Psalm 91:1, "He that dwells in the Secret Place."
Psalm 91:1, "He that dwells in the Secret Place."
What is the Secret Place?
The Secret place is a place by Him, a sanctum of fire that answers fire, an Inner Chamber of the Inner Chambers, a sanctuary within a sanctuary and a holiness within holiness.
In this dimension the glory is a shadow; a shadow made out of splendor, fire and light. how can a shadow be made out of light? It is where the mysteries of Fire and Godliness dwells.
It is the upper seat of God's Essence and Awe, the Presence of His holiness, the throne of His fire and judgement. Therefore, those who dwell under the presence of holiness, will be like little cubs under his shadow.
The Secret place is a place by Him, a sanctum of fire that answers fire, an Inner Chamber of the Inner Chambers, a sanctuary within a sanctuary and a holiness within holiness.
In this dimension the glory is a shadow; a shadow made out of splendor, fire and light. how can a shadow be made out of light? It is where the mysteries of Fire and Godliness dwells.
It is the upper seat of God's Essence and Awe, the Presence of His holiness, the throne of His fire and judgement. Therefore, those who dwell under the presence of holiness, will be like little cubs under his shadow.
This is the place and dimension that Moses was transported to when he stood on the rock in Horeb.
Exodus 33:21, "So he said to Moses, come. And the LORD said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock.”
In the natural, Moses stood between a cleft upon a physical rock, but when God torn the veil of the natural realm, he was standing in another dimension, and this dimension was the “Secret place”. The Glory that shown on Moses face was the brightness of that Secret place and the mysteries thereof.
When God said, “there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock”, God was speaking a mystery that most people missed.
God was saying to Moses there is a place [A dimension in his courts reserved for the holy ones], and to stand in this dimension you MUST stand upon “a Rock”. This was a spiritual and everlasting Rock – Christ. [1Co 10:4, “and that Rock was Christ”; Deut 32:4, “He is the Rock, his work is perfect…”; Rom 9:33, Matthew 21:42-44]; Isaiah 26:4, “For in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock”].
In the Beauty of Holiness is the essence of His Shekhinah, the brilliance that emanates from His being. This is a house to God - Psalm 93:5, "Thy testimonies are very sure: holiness becometh thine house, O LORD, for ever".
The glory in holiness radiates many colours, forming the rainbow that hovers over the throne [Rev 4:3], the 7 bright colours represent the 7 archangels who are standing in the Throne Room.
In this place NO witchcraft can touching you and Fasting becomes a lifestyle. In this place Judgement is tied to your life, and the fear of you is tangible to your adversaries. This means, death follows those who tries to touch you in the Secret Place.
Absolutely NO sorcery can touch you beyond the Veil. There are veils beyond the veils.
The higher you climb in holiness is the higher you climb upon mountain of God’s presence. Psalm 48:1, "Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness".
Exodus 33:21, "So he said to Moses, come. And the LORD said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock.”
In the natural, Moses stood between a cleft upon a physical rock, but when God torn the veil of the natural realm, he was standing in another dimension, and this dimension was the “Secret place”. The Glory that shown on Moses face was the brightness of that Secret place and the mysteries thereof.
When God said, “there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock”, God was speaking a mystery that most people missed.
God was saying to Moses there is a place [A dimension in his courts reserved for the holy ones], and to stand in this dimension you MUST stand upon “a Rock”. This was a spiritual and everlasting Rock – Christ. [1Co 10:4, “and that Rock was Christ”; Deut 32:4, “He is the Rock, his work is perfect…”; Rom 9:33, Matthew 21:42-44]; Isaiah 26:4, “For in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock”].
In the Beauty of Holiness is the essence of His Shekhinah, the brilliance that emanates from His being. This is a house to God - Psalm 93:5, "Thy testimonies are very sure: holiness becometh thine house, O LORD, for ever".
The glory in holiness radiates many colours, forming the rainbow that hovers over the throne [Rev 4:3], the 7 bright colours represent the 7 archangels who are standing in the Throne Room.
In this place NO witchcraft can touching you and Fasting becomes a lifestyle. In this place Judgement is tied to your life, and the fear of you is tangible to your adversaries. This means, death follows those who tries to touch you in the Secret Place.
Absolutely NO sorcery can touch you beyond the Veil. There are veils beyond the veils.
The higher you climb in holiness is the higher you climb upon mountain of God’s presence. Psalm 48:1, "Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness".
The Hebrew word “Kabhodh” bsically means "glory"; and the word glory is being used as a translation for different Hebrew word such as: Addereth- “wide,” “greatness”; Hadhar, or hădhārāh- “brightness”; Hodh- “brightness,” “light”; Yeḳārā'- “rare”; Tiph'ārāh- “beauty”; Cebhı- “desire,” “desirable.”
However, we are looking at the word “kabhodh” in its purest essence.
Kabhodh in the Old Testament donates to the “weighty,” or “heaviness,” of the awe of God. The Glory of God is the brightness or Light that radiates from God.
This light is the very essence of Life itself- John 1:4, "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men". This is the same light who manifested in Genesis 1:3, "And God said, 'Let there be Light, and there was light'". This light is the same light that will be in the New Jerusalem in the absence of the Sun and Moon- Rev 21:23, "And the city hath no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine upon it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the lamp thereof is the Lamb."
The Glory is fire and comes in waves; and moves within all ten Dimensions of Heaven.
Answered prayers, praises and worship cannot have effect outside the glory, nor can your declarations have power outside the glory.
You pray for the manifestation of God’s glory in the situation, but when that glory comes, all prayer must cease; it's time to command things as a king and take authority in the Glory. EVERYTHING in the Kingdom is voice activation. In order to create, you must SPEAK. God Himself spoke. We speak things into beings. Jesus never raised anybody from the dead with his mind; instead, he spoke and say Talitha Cumi; or Lazarus come forth etc. When you speak in the glory, demons bow.
The reason why so many Christians proclaim the name of Jesus and see no result, its because the name of Jesus in the mouth of a Christian has power only in the Glory. This means, the glory must overshadow you. This glory moves within, upon and through us.
In the spirit realm, when we are under the glory the demons see fire upon us; fire coming from our mouth, fire in our hands, fire in our eyes, feet etc.
This is the glory that distinct God from the pagan gods; and it is the same essence which places value, [the abundance of the wealth of his grandeur], the treasures of his divinity and kingly honour upon his sons and daughters. This glory is the presence of God given to a believer at the time of conversion. Within it contains all things that pertains to life and godliness.
It is speaking of the mass of his holy essence, attributes and greatness and is fundamentally known as his presence his honor, praise and majesty that resides, the weightiness of his presence. This glory is weighty, why? When weight is placed upon something, it means that emphasis is placed on it. When the weight of glory rest on us, it means emphasis is placed on us. We are then called the apple of his eyes. God’s presence expresses His attributes, honour and magnificence.
This glory drives out demons that were in your life before you are saved. It grows and is there for the well being of the Saints. It is the glory that protects; the greater this glory is the better protection you will have against evil powers. It is in our home, church, and family.
However, we are looking at the word “kabhodh” in its purest essence.
Kabhodh in the Old Testament donates to the “weighty,” or “heaviness,” of the awe of God. The Glory of God is the brightness or Light that radiates from God.
This light is the very essence of Life itself- John 1:4, "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men". This is the same light who manifested in Genesis 1:3, "And God said, 'Let there be Light, and there was light'". This light is the same light that will be in the New Jerusalem in the absence of the Sun and Moon- Rev 21:23, "And the city hath no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine upon it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the lamp thereof is the Lamb."
The Glory is fire and comes in waves; and moves within all ten Dimensions of Heaven.
Answered prayers, praises and worship cannot have effect outside the glory, nor can your declarations have power outside the glory.
You pray for the manifestation of God’s glory in the situation, but when that glory comes, all prayer must cease; it's time to command things as a king and take authority in the Glory. EVERYTHING in the Kingdom is voice activation. In order to create, you must SPEAK. God Himself spoke. We speak things into beings. Jesus never raised anybody from the dead with his mind; instead, he spoke and say Talitha Cumi; or Lazarus come forth etc. When you speak in the glory, demons bow.
The reason why so many Christians proclaim the name of Jesus and see no result, its because the name of Jesus in the mouth of a Christian has power only in the Glory. This means, the glory must overshadow you. This glory moves within, upon and through us.
In the spirit realm, when we are under the glory the demons see fire upon us; fire coming from our mouth, fire in our hands, fire in our eyes, feet etc.
This is the glory that distinct God from the pagan gods; and it is the same essence which places value, [the abundance of the wealth of his grandeur], the treasures of his divinity and kingly honour upon his sons and daughters. This glory is the presence of God given to a believer at the time of conversion. Within it contains all things that pertains to life and godliness.
It is speaking of the mass of his holy essence, attributes and greatness and is fundamentally known as his presence his honor, praise and majesty that resides, the weightiness of his presence. This glory is weighty, why? When weight is placed upon something, it means that emphasis is placed on it. When the weight of glory rest on us, it means emphasis is placed on us. We are then called the apple of his eyes. God’s presence expresses His attributes, honour and magnificence.
This glory drives out demons that were in your life before you are saved. It grows and is there for the well being of the Saints. It is the glory that protects; the greater this glory is the better protection you will have against evil powers. It is in our home, church, and family.