The infrastructure of darkness was established by a module of principles, dedication, and persistency.
The "Queen of Heaven" is the head goddess of the Cosmic kingdom which is the second heaven. This World has different realms, and has 12 palaces; each having 12 king Demons which are the 12 false Christs- [12 anti-Christs].
Paul spoke of one of these Demons when he said, 2 Corinthians 11:4, "For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received"
These Demons are responsible for the false miracles, signs and wonders being performed in churches by false prophets.
In this realm there are also 12 Prince Fallen Angels who sits around the throne of this Queen; they are of the ranks of: "PRINCIPALITIES", "POWERS", "RULERS OF DARKNESS" and "SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS".
These four sects of angels make up the Government Order of Lucifer called the "Satanic"; under them are the satanists and demons.
Within this kingdom you will find the demons with Macrocephalic heads, long arms etc. and these are of the Kingdom of Persia. There are also have the sects of demons called the "Prayer hunters", the "Destiny hunters", the "Star hunters".
In the Second Heaven there is also what I call the "Terminal of Transition". This is the gate through which the spirits of humans pass from the heavenly realm to the human womb. It's through this gate they steal and replace the masterplan of people before they enter their mother's womb.
The "Queen of Heaven" is the head goddess of the Cosmic kingdom which is the second heaven. This World has different realms, and has 12 palaces; each having 12 king Demons which are the 12 false Christs- [12 anti-Christs].
Paul spoke of one of these Demons when he said, 2 Corinthians 11:4, "For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received"
These Demons are responsible for the false miracles, signs and wonders being performed in churches by false prophets.
In this realm there are also 12 Prince Fallen Angels who sits around the throne of this Queen; they are of the ranks of: "PRINCIPALITIES", "POWERS", "RULERS OF DARKNESS" and "SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS".
These four sects of angels make up the Government Order of Lucifer called the "Satanic"; under them are the satanists and demons.
Within this kingdom you will find the demons with Macrocephalic heads, long arms etc. and these are of the Kingdom of Persia. There are also have the sects of demons called the "Prayer hunters", the "Destiny hunters", the "Star hunters".
In the Second Heaven there is also what I call the "Terminal of Transition". This is the gate through which the spirits of humans pass from the heavenly realm to the human womb. It's through this gate they steal and replace the masterplan of people before they enter their mother's womb.
1st LEVEL - Domain Of Queen Of The South
The Queen of the South rules the first domain of the Cosmic kingdom. She is the Sovereign ruler and goddess of Fecundation and Destruction and rules at 12:00 AM and PM.
The Queen of the South send "Terrors" and "Pestilence" at 12 midnight and sends Arrows and Destruction at 12 midday - (Psalms 91)
The Queen of the South rules the first domain of the Cosmic kingdom. She is the Sovereign ruler and goddess of Fecundation and Destruction and rules at 12:00 AM and PM.
The Queen of the South send "Terrors" and "Pestilence" at 12 midnight and sends Arrows and Destruction at 12 midday - (Psalms 91)
2ND LEVEL - Domain Of Queen Of Heaven
The Queen of Heaven is the first Siren, also called the Queen of Space. The Queen of Heaven, [Jeremiah 7:18; 44:17-19, 25)] was originally known as the Goddess Astarte. Astarte is a Canaanite goddess who was a consort of Baal, [the popular Canaanite god of storms and fertility. Astarte is referred to in the Bible as Ashtoreth.
However she is the goddess of Idolatry and false Religions and is known by different names throughout different cultures.
She is known as "Virgin Mary" in the catholic church and her weekly sabbath is Wednesday. Weekly, false pastors, prophets and delegates attend the weekly gathering in the second heaven; they would be anointed with dark powers to perform miracles, signs and wonders etc.
She also rules over 12 high demons which are represented by 12 stars around her head in the image of the Virgin Mary. Her imprint is also on the Medal called the “Miraculous Medal”. [Those who wear her medals in their necks or on their person automatically becomes her slaves; they are cursed by carrying an accursed thing of this devil.
The 12 stars seen around her are 12 fallen angels who give revelations and mysteries to false pastors and prophets and those in Cult and Occult churches.
The Cult of Personalities are also established by this kingdom. This Cult allows the people to worship the leader, even to the point of kneeling and bowing, or even kissing the shoes of that leader.
She signs packs with those who would open new cult churches on earth, and is also the entity who establishes False prophets and leaders, and is responsible for false spirituality, False religions, Secular Cults and Christians Cults and false revelations.
Whenever people attend these churches, they would be stamped with the number of the name (666), and would be marked for death. The queen would wait for their death, where their souls would be captured by the dwarf demons of the Prince of Persia.
Spiritual wickedness in high places function under this entity, and are in charge of spirituality and executes all bad, vile, malevolent, vicious, impious, and malignant schemes against the holiness of the church.
They also concoct strategies against the Christian churches by building labyrinths. The Labyrinths have cells which represents all the churches that are under manipulation. These churches are subjected to divisions and misunderstanding, criticism, adultery, pride and all manner of confusions etc.
She rules over the kingdom of the Vatican, the headquarters of the Catholic religion.
In many cases, they would use black dust in the churches to cause division and remove holiness, and would shoot arrows at the Christians who have open doors.
This kingdom infiltrates the churches with Jezebel and Ahab spirits, and all manner of false spirits and gifts.
The Queen of Heaven is the first Siren, also called the Queen of Space. The Queen of Heaven, [Jeremiah 7:18; 44:17-19, 25)] was originally known as the Goddess Astarte. Astarte is a Canaanite goddess who was a consort of Baal, [the popular Canaanite god of storms and fertility. Astarte is referred to in the Bible as Ashtoreth.
However she is the goddess of Idolatry and false Religions and is known by different names throughout different cultures.
She is known as "Virgin Mary" in the catholic church and her weekly sabbath is Wednesday. Weekly, false pastors, prophets and delegates attend the weekly gathering in the second heaven; they would be anointed with dark powers to perform miracles, signs and wonders etc.
She also rules over 12 high demons which are represented by 12 stars around her head in the image of the Virgin Mary. Her imprint is also on the Medal called the “Miraculous Medal”. [Those who wear her medals in their necks or on their person automatically becomes her slaves; they are cursed by carrying an accursed thing of this devil.
The 12 stars seen around her are 12 fallen angels who give revelations and mysteries to false pastors and prophets and those in Cult and Occult churches.
The Cult of Personalities are also established by this kingdom. This Cult allows the people to worship the leader, even to the point of kneeling and bowing, or even kissing the shoes of that leader.
She signs packs with those who would open new cult churches on earth, and is also the entity who establishes False prophets and leaders, and is responsible for false spirituality, False religions, Secular Cults and Christians Cults and false revelations.
Whenever people attend these churches, they would be stamped with the number of the name (666), and would be marked for death. The queen would wait for their death, where their souls would be captured by the dwarf demons of the Prince of Persia.
Spiritual wickedness in high places function under this entity, and are in charge of spirituality and executes all bad, vile, malevolent, vicious, impious, and malignant schemes against the holiness of the church.
They also concoct strategies against the Christian churches by building labyrinths. The Labyrinths have cells which represents all the churches that are under manipulation. These churches are subjected to divisions and misunderstanding, criticism, adultery, pride and all manner of confusions etc.
She rules over the kingdom of the Vatican, the headquarters of the Catholic religion.
In many cases, they would use black dust in the churches to cause division and remove holiness, and would shoot arrows at the Christians who have open doors.
This kingdom infiltrates the churches with Jezebel and Ahab spirits, and all manner of false spirits and gifts.
3rd Level - Domain Of Prince Of Persia
This is the domain of the Prince of Persia and the army of dwarf demons who capture souls marked with Lucifer's mark.
4th Level - Facility of Imprisonment
5th Level - Domain of Lucifer
Realm of the throne of Lucifer. This is the Pandemonium kingdom.
6th Level - Domain of the Dragon.
It is said to be part of the Satanic trinity and is positioned to battle angelic movements and operations.
Whenever a command is given by Satan, it must pass through a channel of delegated authority. Each rank will confirm that the command was signed, authorized and handed down to the rank below them.
This is the domain of the Prince of Persia and the army of dwarf demons who capture souls marked with Lucifer's mark.
4th Level - Facility of Imprisonment
5th Level - Domain of Lucifer
Realm of the throne of Lucifer. This is the Pandemonium kingdom.
6th Level - Domain of the Dragon.
It is said to be part of the Satanic trinity and is positioned to battle angelic movements and operations.
Whenever a command is given by Satan, it must pass through a channel of delegated authority. Each rank will confirm that the command was signed, authorized and handed down to the rank below them.
- SATAN – Fallen Cherub and ruler of the heavens; and gives order to Principalities.
- PRINCIPALITIES – Rebel Angel Princes who execute the principles of the dark Kingdom over the Nation and gives orders to Powers. They will confirm that they received, signed, authorized and handed down the command to the rank below.
- POWERS - PROVINCIAL REPRESENTATIVES – Powers are Ambassadors and Councils that takes decisions for the Nations who are under the bondage of Principalities. They are authorities and give orders to Ruler of darkness, Demon ruler of Bureau. They will confirm that they received, signed, authorized and handed down the command to the rank below.
- RULERS OF DARKNESS - [DEMON RULER OF THE BUREAU] – Dominators over the spirits that work in the 5 kingdoms of darkness through Satanism and witchcraft etc. These gives orders to the street demons. They will confirm that they received, signed, authorized and handed down the command to the rank below.
- HIGHWAY & STREET DEMONS – These are stationed to every street and give orders to Toilet Demons. They will confirm that they received, signed, authorized and handed down the command to the rank below.
- DEMON OF THE TOILET – There is a demon connected to every house toilet, and these are the delegates of satanic world. They collect information about all what that goes on in the home. They are in every toilet and give orders to the Community witch. This demon is called Magdalene in the Satanists' world. They will confirm that they received, signed, authorized and handed down the command to the rank below. There are times when a stranger or a friend who is into witchcraft would ask to use your toilet. This would be a tactic in order to open a satanic portal in your toilet, to bring up demons into your home.
- COMMUNITY WITCH – They are assigned to homes that are targeted for destruction and gives authorization to the Satanic world. They will confirm that they received the information from the above rank. These functioning agents of Hell will be explained in detail on other pages.