of "Interpretation of Tongues", and the "Gift of Discerning of spirits."
When these two gifts are in operation, Witches cannot come in a church and last. Demons cannot speak in tongues and get away with it.
The woman that was married to the Devil tole me that she would go in the church, and would send demons in the women who were on the worship team, and they would get slain in the spirit.
People would think it is the power of God, but they did not have discernment to know that the women who got slain were slain by demons.
NOTE: when Demons enter a person, according to the demons, the people would actually fall down flat on their backs. It is a natural process of being filled with a demon.
According to how powerful the demon hits you, it can even throw you back few feet into the air.
When this happens, the person would speak in tongues, but it is false tongues.
That is why Churches need to focus more on holiness and purity and deliverance and righteousness, rather than running after so-called "Evidence of speaking in Tongues".
People only speak in tongues when they are filled with the Holy Spirit. If a person is living a dirty life, how can this person get filled with the Spirit and speaking in tongues while they are still living in active sin [Sins unto Death]?
1. Other Tongues (Tongues of Men)
2. Tongues of Angels
3. Unknown Tongues
When you speak in Other Tongues, humans can understand you.. according to the language.
When you speak in Tongues of Angels, human beings CANNOT understand you, but Angels can understand you: and most possibly the Fallen Angels, Devil, Lucifer can understand you because they are angels also.
When you speak in Unknown Tongues, not even the angels know what you are saying. That is why it is unknown.
In this way, angels, that it to say the Fallen Angels cannot understand what you are saying.
It is t he language of God himself.
But there some co-called tongues that you will know for a fact it is not tongues. Some people speak in words because they want to blend in with the church system of speaking in tongues.
Or the pastor is forcing them to speak in tongues.
When pastors force people to speak in tongues, it is dangerous.
Some pastors would force people to speak in tongues. They would tell the people to bring it out or open their mouth and say what ever word that comes to their mind; and they would crank the people to speak the foreign words.
When the true Holy Spirit comes upon a person, no one need to crank or motivate the person to open their mouth and say whatever that comes on their tongue.
No one has to tell the people to do this or that.
The bible says says that they were filled with the Holy Spirit and WITH BOLDNESS.
When the Spirit is upon you, you get a boldness that those around you will not even be able to understand. Shy people turn to bold people, timid people become like lions...
There is a difference between Worshiping (Singing) in Tongues (Cor 14:15), and Praying in Tongues (Cor 14:15) and Speaking in Tongues ( Cor 14:2).
SPEAKING IN TONGUES is for Prophesying and bringing forth the Mysteries of God to your life and the Church. This is called in Corinthians 15 "EDIFYING". When this tongue in interpreted, it comes forth as Prophesying. Prophesying can come with or without tongues. Nevertheless, Paul made it clear that speaking in tongues MUST have an interpretation. 1Co 14:5 I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied: for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying. Paul also said in 1Co 14:27-28, "No more than two or three of you should speak unknown languages during the meeting. You must take turns, and someone should always be there to explain what you mean. If no one can explain, you must keep silent in church and speak only to yourself and to God".
SINGING IN TONGUES is your person worship to God which does not require interpretation, but Paul made it clear that we should also sing in our earthly language so other can know what we are singing. 1Co 14:15, "...I will sing praises with my spirit, and I will also sing praises with my mind.
1Co 14:16 Otherwise if you give thanks and praise in the spirit, how will one filling the place of the ungifted say the “Amen” to your thanksgiving, since he has no idea what you’re saying?
1Co 14:17, "For you certainly give thanks well, but the other person is not built up".
[10:40, 2/14/2020] A DIVINE ENCOUNTER: PRAYING IN TONGUES does need an interpretation, nevertheless, Paul made it clear that when we are praying, we should pray in both Tongues and our earthly language.
1Co 14:14-15, "For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful. What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also:
The Modern Church does not seek interpretation for tongues. Singing in tongues it good when you are singing to yourself, but when you are singing to a church in tongues, Paul said to be discreet. He said that in order for the people to praise God also with us, we have to sing with our own language so they can understand. The same goes for praying. Nevertheless, Interpretation is heavily placed upon "Speaking in Tongues", not much on praying or "Singing in Tongues".
That's why he said in 1Co 14:23, "If, therefore, the whole church comes together and all speak in tongues, and outsiders or unbelievers enter, will they not say that you are out of your minds?"
In 1 Corinthians 14:26-33. Paul speaks of the Orderly manner in Prophesying and Interpreting in the Church.
Moreover, in 1 Corinthians 14:26, Paul said what must be done and how. He said, VS:26, "Then how is it, brothers? When you come together, each one of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be for building up".
In the Church in Corinth, the Women were very disorderly, and had misconduct in the operation of their gifts. Therefore, when Paul was speaking and giving orders for the Church in Corinth, he had to put a restraining order on the Women in that Corinthian Church. He said in that same chapter VS.34, "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law."
Take note that Paul was speaking and sending the letters to the CORINTHIAN CHURCHES.
He said to the Bishop of Corinth, "Let YOUR women".
So this women being silence in the churches order was not for all christian women, but only those in Corinth.