The strength of your faith in God determines the strength of the Angel that is fighting for you. That means, if you are weak in faith your angel will be weak to fight against the demons on your behalf; if you do not have the Armour on, your angel will not have an Armour in the spirit.
If you do not have your breastplate on, your Angels will not have breastplates when fighting for you.
All these things are dependent on faith; lack of faith renders our Angels powerless in our battles.
This is why so many bad things happen to us, even though our Angels are around.
If you do not have your breastplate on, your Angels will not have breastplates when fighting for you.
All these things are dependent on faith; lack of faith renders our Angels powerless in our battles.
This is why so many bad things happen to us, even though our Angels are around.
7 Altars inspired by: Testimony of Aston Adam Mbaya
Before the prayers of the Saints are answered, there is a tribunal where the accusations of the Enemy and the defense angels of the saints are in judicial combat. Jesus revealed to a servant during a heavenly visitation, "there are four Qualities that causes our prayer to meet the requirements and become fiery.
If the prayers of the Saints are not stopped in the second Heaven by the Prayer Hunters, they would enter the Tribunal Room.
There are 7 Angels on the right side of the prayers, and these are the seven Angels of Defense.
There are also seven Demons on the left and these are the seven Demons of Accusation.
When Christians are in error on the earth, they are recorded by dark spirits who would later use them in the day of tribunal against your prayers; they would ague why the Christian prayers should not be answered.
Example, if you are born in a family with laws and you go against these laws, the demons would use it against your prayers. If you are a person who love fashions, they would brand you as a lover of vanity and vain; and would use it against your prayers. They would use your family history and errors to combat your prayers in this Tribunal.
Nevertheless, the Defending Angels would plea in defense of the person. Then, the prayers would be passed through Seven Altars for justification.
1). ALTAR OF HEART'S DISPOSITION - The Altar of Heart’s Disposition reveals the condition of your heart. If you have hatred, resentment, unforgiveness, or you accuse your pastor, it will show on the altar as a black smoke. This is confirmation that there is an allegation against your prayers in the area of your character.
Note: If you pray after you had a quarrel with your husband or wife or Christian brethren, your prayers will go up with an accusation.
2). ALTAR OF FAMILY - The Altar of Family reveals any schism within the family and reveals whether the laws that governs the family is against your prayers or not. This can be seen in 1 Peter… “prayer not be hindered”
3). ALTAR OF ENEMIES - This Altar reveals all the enemies that are against you. Remember God deals with your enemies when you find favour with God.
4). ALTAR OF SPIRITUAL BATTLES AND DELIVERANCE - This Altar reveals your battles and Deliverances. When you do not see result in prayer you must go into warfare.
5). ALTAR OF GRACE - It is all about his grace.
6). ALTAR OF LOVE OF GOD - reveals the Grace of the Almighty upon you; it reveals that you are under the covenant of Grace. Even a sinner can get answered prayer.
7). ALTAR OF THE BLOOD - This is where the Blood speaks on the behalf of the person to grant the request.
This Altar reveals the Love of God, for it is the Love of God that passes through all things. Even sinners’ prayers can get answers because of the love of God.
Altar of the Blood of Jesus
When the prayers are placed on this altar, the blood of the Messiah would start to flow through the prayers on the person’s behalf.
At this point, the Advocate (Jesus) would render his verdict, whether he desire to rule in the person’s favour or not. But if he rules in the person’s favour, the prayer is confirmed on the Altar of fulfillment and would be handed down to the officers of the room to be brought to the person on Earth.
Before the prayers of the Saints are answered, there is a tribunal where the accusations of the Enemy and the defense angels of the saints are in judicial combat. Jesus revealed to a servant during a heavenly visitation, "there are four Qualities that causes our prayer to meet the requirements and become fiery.
- Heart Dispositions
- Offerings
- Behavior- (Attitude during prayer season)
- Holiness.
If the prayers of the Saints are not stopped in the second Heaven by the Prayer Hunters, they would enter the Tribunal Room.
There are 7 Angels on the right side of the prayers, and these are the seven Angels of Defense.
There are also seven Demons on the left and these are the seven Demons of Accusation.
When Christians are in error on the earth, they are recorded by dark spirits who would later use them in the day of tribunal against your prayers; they would ague why the Christian prayers should not be answered.
Example, if you are born in a family with laws and you go against these laws, the demons would use it against your prayers. If you are a person who love fashions, they would brand you as a lover of vanity and vain; and would use it against your prayers. They would use your family history and errors to combat your prayers in this Tribunal.
Nevertheless, the Defending Angels would plea in defense of the person. Then, the prayers would be passed through Seven Altars for justification.
1). ALTAR OF HEART'S DISPOSITION - The Altar of Heart’s Disposition reveals the condition of your heart. If you have hatred, resentment, unforgiveness, or you accuse your pastor, it will show on the altar as a black smoke. This is confirmation that there is an allegation against your prayers in the area of your character.
Note: If you pray after you had a quarrel with your husband or wife or Christian brethren, your prayers will go up with an accusation.
2). ALTAR OF FAMILY - The Altar of Family reveals any schism within the family and reveals whether the laws that governs the family is against your prayers or not. This can be seen in 1 Peter… “prayer not be hindered”
3). ALTAR OF ENEMIES - This Altar reveals all the enemies that are against you. Remember God deals with your enemies when you find favour with God.
4). ALTAR OF SPIRITUAL BATTLES AND DELIVERANCE - This Altar reveals your battles and Deliverances. When you do not see result in prayer you must go into warfare.
5). ALTAR OF GRACE - It is all about his grace.
6). ALTAR OF LOVE OF GOD - reveals the Grace of the Almighty upon you; it reveals that you are under the covenant of Grace. Even a sinner can get answered prayer.
7). ALTAR OF THE BLOOD - This is where the Blood speaks on the behalf of the person to grant the request.
This Altar reveals the Love of God, for it is the Love of God that passes through all things. Even sinners’ prayers can get answers because of the love of God.
Altar of the Blood of Jesus
When the prayers are placed on this altar, the blood of the Messiah would start to flow through the prayers on the person’s behalf.
At this point, the Advocate (Jesus) would render his verdict, whether he desire to rule in the person’s favour or not. But if he rules in the person’s favour, the prayer is confirmed on the Altar of fulfillment and would be handed down to the officers of the room to be brought to the person on Earth.
Our victory is already set before the foundation, but we all need a KEY to access our victory.
All situations need a key.
Sometimes, we have the key to 6 situations, but the seventh seems to be troublesome to overcome. We may pray and fast, weep and praise, but nothing changes, why? Because we have not found the key to unlock the victory to disarm this situation. .
The storm on the sea of Galilee had a key to deal with it; Jesus used that key and there was immediate results.
Moses was using the wrong key when he came face to face with the red sea. He thought the key was prayer, but God stopped him from praying. Exo 14:15, "The LORD said to Moses, Why are you crying out for help? Tell the people to move forward".
Exodus 14:15 (Living Bible -TLB), "Then the Lord said to Moses, “Quit praying and get the people moving!"
Then the Lord told Moses the "Key" to his victory - VS.16, "But lift up your rod and stretch out your hand over the sea, and divide it."
Yes, God can stop you from praying because sometimes praying is the wrong method at the moment; this can get you killed.
Many times, we pray about a situation when we are suppose to be taking authority, Or we fast when we are suppose to be praising; each situation has its own key to victory.
You have to know when to pray and when it's time to stretch forth your Rod.
7 Qualities to be a Heavenly Soldier.
The problem with our prayer is this; we pray from Earth to Heaven. Whenever we pray from Earth to Heaven, there are so many obstacles.
The Bible says that we are seated in Heavenly places, (Eph 2:6); and therefore, our prayers should be prayed from the heavenlies to God; not from the Earth to God. We are kings and queens as Ecclesiastes 8:4 says, "Where the word of a king is, there is power".
According to Eph 2:6, we sits in a position where the Throne of God is before us, but the Earth is beneath us. Therefore when we pray, our prayers should not come from the Earth beneath us, but from your heavenly position to the Throne. When we pray from a heavenly authoritative position it affects the atmosphere around us. When this prayer reaches the Throne Room, it is approved then mixed with incense, then it is send to the earth.
NOTE: Prayer is not praying our own desires, but true prayer is praying the desires of God’s heart that have already been placed in our hearts. We then take this prayer placed in our hearts and lift it back up to God from a Heavenly position.
Nothing we do should be from the Earth realm because everything godly starts in the Heavens; it is where the "WILL OF GOD" is done. After the Will of God is done in Heaven, it then reaches the earth an does great and mighty thing. After it touches the earth and accomplished the will of God, it goes back to heaven for documentary in the Court of God.
This is why the Bible says that the word of returns to him, but it does not return void.
If we pray from earthly position, our prayers have no power, but if we pray from our heavenly position as kings and queens in the heavenlies, our prayers will not be earthbound but heavenly.
This is called praying in the spirit.
All situations need a key.
Sometimes, we have the key to 6 situations, but the seventh seems to be troublesome to overcome. We may pray and fast, weep and praise, but nothing changes, why? Because we have not found the key to unlock the victory to disarm this situation. .
The storm on the sea of Galilee had a key to deal with it; Jesus used that key and there was immediate results.
Moses was using the wrong key when he came face to face with the red sea. He thought the key was prayer, but God stopped him from praying. Exo 14:15, "The LORD said to Moses, Why are you crying out for help? Tell the people to move forward".
Exodus 14:15 (Living Bible -TLB), "Then the Lord said to Moses, “Quit praying and get the people moving!"
Then the Lord told Moses the "Key" to his victory - VS.16, "But lift up your rod and stretch out your hand over the sea, and divide it."
Yes, God can stop you from praying because sometimes praying is the wrong method at the moment; this can get you killed.
Many times, we pray about a situation when we are suppose to be taking authority, Or we fast when we are suppose to be praising; each situation has its own key to victory.
You have to know when to pray and when it's time to stretch forth your Rod.
7 Qualities to be a Heavenly Soldier.
- Love for God and sheep
- Steadfastness
- Resist the devil
- Be humble,
- Be vigilant
- Be obedience
- Virtue.
The problem with our prayer is this; we pray from Earth to Heaven. Whenever we pray from Earth to Heaven, there are so many obstacles.
The Bible says that we are seated in Heavenly places, (Eph 2:6); and therefore, our prayers should be prayed from the heavenlies to God; not from the Earth to God. We are kings and queens as Ecclesiastes 8:4 says, "Where the word of a king is, there is power".
According to Eph 2:6, we sits in a position where the Throne of God is before us, but the Earth is beneath us. Therefore when we pray, our prayers should not come from the Earth beneath us, but from your heavenly position to the Throne. When we pray from a heavenly authoritative position it affects the atmosphere around us. When this prayer reaches the Throne Room, it is approved then mixed with incense, then it is send to the earth.
NOTE: Prayer is not praying our own desires, but true prayer is praying the desires of God’s heart that have already been placed in our hearts. We then take this prayer placed in our hearts and lift it back up to God from a Heavenly position.
Nothing we do should be from the Earth realm because everything godly starts in the Heavens; it is where the "WILL OF GOD" is done. After the Will of God is done in Heaven, it then reaches the earth an does great and mighty thing. After it touches the earth and accomplished the will of God, it goes back to heaven for documentary in the Court of God.
This is why the Bible says that the word of returns to him, but it does not return void.
If we pray from earthly position, our prayers have no power, but if we pray from our heavenly position as kings and queens in the heavenlies, our prayers will not be earthbound but heavenly.
This is called praying in the spirit.