The ancient gods and goddesses of ancient Civilizations are represented in the planets of the solar system, in the days of the week and in the months of the year, and are also represented in modern civilization through fetishes, modern technologies and materials.
1 Jn 5:19 says, "We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the wicked one."
The seven days of the Week were therefore named after the seven luminaries which are known as the seven classical planets. These are the seven moving astronomical bodies in the sky visible to the naked eye: the Sun/Sun-god (Sunday); the Moon/Lunar (Monday); Mars “Ares” (Tuesday); Mercury “Mercurius/Hermes” (Wednesday); Jupiter “Zeus” (Thursday); Venus or Aphrodite (Friday); Saturn Saturnus or Kronos (Saturday).
In the world of darkness there are also demonic entities infiltrating the days of the week.
These are the Dominions. A sect of fallen Angels ruling over planets, days, and weeks.
The days and months are named after them:
1 Jn 5:19 says, "We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the wicked one."
The seven days of the Week were therefore named after the seven luminaries which are known as the seven classical planets. These are the seven moving astronomical bodies in the sky visible to the naked eye: the Sun/Sun-god (Sunday); the Moon/Lunar (Monday); Mars “Ares” (Tuesday); Mercury “Mercurius/Hermes” (Wednesday); Jupiter “Zeus” (Thursday); Venus or Aphrodite (Friday); Saturn Saturnus or Kronos (Saturday).
In the world of darkness there are also demonic entities infiltrating the days of the week.
These are the Dominions. A sect of fallen Angels ruling over planets, days, and weeks.
The days and months are named after them:
- Monday – Lucifer
- Tuesday - Divider demon. He is the one called Saint-François celebrated Oct 4th. He is in opposition, for God does not like division, though he allows separation - Ex 20:3.
- Wednesday is Astarte (Called my mother African Woman) - Second Heaven.
- Thursday - Demon of witchcraft and heaviness - causes sleeping in church.
- Friday- Satanic evangelism.
- Saturday – Black Sabbath
- Sunday – Demon of Poverty [Make people not give or pay tithes].
The god of sin is Baal and the queen of sexual immorality is "Istarte" or "Ashtoreth" who is also called "Artemis"..
Baal is in charge of a sect of Demons called "Flies"; therefore he is called in scriptures Baalzebub- Lord of the flies. He is also in charge of Christmas and his honor is the tree; he is therefore called in scriptures Baal-Berith.
The three main Demons Princes who stands on a global levels of control in this modern days are:
Baal is in charge of a sect of Demons called "Flies"; therefore he is called in scriptures Baalzebub- Lord of the flies. He is also in charge of Christmas and his honor is the tree; he is therefore called in scriptures Baal-Berith.
The three main Demons Princes who stands on a global levels of control in this modern days are:
- Baal - god of evil and wickedness. Under Baal is Mammon- god of the love of money and also the Genies.
- Molech - god of children sacrifices (abortion), and is the collector of blood be destruction.
- Ashtoreth/Astarte - goddess of sexual sins. Prostitution is under her rule.
MARY MAGDALENE - goddess of the wounded and broken hearts.
In the Catholic church she is worshipped as a queen, and her cult may even identify her as the actual queen of Heaven. the one with the wounded heart. In the portrait of Mary, you will see an arrow wounding the heart. The arrow in the heart is that of magdalene.
They shoot arrows into people in order to dominate their lives through lust, enticement & fights. When you draw a heart with an arrow you are drawing her symbol.
In the Catholic church she is worshipped as a queen, and her cult may even identify her as the actual queen of Heaven. the one with the wounded heart. In the portrait of Mary, you will see an arrow wounding the heart. The arrow in the heart is that of magdalene.
They shoot arrows into people in order to dominate their lives through lust, enticement & fights. When you draw a heart with an arrow you are drawing her symbol.