The serpent manipulated Eve and convinced her to eat the Fruit; but what is this, Fruit?
According to the Bible language, three Trees were planted in the Garden of Eden.
Two Trees were Celestial Trees:
The 3rd Tree, which is Man, was created to bring forth the third fruit which is the Fruit of the Spirit.
Therefore, humans who were supposed to bring forth the fruit of the Spirit failed. [That's why the Messiah came as the Last Adam].
Through Him we Christians would get the opportunity to bring forth the Fruit of the Spirit].
But the Great Question is, what is this Fruit that Eve ate? this Fruit was "KNOWLEDGE".
In the 3rd Heaven, there are trees, and these trees all bear fruits of various shapes, sizes, colours and design. You will see golden fruits, blue fruits etc., but most of all colours that do not exist on Earth.
Each fruit we will eat in Heaven is a fruit of the Spirit and godly virtue.
All these Trees will be brought to the New Earth where the Earth will be made a paradise, the Eden of God. The Eden in Heaven is going to be on Earth.
The Fruit that Eve ate was Knowledge because the Tree was a tree of Knowledge.
But this tree brought forth a type of fruit just as those in Heaven.
She ate that fruit and received knowledge because that fruit was itself knowledge.
[What happened is the knowledge of that Tree took up the appearance of a fruit, that is why she saw it was good for food]. This type of Fruit is celestial and looked nothing like our earthly fruits.
When she ate it, her understanding became one with the Tree and therefore the virtue of knowledge flowed to her through the fruit.
When she shared that Fruit with Adam it was the Knowledge of the Tree she was sharing.
Every tree brings forth after its kind.
The tree of Life brought forth a fruit and this fruit was "Life".
The Tree of Knowledge brought forth a fruit and this was knowledge; what type of knowledge? Knowledge of good and knowledge of evil.
Also, the Bible says that when they ate this fruit, their eyes were open. Were they blind? No! Therefore, it's obvious that it was not speaking of their physical eyes, because their physical eyes were already opened. But it was speaking of their "spiritual eyes".
If we look into the scriptures, we will see that Revelation Knowledge is what opens the "spiritual eyes" of people. These spiritual eyes are called, "the Eyes of your understanding" (Eph 1:18). Also, Acts 26:18, Rom 11:10 and Acts 28:27 confirm this; they all speak of the spiritual eyes.
The bible says the Eve “ate” from the fruit. This means she partake from the fruit of that Tree which is “knowledge”.
After they received this knowledge of good and evil from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, they then knew what was good and what was bad. This is when they knew that they were naked and got the revelation of their private parts; they ran and hid their nakedness with fig leaves.
According to the Bible language, three Trees were planted in the Garden of Eden.
Two Trees were Celestial Trees:
- 1st Tree - "Tree of Knowledge"
- 2nd Tree. "Tree of Life"
- 3rd Tree. "Adam".
The 3rd Tree, which is Man, was created to bring forth the third fruit which is the Fruit of the Spirit.
Therefore, humans who were supposed to bring forth the fruit of the Spirit failed. [That's why the Messiah came as the Last Adam].
Through Him we Christians would get the opportunity to bring forth the Fruit of the Spirit].
But the Great Question is, what is this Fruit that Eve ate? this Fruit was "KNOWLEDGE".
In the 3rd Heaven, there are trees, and these trees all bear fruits of various shapes, sizes, colours and design. You will see golden fruits, blue fruits etc., but most of all colours that do not exist on Earth.
Each fruit we will eat in Heaven is a fruit of the Spirit and godly virtue.
All these Trees will be brought to the New Earth where the Earth will be made a paradise, the Eden of God. The Eden in Heaven is going to be on Earth.
The Fruit that Eve ate was Knowledge because the Tree was a tree of Knowledge.
But this tree brought forth a type of fruit just as those in Heaven.
She ate that fruit and received knowledge because that fruit was itself knowledge.
[What happened is the knowledge of that Tree took up the appearance of a fruit, that is why she saw it was good for food]. This type of Fruit is celestial and looked nothing like our earthly fruits.
When she ate it, her understanding became one with the Tree and therefore the virtue of knowledge flowed to her through the fruit.
When she shared that Fruit with Adam it was the Knowledge of the Tree she was sharing.
Every tree brings forth after its kind.
The tree of Life brought forth a fruit and this fruit was "Life".
The Tree of Knowledge brought forth a fruit and this was knowledge; what type of knowledge? Knowledge of good and knowledge of evil.
Also, the Bible says that when they ate this fruit, their eyes were open. Were they blind? No! Therefore, it's obvious that it was not speaking of their physical eyes, because their physical eyes were already opened. But it was speaking of their "spiritual eyes".
If we look into the scriptures, we will see that Revelation Knowledge is what opens the "spiritual eyes" of people. These spiritual eyes are called, "the Eyes of your understanding" (Eph 1:18). Also, Acts 26:18, Rom 11:10 and Acts 28:27 confirm this; they all speak of the spiritual eyes.
The bible says the Eve “ate” from the fruit. This means she partake from the fruit of that Tree which is “knowledge”.
After they received this knowledge of good and evil from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, they then knew what was good and what was bad. This is when they knew that they were naked and got the revelation of their private parts; they ran and hid their nakedness with fig leaves.