The mystery of Heaven is given in much detail in the scriptures, however, there are mysteries that have not been revealed in scriptures but are now being given to God’s chosen people in this end time.
When People go to heaven, many people think that they go directly to the City of Heaven, but no: they go to the Garden first because man was first made for a Garden – Paradise. After the garden they visit the Holy City. Note, even if they visit the Holy City, all Souls stay in the Garden of God.
The word Heaven is used as a General term for Dwelling of God, and Sphere of Angels. However, there are 10 levels of Heaven, each level is the sphere for different categories of Angels and different operations.
God dwells in the 10th, yet the glory of His throne is seen in every level of the Heavens. This is possible because, the omnipresence of God manifests in different degrees in each heavenly sphere; each being a universe by itself and is connected to infinity. Hence, there are Universes (plural).
Even if you are on a lower plain e.g., the 3rd heaven, you will still be able to see and access the Throne of God which is in the 10th heaven. Take note, the 3rd level [which is the 3rd Heaven] is given to humans. It is called Abraham's Bosom and Paradise, and is governed by Gabriel, who is the Seraph over Paradise kingdom.
If 1Timothy 6:15-16, says, “…the King of kings, and Lord of lords. “Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see:”. How then are we able to see the Glory of the Throne of God?
The Throne of Glory passes through a degree that is rendered in a spectrum compatible to each level. The glory that burns in the Holy of Holies and the Throne Room is not the same which burns in Paradise the third heaven.
In Heaven, the light of the Throne changes colour, and this is based on the approaches towards the throne, e.g., If you are singing praises on the Earth, there is the blue glory that emanates from the Throne. When you are singing of His love, or you are praying, or giving thanks and adoration etc., each of these approaches of reverence provokes the manifestation of the glory which shows it spectacular radiance in different colours corresponding to the sacrifice given. And whatever character you glorify God as, His Throne shines in a colour that represents that character.
God's glory changes based on the worship of His people.
When you call his sacred name given to Moses, which is "AHaYaH", the colours of the rainbow shines and rotates in a symphony of colours, which represents all his character. Each colour represent love, peace, joy etc.
The mystery of Heaven is given in much detail in the scriptures, however, there are mysteries that have not been revealed in scriptures but are now being given to God’s chosen people in this end time.
When People go to heaven, many people think that they go directly to the City of Heaven, but no: they go to the Garden first because man was first made for a Garden – Paradise. After the garden they visit the Holy City. Note, even if they visit the Holy City, all Souls stay in the Garden of God.
The word Heaven is used as a General term for Dwelling of God, and Sphere of Angels. However, there are 10 levels of Heaven, each level is the sphere for different categories of Angels and different operations.
God dwells in the 10th, yet the glory of His throne is seen in every level of the Heavens. This is possible because, the omnipresence of God manifests in different degrees in each heavenly sphere; each being a universe by itself and is connected to infinity. Hence, there are Universes (plural).
Even if you are on a lower plain e.g., the 3rd heaven, you will still be able to see and access the Throne of God which is in the 10th heaven. Take note, the 3rd level [which is the 3rd Heaven] is given to humans. It is called Abraham's Bosom and Paradise, and is governed by Gabriel, who is the Seraph over Paradise kingdom.
If 1Timothy 6:15-16, says, “…the King of kings, and Lord of lords. “Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see:”. How then are we able to see the Glory of the Throne of God?
The Throne of Glory passes through a degree that is rendered in a spectrum compatible to each level. The glory that burns in the Holy of Holies and the Throne Room is not the same which burns in Paradise the third heaven.
In Heaven, the light of the Throne changes colour, and this is based on the approaches towards the throne, e.g., If you are singing praises on the Earth, there is the blue glory that emanates from the Throne. When you are singing of His love, or you are praying, or giving thanks and adoration etc., each of these approaches of reverence provokes the manifestation of the glory which shows it spectacular radiance in different colours corresponding to the sacrifice given. And whatever character you glorify God as, His Throne shines in a colour that represents that character.
God's glory changes based on the worship of His people.
When you call his sacred name given to Moses, which is "AHaYaH", the colours of the rainbow shines and rotates in a symphony of colours, which represents all his character. Each colour represent love, peace, joy etc.