In the spirit, if a Christian seems to be a threat to darkness, the satanists would weigh them to see how heavy they are; [remember the anointing is weighty].
The heavier means the more powerful, therefore your anointing is being weighed.
A Christian who is engulf with flames is dangerous to the manipulations of darkness that are operating in crossroads and open places. If the satanists or sirens are in the streets or in a place casting manipulation, they would at all cost avoid a fiery Christian, whom they would see as a walking pillar of fire.
The heat of this fire would cause demons to scatter, therefore, Satanists would stay at least 300 feet away from the flames of a man or woman.
This would make the servant of God a target and would therefore be listed for analyzation. The satanists would measure his or her heat in order to launch counter attacks and set snares for that servant. Their primary tactic are is to set distractions using human vessels and situation. When they cannot touch a Christian, they will try to get the servant to step out of the line of their protection by sinning.
All holy and sanctified Christians are electrothermal, however, every person manifests a different degree of heat and electricity.
Just as all light Bulbs are of different wattage of volts, and each wattage determines a degree of brightness, it is the same way all Christians have a wattage, and this wattage is known by the brightness of this Christian.
Carnal Christians are not covered with flames.
All holy and sanctified Christians are electrothermal, however, every person
Just as all light Bulbs are of different wattage of volts, and each wattage determines a degree of brightness, it is the same way all Christians have a wattage, and this wattage is known by the brightness of this Christian. There are things which identifies a Christian, light or fire in the Christian’s eyes, a ring of fire around the Christian’s head, a light in the chest.
I remember in 1998, when I was a new convert, there was an attack on our Pastor. We came together one night to pray for the man of God. We formed a circle, hold hands and began to pray in one accord; none was praying for anything beside what we gathered for. While praying, I saw in a vision, a beam of light coming from the middle of each our chest, join in the middle of the circle and formed a ball of fire. At that same moment I saw a strong demon descending from outer space rushing towards the circle of believers with a powerful weapon in his left hand. The fireball that was in the middle of the circle then lifted in the air and shoot itself like a comet into the demon‘s stomach, blasting it off into outer space. This vision was confirmed when at the same time I was having the vision another brother was having the same vision of the light coming from our chest.
This is to say that when we come together in united prayer, whether in physical or in our own closet, the light in us begins to shine brighter and hotter. It gets active to fight the enemies. Remember, the enemies are destroyed by the light of Christ. When we pray in harmony, God and His angels are in active battle on behalf of the Church on earth.
In the spirit, if a Christian seems to be a threat to darkness, the satanists would weigh them to see how heavy they are; [remember the anointing is weighty].
The heavier means the more powerful, therefore your anointing is being weighed.
A Christian who is engulf with flames is dangerous to the manipulations of darkness that are operating in crossroads and open places. If the satanists or sirens are in the streets or in a place casting manipulation, they would at all cost avoid a fiery Christian, whom they would see as a walking pillar of fire.
The heat of this fire would cause demons to scatter, therefore, Satanists would stay at least 300 feet away from the flames of a man or woman.
This would make the servant of God a target and would therefore be listed for analyzation. The satanists would measure his or her heat in order to launch counter attacks and set snares for that servant. Their primary tactic are is to set distractions using human vessels and situation. When they cannot touch a Christian, they will try to get the servant to step out of the line of their protection by sinning.
All holy and sanctified Christians are electrothermal, however, every person manifests a different degree of heat and electricity.
Just as all light Bulbs are of different wattage of volts, and each wattage determines a degree of brightness, it is the same way all Christians have a wattage, and this wattage is known by the brightness of this Christian.
Carnal Christians are not covered with flames.
All holy and sanctified Christians are electrothermal, however, every person
Just as all light Bulbs are of different wattage of volts, and each wattage determines a degree of brightness, it is the same way all Christians have a wattage, and this wattage is known by the brightness of this Christian. There are things which identifies a Christian, light or fire in the Christian’s eyes, a ring of fire around the Christian’s head, a light in the chest.
I remember in 1998, when I was a new convert, there was an attack on our Pastor. We came together one night to pray for the man of God. We formed a circle, hold hands and began to pray in one accord; none was praying for anything beside what we gathered for. While praying, I saw in a vision, a beam of light coming from the middle of each our chest, join in the middle of the circle and formed a ball of fire. At that same moment I saw a strong demon descending from outer space rushing towards the circle of believers with a powerful weapon in his left hand. The fireball that was in the middle of the circle then lifted in the air and shoot itself like a comet into the demon‘s stomach, blasting it off into outer space. This vision was confirmed when at the same time I was having the vision another brother was having the same vision of the light coming from our chest.
This is to say that when we come together in united prayer, whether in physical or in our own closet, the light in us begins to shine brighter and hotter. It gets active to fight the enemies. Remember, the enemies are destroyed by the light of Christ. When we pray in harmony, God and His angels are in active battle on behalf of the Church on earth.
In the spirit realm, we Christians vibrate, and are electrically charged whenever we enter into the presence of God. Whenever we pray, we are charged, but when temptations and demons come, our spirit releases a discharge; a macro-blast of divine Dunamis.
This discharge scatters and dismantle the powers of the satanists and demons, and render them powerless.
This electricity is the presence of God as we see in the Bible. The fire of God is always mixed with electricity as we see in Eze 1:13, "the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning".
Therefore, a Christian always get a discharge from a charge, like lightning and thunder.
Eze 1:13, "out of the fire went forth lightning".
Rev 4:5, "And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings"
Rev 11:19, "And the temple of God was opened in heaven... and there were lightnings",
Eze 1:14, "And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning".
We all know that lightning is electricity. In Dan 10:6 it says, "His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning'; also in Mat 28:3, it says, "His countenance was like lightning".
Just as Mary saw the Angel letting off an electrical discharge, we as Christians also let off an electrical discharge when we are charged with power.
The fire and lightning of a Christian is generated by holiness and purity and prayers.
This discharge scatters and dismantle the powers of the satanists and demons, and render them powerless.
This electricity is the presence of God as we see in the Bible. The fire of God is always mixed with electricity as we see in Eze 1:13, "the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning".
Therefore, a Christian always get a discharge from a charge, like lightning and thunder.
Eze 1:13, "out of the fire went forth lightning".
Rev 4:5, "And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings"
Rev 11:19, "And the temple of God was opened in heaven... and there were lightnings",
Eze 1:14, "And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning".
We all know that lightning is electricity. In Dan 10:6 it says, "His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning'; also in Mat 28:3, it says, "His countenance was like lightning".
Just as Mary saw the Angel letting off an electrical discharge, we as Christians also let off an electrical discharge when we are charged with power.
The fire and lightning of a Christian is generated by holiness and purity and prayers.
Those who are lamps should shine very bright, why? because they are bearers of the flames of the greater Lamp – Jesus.
These lamps are constructed and take form at the Altar, where they enflamed by the same Fire that is on this Altar.
Joh 5:35, “He was a burning and shining light, and you were willing for a time to rejoice in his light.”
When the Altar is engulfed with fire, both the altar and the flames work together in harmony for one purpose. Hence, when we are partakers of holy fire of the Altar, we become one with the Altar of God, and are conformed together as instruments for holy and living sacrifices.
Rev 14:18, "And another angel went forth from the altar having authority over the fire".
Those who are lamps should shine very bright, why? because they are bearers of the flames of the greater Lamp – Jesus.
These lamps are constructed and take form at the Altar, where they enflamed by the same Fire that is on this Altar.
Joh 5:35, “He was a burning and shining light, and you were willing for a time to rejoice in his light.”
When the Altar is engulfed with fire, both the altar and the flames work together in harmony for one purpose. Hence, when we are partakers of holy fire of the Altar, we become one with the Altar of God, and are conformed together as instruments for holy and living sacrifices.
Rev 14:18, "And another angel went forth from the altar having authority over the fire".
EVERYTHING in the Kingdom is voice activation. In order create, you must SPEAK WITH FAITH.
There is a time to pray and cry and petition and travail, but there is a time to stand as a warrior and take authority and speak to the elements in the authority of Jesus the Messiah.
You must know that there is power inside you. How can you get this power out? By the tongue. Do you think that the tongue has its own power? No! it takes its power from the power source inside you.
So truly, death and life is not in the tongue itself, but in "the Power of". It means, if your tongue has no power, there will be no life and death; for your tongue must have that power to generate life and death.
This power in the tongue can either be from the Holy Spirit or Demonic generated; either way, the tongue will be empowered by a force.
We must speak and command change in our territory and keep the powers of Hell under subjection to the obedience of Christ.
- DARK MEN- They are Christians go to Hell. These are what is called the Natural Man; a natural man is what is called a Carnal Man.
- ANIMAL SHAPED MEN - These belongs to the Devil. They are like animals in the spirit realm. Herod was called a fox because that is what he was in the spirit. The Scribes and Pharisees were called generation of vipers and brood of serpents. That's because that is what they were in the spiritual realm.
- SAVED- These are Christians who are saved and carry the name of Jesus on their foreheads, but they are living in Sin. They have very small light and the light is not bright, but dim.

4. HEAVILY SAVED- The fourth are those who are heavily saved and are fiery. They are a bright lamp in the spirit. They are with Crowns and Fire and light. These are those who walk in holiness and Purity. These are the city set upon a hill and the candle that gives light to the house; they are the light to those who are bound in darkness and shadow of death. The bible says in John 5:35, "John was a lamp that gave a lot of light, and you were glad to enjoy his light for a while."