Succubus & Incubus
All sexual addictions and fetishes, philias are connected to the water. All things started in the water. [When you are dealing with sexual spirits in someone, so should NOT give the person water to drink, even if they ask; water will strengthen the Demons. Many times, the person would ask for water and the pastor would give; but they do not know it is the spirit that is asking for water to gain strength.]
If you are doing a self-deliverance from water spirits, you should abstain from sex. The fluid of sex can transfer the demons and strengthen them. You should also avoid drinking water during deliverance, as water is their strength. Whether you are dealing with spirit husbands or spirit wives.
Sexual spirit dwells in the below part of the spine, in the kidney and reproductive area. (This is why in the OT, they had to burn the kidney of the animal in the sacrifice. It was for the sexual sins and the like).
Incubi are male demons who going around having sex with women. Some would succeed in having intercourse- full penetration, while some would not succeed in reaching that far; the woman’s spirit would wake her up.
She would sometimes feel touches, un-natural arousal, something on top of her or something trying to enter between her legs. These would most time happen in the Theta State; but is also common in dreams.
When an Incubus has sex with a woman, they are actually feeding on the blood of the woman.
In order words, they feed on the blood of the woman by having sexual intercourse.
If a woman gets impregnated by a Demon, this would be serious problem, nevertheless, seldom impregnation would happen unless if the woman is in the occult and is under a covenant as a “BREEDER”.
Not all demons can impregnate.
Some species of Demons can breed with one another to produce fertile offspring, reproducing more demons of the same species. But some belonging to different species cannot normally reproduce together, and if they do, their offspring is often infertile and unable to reproduce. Also, some demons are asexual, reproducing without the aid of another demon.
A woman being attacked sexually by a demon which cannot impregnate is in a better position than a woman being with a demon that can impregnate; yet both are dangerous positions and deliverance is needed. Note, for a demon to impregnate a human, there has to be some form of incantation before the demon can connect.
When a woman has been violated by a demonic spirit, this brings a curse upon this woman. It causes barrenness, Infertility, miscarriage, problem in sexual intimacy, Uterine illnesses etc.
Also, nightmares, fearfulness and many other psychological problems may follow.
(plural succubi) is a female demon that appears in dreams; taking the form of a human woman in order to seduce men into sexual intercourse. These are all "AQUATIC DEMONS", from Sea, Lakes or Rivers. They gain access to earth by Demonic Altars and open Gates.
Succubi are generally hideous and frightening but when they come in dreams or any other way, they come as a woman that you know in real life, or a strange woman, or a highly attractive seductress or enchantress with unearthly beauty.
When a Succubus has sex with a man, they are actually feeding on the blood of the man.
In order words, they feed on the blood of the man by having sexual intercourse.
A Succubus may come in the “Theta state” or in a “Dream.”
The Theta State is what we call “between sleep and awake” - when your brain goes into a deeper relaxation state and the brain activities slow down almost to the point of sleep, but not quite. At this point, you may start having flashes of dreamlike imagery- it’s like you would suddenly fall into a dream for few seconds, then it disappears, yet you realize that you are not really sleeping.
During the Theta state, this is where "Sleep paralysis” happens.
Sleep paralysis is an experience where a person, most often lying on the back would doze off, and just upon waking from the shallow sleep realizes that he is unable to move, or speak, or cry out. This may last a few seconds or several minutes, occasionally longer.
The demoness would connect with the soul and manipulate your perception and consciousness. At that point, the Succubus may attack with or without sexual arousal.
Each person may experience different atmospheric demonic disturbances, threat and manifestation. Nevertheless, most sexual intimacy with Succubi happens in dreams.
In dream and the effect would result in nocturnal emissions or other sexual occurrences. Having a Nocturnal emission means that your parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system were tampered with by someone while you were asleep.
The Succubae [Succubi - plural] would collect semen from the men they slept with and bring it under the Sea in the Marine Kingdom. The Semen would later on be used to impregnate women who come to the Occult for cures from infertility problems.
Children who are begotten from this semen are said to be more susceptible to the influence of demons, but usually, these children do not live long lives.
This doorway would only be possible:
- If you are under a demonic covenant
- If you had sexual intimacy with someone who had a marine spirit wife.
- If a woman sleeps with a woman, she can acquire a spirit husband and succubus.
- If a man sleeps with a man, he can acquire a spirit wife or Incubus.
To have sexual intercourse with Demons is dangerous and repeated intercourse with a demon may result in the deterioration of health or even death.
You have to address water spirits and water Covenants. Break all soul ties with water spirits- water lovers / Succubus and Incubus.
Destroy water altars that are set up against you.
All sexual spirits under command, call them by name: pornography, sexual imagery, masturbation, etc.
Repentance comes first.
Then address the fortress which is the strong hold or strong man.
After, deal with the Altars of the water and destroys the ordinances, spells and marital covenant establishes through sexual acts. The last approach is to drive out the spirits.
This should not be done close to water.