If you can see
sorry about that. If you are able to see my screen, we are going to look at the mysteries of man men has put into the components of our body. Now.
Praise the Name of Yeshua, I hope everybody's able to hear me clearly.
Father, we give you thanks. We give a praise, we give you glory, we give you honour, we magnify your name, we thank you for your Holy Spirit. We thank you for your divine anointing of fire. We thank you for the spirit of clarity, the spirit of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. We thank you because your Holy Spirit is already here permitting your will to be done, permeating our spirit, our soul, and our body.
ask you to bring into divine alignment our spirit, our soul, and our body in perfect alignment to your Holy Spirit, so that we can walk and be fashioned after the similitude of your kingdom. Father, in the name of Yahoshua. We ask you to bless us. Even as we proceed. Tonight, we ask you to cover us. We ask you to envelope us. We ask you to neutralize every astral power, every psychic force, every
demonic interference. We ask you to neutralize every spheric interference within the atmosphere of the land, the sea, the air, and the waters. We ask you, in the name of Yeshua, that you bind the hand and feet every force that will seek to oppose us tonight, father.
in the name of Yeshua, we pray that your name, your will be done, and be glorified.
Amen. And Amen.
Praise the name of Jesus. So
even as we proceed. If you are not able to see my screen clearly raising the model load
again, if you are able to see my screen, please give me a heads up. Let me know that my screen
is being shown clearly. If you all are seeing it blurry, or if you all are not seeing it. Please let me know. Amen, because I want to make sure that whatever I'm showing, it's coming across clearly.
Are you all able to see my screen clearly, okay, okay, grow with your God.
Okay, prison him with a loan.
If you look at the 1st photo, you will see that
I basically, I took some time in Photoshop to assemble the photo.
and you can see there are 3 beings, one on the left, one on the right and one in the center.
If you realize the one in the center is basically black.
The one on the right is sort of yellowish.
Okay, that represents the physical body.
The one on the left, which is whitish, bluish.
represents this, the spirit. Okay, so let me just make it clear.
The one that is black represents the soul. The one that is yellowish represents the body, and the one that is whitish, bluish, represents the spirit.
The reason why that is assemble like that
it is representing us before we get converted. Okay, before we get converted our spirit, his spirit.
our soul, is dark
and our physical body is basically just normal flesh. Okay, there is no light in our soul.
If we go to the second photo you will see that the center man, which is the soul, which was previously black, is now white.
that happens after conversion, so after conversion, your soul immediately changes composition and disposition.
it becomes white. It means that the light of God is now in your soul. However, if you realize the spirit remains
the same, the physical body remains the same. Okay.
But then, when we go to the
further photo. Okay? And we are going to look at a list of things when we go to the further photo. What is going on here
there is an image I put representing God the Father. Okay, glory be to God.
You will see that
in the Spirit there is something different. Okay. Unlike the spirit in that photo, you will see the spirit here
there is something different because it is radiating light. The reason why it is radiating light, it is because our spirit
is the part of our being that is in communication with God. Therefore our spirit is illuminated with the essence and the glory of God.
When you look at our spirits and our soul, you will see that there is an arrow. It means
it is our spirit that influences our soul
and our soul influences our physical body.
If you look at the physical body you will see that the physical body is still dark. The reason why it is dark. There is a reason.
Let's go to the to this photo. Now, in this photo, what you see different. There is something different. You will see that the physical body
is light up. Okay. Unlike this one, the physical body is dark.
but here the physical body is much brighter. It means something happened within that space of time
that cause the person's physical body to change substance. Okay, so here we see the physical body is being illuminated
soul in the center is also radiating light. Okay.
praise the name of the Lord, and we see the Spirit is also in communication with God sitting on the throne. And it's also radiating light. Now.
what do you think about that photo? Let's look at that photo to understand what really is going on
in the area of in the area of standing, your ground, confronting temptation and such like.
You have temptation.
Then there is corruption, then there is submission. There is a there is a protocol
that exists when it comes to the dealing of or, let me say, the dealing between demons and human being
cannot be subjected to evil unless you go through temptation. You cannot be corrupted unless you go through temptation. Every human being must go through temptation
at the ending of the trial. Either you lose or you win.
2 things are going to happen
now, if you look in that photo very closely.
Amen. You will see, there are 4 beans. There are 4 beans, the the body, the men.
You will see, the soul in the center.
then the spirit which is again illuminated with the glory. But then, if you look in between the soul and the body you are going to see, there is a dark figure.
there is a dark figure.
The dark figure is your flesh, your flesh.
Okay. Now, if you look closely also, you will see
the dark figure is not upright, like the soul, the spirit, and the body. Okay, all 3 beings of the person is standing upright, but you will see that the flesh, what I put as the flesh
is a little bit crooked.
The reason why it is crooked, it is because
the flesh is again not your physical body. Many people have been taught in Christian churches that your flesh is your physical body? No, your flesh is not your physical body, your flesh is the embodiment of iniquity.
So God in the Garden of Eden created man, spirit, body
and soul. Okay. When the spirit and the body came together, the Bible says he breathed in man, and man became a living soul. So when the spirit and the physical body came together, a new entity was formed, and that is called the soul. That is why the soul is able to relate to the physical, and is still able to relate to the spiritual together.
Why? Because the substance of the soul is made out of every substance which is spiritual substance, and also it has a spiritual sorry physical characteristic. It is connected to both. Being
okay. So the soul can relate to the spirit as well as it can relate to the physical body.
Now, after the fall of man.
as much as God created human beings, spiritual and body. After the fall of man, scene came into existence.
and when I say existence, I'm talking about in the human race.
It existed before the human race with the follow of Lucifer. But when man fell, sin came into existence within the bloodline of the human race. Hence a 4th entity came into existence, and this is called the flesh, the body of sin. As we read in the book of Romans, so the flesh, which is the embodiment of iniquity
is crooked. The word iniquity means crookedness.
It means to be bent. That is why in the photo I basically illustrate that the the flesh is crooked. Because that is what iniquity means.
No, if you look at the arrows, let us look at the arrows a little bit.
You will see on that side where it says, temptation.
The human body which contains the 5 senses is receiving stimuli from various temptations, various categories of temptation.
When you attempted.
there are signals that go through your 5 senses, your touch, your hearing, your sight, and you know the different components of your of your senses.
whatever that enters into your mind.
We are talking about your brain.
It goes into 2 comp. Into 2 dimensions. Okay, whatever goes into your mind, it enters into 2 dimensions.
Number one.
Whatever enters into your mind through the gate of your eye, or through the gate of your ears, or through the gate of your torch, your sensory
nervous system and such like.
It goes into the mind of your soul, but not to forget.
It also goes into the mind of the flesh.
So now, whatever stimuli. For example, let me give an example.
If somebody comes and the person say, Listen!
You are ugly, and you will never make it in life. You are a failure.
Immediately these words they go into your mind.
it enters into your soul, and it also enters into your flesh.
Now what happens?
Your flesh is going to. Now use that opportunity
to try to cause you to react negatively. If you look at the flesh here, you will see that from the head of the flesh or from the mind of the flesh. There is that
connection going into the mind of the soul. Okay.
that is the influence of the flesh. So the flesh is going to put his own thoughts into your mind, to persuade you to react negatively to what you received from the ear gate of your body. Okay.
Now, if you take note, you will see that there is an there is a shield
by a Presa shield, by this by the head of the soul. Why, it means that
the person's mind is armed with a fortification that will not allow negative thoughts or negative proclivities to take hold.
That is why the spirit is still luminous.
You can see my little emoji thumbs up.
The soul is still luminous. You can see the thumbs up because the mind is protected by a shield.
You can see the body is still luminous because it has not been subjected to corruption.
so you will see the little sad face by the flesh. Why? Because the flesh is sad, because the the thought it projected into the soul did not take form because the mind was protected
by a defense mechanism. Okay?
But then, when you go to that next photo, we see we have entered into another dimension which is the dimension of corruption. So there was the dimension of temptation. That is where you have to be vigilant. But now we have entered into the dimension of corruption. What happens now, if you take note, you will see there is something different about
the the photo. Okay, the the structure
and the different components. Number one. Your, if you look at the spirit, you will realize
the spirit is missing that glow. Okay, so look at the spirit here glowing so brightly. But then in that photo the spirit is not glowing so brightly.
Number 2. When you look at the soul in the center.
sorry you will see something different.
The shield is not there.
Secondly, you will see that there are black spots on the body of the soul.
Thirdly, there is a darkness in the center of the chest of the soul. What happened? Something happened.
Just the the defense mechanism, fortification, the fortress, the fortitude that protected the mind of the soul
from the influence and the stimuli of the flesh is now gone. Okay. So now the thoughts of the flesh.
I am not sure if you all are able to see my cursor.
The thoughts of the flesh has now entered into the soul.
and because there was no fortification or protection, it corrupted the soul.
That is why you see, the black spots represent the corruption.
the Bible. Talk about your garment being spotted with the flesh.
You talk about your garments not being spotted with sin, so sin has now entered into that dimension.
but the dimension of that corruption is the dimension of iniquity. It is not yet seen. Okay, it is not yet seen. We are still in the dimension of iniquity. What does that mean?
There is a difference between sin and iniquity. Okay, iniquity is the matter of the thoughts of the heart.
So in that case
the the body is still luminous, because the body has not been subjected to any form of uncleanness.
The spirit has lost some luminousness because the soul is now dwindling in dubbing, in uncleanness.
the soul is corrupted because the thoughts of negativity has entered into the the prisons be in
now. The the heart has now become darkened. Okay.
if you look on the side of the soul, you will see there is a stack of bricks. It is not a wall, it is not a wall, it is just a stack of bricks. What does that mean?
It means whenever you subject your your mind, you subject your thoughts to corruption, negativity.
evil thoughts, and evil words coming from your flesh.
Not only you corrupt your soul, okay, but you place building materials
for the devil to construct a wall, so that wall is not yet constructed. Okay, if you look at the spirit.
you will still see there is a connection of light between the spirit and the soul. So it means that the communication has not yet been broken. But there are building materials already laid down for demons to construct a wall of separation.
So because this, the soul does not have a defense in the, in the area of the mind it corrupted the heart of the soul.
However, person is still
thinking the evil thoughts but has not yet acted it out. That is why the person has not yet sinned. But there is iniquity in the heart of the person
so understand. When Lucifer was in heaven, Lucifer did not sin as yet, but the Bible says, when God evaluated Lucifer, he found out that there was iniquity in Lucifer. He was lifted up because of his beauty, pride to hold off his heart. Therefore, he was corrupted inwardly
because of that. Okay. It was only when he acted out what was in his heart.
that is, when he began entering
into the dimension of sin. Okay. So even if you have not acted out what is in your heart or in your mind
as long as that negative thought, that negative feeling.
Okay, it's in your mind, in your heart.
You are corrupted, you are are defiled
because your soul is hosting something that should not be there.
So let us go to the set, to the to the other photo which represents the 3rd dimension.
Okay, which is the dimension of subjection. So there is the dimension of temptation.
the dimension of corruption. Now we are dealing with the dimension of subjection.
because, listen, when somebody fall into sin, it is. It is not something that happens overnight. You don't. You don't just fall into sin overnight. That's not how it happened. Okay, there is a process. There is a protocol. There is a system
that that must come into play before you are subjected to the mundane.
There are plays that need to be played in your mind. There are manipulations that need to manifest in your emotions. There are certain things that need to be done to you. Okay, by astral spirits in order to bring you to that point of subjection.
No, in the area of subjection, as you can see on the screen.
It is the 1st stage of sin.
1st stage of sin. What happens?
You can see on the based on the photo number one.
the soul no less sorry the body. Let's look at the body.
If you look at the color of the body
in that photo and look at the color of the body. In that photo you will see there's a difference. So in in in that photo.
Okay, the soul is corrupted, but the body has not yet been subjected to corruption. Why? Because the person has not yet acted out the iniquity.
In that case the soul has corrupted the body.
If you look at the darkness in the soul, it is much larger than there, there it is only in the upper part. But here
the darkness has taken over the person's being.
The arrow represents the influence of the soul over the body which subjected the body to sin. Now you know, when we, when we look in the Book of Genesis.
the Bible says, Glory to God! When Tim killed Abel, when Cain killed Abel.
God came to Cain and said, Listen, why is your countenance like this?
Okay, if you did good.
then I would have blessed you, but you did not do good, so I did not bless you.
So God said to Cain, listen, sin is knocking at your door.
Sin is knocking at your door. Why? Because God saw Cain already had iniquity in his heart.
He already had murderous proclivities.
Jealousy, rage, and envy had already filled the heart of Kin.
but he had not yet acted out what he had in his thoughts. So God warned him, and God said, sin is knocking at your door, even if iniquity has already entered into your heart, your mind, and your thought. Yet be careful, be careful, because sin is knocking.
then allowed the thoughts of his heart to get a better part of him.
and he acted out what he had in his mind, and immediately what happened?
He sinned. He sinned by killing Abel, he murdered his brother.
It was when he murdered his brother. That is where everything went downhill. Okay, so in that photo you will see it is the 1st stage of sin.
It is where the soul
has brought the body into subjection to the iniquity that was in the heart, and the body
carried out. What? The what the the mind of the soul brought across. So, for example.
okay, the soul had in like, in the case of King, the soul had the desire to murder
the body acted out what the soul commanded.
Now both the soul and the body has been brought to subjection to the pranks and the tactics of the devil.
Okay, at that point, at that point you can see if you look at the emojis, you can see the soul.
the body and the spirit. They are all sad and weeping. Why? Because they have been subjected to the pranks of the devil.
The spirit, on the other hand, you can see that, you know in in the previous photo you will see God is sitting there, and there is a channel between God and the Spirit.
But there you are not seeing God. You are not seeing any connection between God and the Spirit. Why? Because the soul.
the soul, is not in communication with the spirit.
therefore the spirit is not in communication with God.
There is a wall that was built, because, remember, while iniquity, if you look in this photo while iniquity
was in the heart. But sin was not yet fulfilled.
There was only building material plays there.
but know that the iniquity has brought forth sin.
Demons were able to take the building materials and did what they build a wall. Now there is a separation between the spirit and the soul.
Note that if you look over the flesh.
okay, if you look over the flesh you will see the flesh is giving these thumbs up because the flesh has won the battle. Okay.
over the over, the over the flesh you will see that dark, shadowy, hooded figure represents the spirit of
death, the devil, whatever you know you may want to put it now, the reason why the spirit of death, or darkness or destruction is there. It is because the soul and the body is not
feeling from the spirit, and that is the whole purpose of the devil
to separate your soul and your body from your spirit. Why? Because your spirit listen, your spirit cannot sin. Okay, your spirit cannot be corrupted. Many people have
been taught in churches that your spirit sinned, and blah blah, no, your spirit cannot sin, your spirit remains.
It doesn't matter how evil you are. It doesn't matter how wicked you are. It doesn't matter. You could be the greatest witch on the earth. Your spirit remains pure
and holy. Why? Because your spirit is the breath of God. Never forget that your spirit is the breath of God. Every human being.
he is the Spirit, or her spirit is the breath of God, therefore it cannot succumb to sin, neither can it succumb to temptation. That is why the Bible says the spirit
was against the flesh, and the flesh was against the spirit that goes for Christians as well as non-christians. Why? Because the Spirit, being the breath of God, cannot sin. Okay.
globe to God, so the spirit is
separated from the soul, and that is going to pose a problem. The reason why it is the 1st stage of sin. It is because sin has different degrees. Now, here.
okay, yeah, I outlined the 4 different beans you can see at the far right the dark
bean which is the flesh.
There you will see the body. Then you will see the bluish figure which is the soul, and then you will see to the far left the spirit. Okay, now let's look at this.
What is happening here we see, as I explained earlier, we'll see, we see that the flesh influences
the the soul influences the body.
The spirit is not influenced by this. By the by the flesh.
The spirit is not influenced by the soul, and the spirit is not influenced by the body. It is God
who is influencing the spirit
and the spirit influences the soul. Okay. And it is the duty of the soul to influence the body.
Okay, now, if you have that wrong that's going to pose a problem. Now there is a Scripture.
the Bible says, for the flesh in the book of Galatian, chapter 5, verse 17, it says, for the flesh lost against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh, and these are contrary, the one to the other, that you cannot do the things that you would. What does that mean? Okay.
if you take note 1st of all, the word lost is not
lost, as in you want to phone.
or you want to commit adultery. No, that is not that type of loss, the word lost basically desire.
But then there is something we have to take note in that verse does not see
lost after. Okay, there is a difference between lost in
something and lost in against something. So in that verse it did not say, the flesh is lost
after the spirit, and the spirit is lost in after the flesh. No, okay.
glory to God, it says against it means.
The desires of the spirit
is against the flesh, and the desires of the flesh is against the spirit. These 2 desires are contrary one to another, so the spirit wants to. Bring the things of God while the flesh wants to bring the things of the devil.
Okay. Now, in the dimension of the flesh. Okay, in the dimension of the flesh.
What does the flesh contain? Now, remember, we said, the flesh is not the physical body okay.
the flesh is the embodiment of iniquity, sin, and corruption.
So what does
The the flesh contains?
The outline is in Galatians, chapter 5, from verse 1920 and 21. It says, now the works of the flesh. Remember again. No, it did not say the works of the physical body. It did not say, the works of the soul.
It did not say the works of the spirit. It says, Now the works of the flesh.
and manifest in visa.
So when you look at Land's viciousness.
uncleanness, fornication, adultery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, sedition, heresy, strife, envy, murders drunkenness, reveling and such like all of these corruptions they dwell in the flesh.
not in the physical body. Okay.
Physical body only contains the components that can be manipulated by stimuli of the flesh.
I will explain that even as you go along in the physical body, the only thing you find
are hormones, your brain, and the channels of your 5 senses. That is the only thing your physical body contains, your hormones, your brain, and the channels of your 5 senses. Now, how is it that
man is able to go through series of destructions and temptations, and all of these things.
If the body only contains your home and your brain and your channel of the 5 senses, it is because, number one.
your body's health is dependent upon your soul, your soul can be corrupted, can be corrupted by what? Again, the the proclivities of the flesh mentioned in Galatians. Chapter 5.
Your soul, on the other hand, contains your heart and your mind.
I know it is something that we have been a little bit confused about as pertain to what is your soul, and what is your heart, and what is your mind, and what is your this, and what is your that?
Your your soul contains your heart, and it also contains your mind. Okay.
a soul is made up of your mind, your will and your emotions. The soul.
Amen is the seat, and again we can read it there. The soul is the seat of feelings, it is the seat of desires. It is the seat of your affections, it is the seat of your appetite, it is the seat of your pleasures. Okay, whenever you have emotions and desires and affections, and all of these things.
and flowing through your being, it is your soul. Okay.
it is your character, it is the substance of your person. It is your identity, it is your personality. It means your soul is who you are. Your soul is the really you. The Bible says man became a living soul. When you die your physical body goes to the ground and rotten. Yes.
your spirit goes back to God, but it is your soul that goes to eternal torment in damnation, or
goes to Paradise in heaven. It is your soul that retains the memory of your past life. It is your soul that remembers when you used to do things that were contrary to God. It is your soul that retains every information
that you received during your life on earth that brought you into condemnation in hell, or the good deeds that brought you to Paradise. So everything that you are. It is your soul. So your soul is the part
that has authoritative measures over your physical body.
so your physical body does not react on its own. Whatever you touch, it is because of your soul. If your hand was treadful to steal, it is because of your soul. Okay.
some people would say things, and they would say, well, I did not intend to say that, or I don't know why I said that.
It doesn't even make sense. Your mouth cannot open to say anything if your soul does not command it. Okay, you cannot say anything.
You cannot blink your eyes. You cannot do nothing. Okay, you can't do nothing. If your soul does not command it. Okay, so your physical body is dependent upon the stimuli of your soul, while your soul is dependent on your spirit or
according to your corruption, it can be dependent for
corrupt things from the flesh either or okay. However, however, your soul can be corrupted
because of the evil proclivities and stimuli from the flesh. Your spirit.
on the other hand, as I said, is pure?
Okay, grow me to call your heart is the seat of your conscience.
Your heart is the part of you that is responsible for hatred, for love.
It is responsible for conviction.
It is the one that holds virtues for bitterness, resentment.
it holds the virtue for compassion.
Okay, all of these things.
Your will is also within your soul, and it is the power to respond to your heart or your mind. Okay, that is your will. Your will is the power to respond to the
stimuli or the signal of your heart or your mind. Your mind is basically the the consciousness, the awareness, and the alertness.
Okay, that is your mind, your mind. Think.
okay. But it is your will
that causes you to propel into the velocity.
using the stimuli that you receive, you become a recipient to the stimuli of your mind or your heart. Now there are 2 places to channels, thoughts are generated.
thoughts are generated in your mind, and thoughts are also generated in your heart.
so you can have a thought in your heart as well as you can have a thought in your mind. Okay, you can think with your mind. You can think with your heart.
Okay, when you think with your mind that thought is situated.
and it is how I would say
it was, it is birthed, or it was birthed in your head. That is where you have a thought in your head. Okay, but when you think with your heart
the thoughts they are felt in a different location.
Okay? And you all know that there are certain things you have going through your mind, and you will you? You will know it is located in your mind, in your head, in your brain, but there are certain things you will have, and you will feel it in your chest. It's coming from the center of your being. It is not in your head. It's in your chest area. Why? Because it is coming from your heart. Okay, your heart is the seat
that carries the the mandate of your conscience, your conscience. Okay, glory to God! So the thoughts of your heart.
Okay. The thoughts of your heart can influence the thoughts of your mind, and the thoughts of your mind can also influence the thoughts of your heart. So it is when the thoughts of your heart comes into being.
That is where it becomes your character. So the Bible says, as a man thinketh not in his mind, not in his mind. If you think in your mind.
you are corrupted by the proclivity of uncleanness within the sphere of your thinking system or your paradigm. Okay, but it is when the thought is coming from your heart. That is where everything takes another turn. It is where it becomes your character. So the Bible says, as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. You are
what you think in your heart.
If in your heart you think of murder. You think of revenge, you think of killing you, think of stealing.
you think of bitterness, whatever that is, who you are.
Okay. If in your heart. You think of fornication. You are a fornicator. It doesn't matter whether you fornicated or not. In the past you may have never committed adultery, but if it is in your heart, you are already an adulterer.
There are many people
okay. When they go in prayer, God would address them as something they have never committed before. God would call certain people
a thief, and the person will say, Well, I have never stolen before, and God will say, No, you have never stolen physically, but in your heart. You have already stolen
because of the thoughts that are coming from your heart.
Okay, the spirit is the seed of the Holy Spirit.
It is the seat of your intuition, it is the seat of your discernment, it is the seat of your spiritual gift, your anointing.
Okay, the light of God is in your spirit.
The light of God does not
come in your soul. Listen. The light of God does not come in your soul. Okay. The the essence of God's glory does not come in your soul, it comes in your spirit.
and it is your spirit that shares it with your soul. If your soul comes in alignment with your spirit.
so as much as your soul remains connected to your spirit, and your spirit remains connected to God whatever the Spirit gives.
and I'm talking about the Holy Spirit. Whatever the Holy Spirit gives, your spirit will receive it, and whatever your spirit receives, it will feed your soul.
Okay, and when your soul is nourished it will feed your physical body. Now let's go to another
section of of the Slider.
If you look at that photo.
you will see there it says, holiness and purity of the soul and body.
So what is happening in this photo? What is what is happening with the the bubble and the chalice and the witchcraft, whatever
it means when you are working in holiness and purity of your soul and your body.
Okay, automatically, you are protected by the glory of God.
If you look at the arrow you will see that it is bumps enough. What does that mean? It means
no witchcraft. The doll represents voodoo.
The pentagram represents witchcraft, the chalice represents
rituals. Whatever witchcraft or we can ritual. Now
the the pentagram, the the red pointed star of 5 pointed star. If you look at you will see that
2 points are facing down, and 1 point is facing up. So let me explain that
whenever you see that symbol, okay, let me let me zoom it.
Whenever you see that symbol with 1 point facing up and 2 points facing down. It represents witchcraft.
If you see, the 1 point is facing down and the 2 points are facing up, it represents Satanism.
So you have to understand the difference. So you know what you're dealing with. However, no witchcraft, no voodoo.
no hex, no spell, no vex, nothing is able to touch you
while you are within the jurisdiction of holiness and purity
of not only your soul, not only your soul, but also your physical body.
Okay, many people would say, Brother Tony, your physical body is going to rotten. So what you put on your physical body, it doesn't matter. God is not concerned about your physical body. He's only concerned about your soul and your heart. That is one of the lies of Satan in order to bring people to hell.
and many people will receive a surprising hell
because they thought they were on their way to heaven.
but because they misunderstood, and they were misinformed because they were lied to by the devil.
they found themselves going into
the gate of hell when they were supposed to be going into the gates of heaven. Listen!
If you want to walk in the power and in the holiness of God, you have to be pure in your mind.
in your heart, in your will, in your soul and in your body. You cannot be corrupted in your physical body and think you are okay. No, you have to be pure in your physical body, and you have to be pure in your soul. Okay.
Praise the name of Jesus, because there are allegations against your physical body, and there are allegations against your soul, either or either. We are, in whatever sphere allegations
they are going to render you incapable of penetrating certain spheres in prayers. Okay, there is a dimension of prayer you cannot enter if your soul is corrupted.
or and if your physical body is corrupted, okay, if your physical body is corrupted, it means your soul is corrupted
Okay, so all of these things must come into play. Now glory be to God!
If you look at that photo, let me share that photo. If you look at that photo you will see
that there are 2 categories of people walking on the streets.
You will see the the normal people.
and you will see delighted beings, delighted people. Now these are not angels.
these are Christians who are covered with the light of God.
There is a place in Christianity where you can shine so bright
demons, the witches! They will not know
difference between you and an angel.
There are many Christians.
Okay, they confront, or let me say, they are confronted by witches and demons and the demons. They are confused. They do not know if this is a human being. Or if this is an angel, okay, they are confused. That is a place we have to get where demons and witches do not know whether this being is an angel or a human being.
When a witch comes to your home, and the witch cannot identify who you are.
this is a place you should be, and you want to be okay.
You can go anywhere in the nation.
When the kingdom of darkness sees you, they will be confused.
and they will think twice before the attack
again. They do not know if it is an angel.
We see that here.
when you are walking in the light of God. That is how you look in the realm of the spirit.
Okay, you can look at my screen. That is how you look in the realm of the spirit. You are not an ordinary person.
you are beings of light.
you, when listen! When Jesus said, you are the light of the world, many of us don't really understand what Jesus is talking about. We are literally light bulbs. Okay, we are. We are like fluorescent bulbs walking on the street.
So the kingdom of darkness, they are able to identify us
because of the brightness of our lights.
No, whenever
whenever you go into a into a new state, or into a new city, or into a new town, or a new country, or wherever
the kingdom of darkness always try to analyze you.
to know whether you are lightweight.
heavy weights, or whether you are
blazing hot. What is the temperature of your fire? Okay, what is the brightness of your light and based on what the the notice, it will determine what level of attack they launch against you.
Okay, let's look at that that page.
If you look there, you will see that
I label that page deliverance. What happens whenever
okay, whenever you are, let me let me go back to it.
Whenever you find yourself in that predicament of subjection. Okay, whenever you find yourself in that predicament of subjection, if you look at the screen again, you will see that there is a wall
between your spirit and your soul, and because of the wall that figure, the devil is able to do so many things to your body and to your soul, because there is no influence, no interference. Your spirit is separated. Okay, but then, when you go here.
prisoner Hashua, you will see deliverance.
Now, what is really happening here?
When you realize again, because of the prayers and the intercession of the saints, it gives God jurisdiction
to bring to you. Conviction. Okay, the Spirit of God is not going to forsake you, you know, whenever we find ourselves falling in sin and dwindling in iniquity for a season we may find ourselves.
so to speak, flat line. No, just give me a minute.
There is. There is a place
in your life where you are subjected to what is called 0 point.
and at 0 point it is a place in your life, the kingdom of darkness. Gain the greatest access to annihilate you. Okay, it is called 0 point.
All the astral manipulations, the psychic manipulations, all the astral poisons, the fiery dots, and the arrows and the nets and the snares, and the traps, and all of these things. They are to subject you to 0 point, so that they can get a door in your life to annihilate you to kill you. Okay, many of us have reached to that place of 0 point where the devil
was able to kill us, and when I say, Kill us, I'm talking about physical death. Many of us would have already been dead hadn't it been for the intervention of the mighty God of Israel.
because many of us have entered into a place of sin where we have
turn our backs on God's holiness. We have forsaken the assembly of ourselves, we have forsaken prayer, we have forsaken righteousness and holiness. There are many of us. We played around with sin, we try to live a Christian life.
We are praying, we are fasting, we are reading the Bible, we are talking about God, and at the same time we are living in fornication. We are living in adultery, we are living in wilderness. We are listening to all of this corrupted music. We are doing so many corrupted, evil, wicked and sinful things, while at the same time we are
facing worship and we are singing praise. It does not make any sense that we are living in fornication. We are living in adultery. We are living in a state of worldliness. We are going to discos, we are going to pubs and dances, and we are going to festivals. We are getting drunk. We are doing all of these things.
and at the same time we are worshiping, and we are praising, and we are doing all of these things. It means something is seriously wrong with us.
Okay, so when all of these things are happening, it means
we need deliverance. So there is a separation
between our soul and our spirit.
and it is because of the mercies of God. Why God would send His Holy Spirit to convict us of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment, our spirit, and not convicted. It is our soul that's convicted, hence
resourceful prayer for soul restoration, for revival, for replenishment and deliverance. What's going to happen? If you look at the photo
and then on my screen, you will see that
The soul has become very, very, very bright, radiating light. Why?
Because there are certain components of prayer that's needed whenever there is a wall
built between your spirit and your soul first, st and I'm I'm not sure why part of the
the writing is called. Oh, but it doesn't matter. Okay, prayers of cheers.
And one of the components that is needed whenever there is a wall between your spirit and your soul.
Okay, prayers of fire, and also
when we look at prayers of fire. We see prayers of fire. They are ignited by certain components.
the components that are needed for the ignition of your prayers. Okay, the components that are needed for the ignition of your prayers. You have the Word of God, you need the Word of God, you need faith, you need a forcefulness and aggressiveness, and I will explain that
you need the oil of your battles, and you need your heart's disposition. All of these things are very important. If your prayer.
must become bursted in the realm of the spirit.
Okay. So for your for your prayers to take form.
And the reason why
I highlighted these is because these are the prayers. No demon in the second, heaven is able to stop. Okay, remember, we talked about in the, in, the, in the atmosphere. In this, in the, in the air, in the sky, there are 3 levels of resistance against the prayers of a Christian.
There is the 1st resistance in the
in the somewhere you have in the what is called the exosphere. If you look at the different levels or layers of the atmosphere of the earth, you will see what is called the exosphere.
in the exosphere and in the very layer of the exosphere over the earth. You have the 1st barrier of demonic resistance
in the uppermost part of the sky that is
Beyond the moon there is another level.
and also there is a 3rd level
outside of the the Milky Way Galaxy. Okay, the 3rd Level is outside of the Milky Way Galaxy. Now, these 3 levels listen to me very carefully
these 3 levels of barrier
that that are stationed to resist the prayers of Christians. These are called the 3 metallic barriers
and the metallic barriers, they are established by a console. Okay.
this console is called a metallic console.
the the metallic console. These are basically the console of dragons. Listen, listen to me very carefully. Okay.
Console of dragons, which is the metallic console. They established the metallic barriers. That is why we have
warfares like metallic warfares. I remember God told me about metallic warfares years ago, and it only took me now to really understand what God meant by metallic warfares. I didn't understand at the time. Okay, now.
the 3 components
of metallic barriers stationed in the air to resist our prayers must be penetrated through. Okay, in the edge of the second heaven
dies after you leave the 1st heaven
in the edge of the second heaven there is a what is called a cosmic barrier
in the cosmic barrier. That is where you have a resistance.
Oppose not just your prayers, but your answers, and alongside the cosmic barrier
of resistance you also have what is called a cosmic net.
So the cosmic barrier is there to block your prayers and cosmic net?
Is there to trap your answers to your prayers.
Now the cosmic barrier. Listen to me very carefully.
The cosmic barrier
is established, or let me say they are established by a category of spirits. They are called the Mysteries of the air, or they are called the legions of the air.
The legions of the air. They operate under the Queen of Heaven, who is called oh! Let me say they operate under the Queen of Heaven.
and to the subjects of the Queen of Heaven.
who is again called the Legions of the Air. They are called in the Catholic
in the Catholic Church.
the Legion of Mary. Okay. So whenever you hear of the Legion of Mary in the Roman Catholic Church. It is referring to the legion of the air, or the legion of the cosmos, or the legion of the Queen of Heaven.
Okay, so these are the people who build the the barriers of resistance against our prayers.
But also there is a kingdom in space that that has built what is called a cosmic nets.
and the cosmic net is built by
kingdom of the prince of Persia. So the prince of Persia
is responsible for building cosmic resistance against our answers.
So whenever an angel is coming with the answer to our prayers.
the kingdom of the Prince of Persia is going to set up resistance and fights and combats in order for us to not receive the answer to our prayers.
Okay. And all of these things they happen because
kingdom of the devil is not willing for us to prosper.
Okay. So prayers of tears, prayers of fire.
and the prayers of tongues. These are the 3 types of prayers
the barriers of the dragons cannot resist. Okay, so whenever you pray, whenever you pray in tongues.
it cannot be stopped.
No demon can stop it whenever you pray with tears.
No demon can stop it, and whenever you pray with fire no demon can stop it.
Okay? Again, praying the fire may be, may depend on the level of the heat at the ending of the day.
If you have the necessary components, your prayer will be combusted. It will turn to fire. Okay, so you need
your heart disposition to be in the right place. It means
it doesn't matter what you pray. It doesn't matter how wonderful you pray. It doesn't matter what wonderful words you use. It doesn't matter how strategic you sound. If your heart is not in the right place.
that's going to pose a problem in your prayer.
Okay? And that is one of the one of the reasons, I said, I will mention to you all that the the Prayer book that I wrote is not
a book of magic, so don't think because Brother Tony wrote the book.
It is, it is it is containing powerful prayers. So as soon as I pray these prayers, I am going to see immediate result, it is magically going to happen for me. Glory be to God! No.
no, don't make God get angry with me and my prayers. Don't do that.
Don't idolize my prayers. Okay, I am. I am giving this very firm warning. Do not idolize my prayers. Don't think it is the it.
and as long as you prayed, you must see result. No results
are dependent upon your heart's disposition. Never forget that.
Okay, it is according to your heart
also. Your faith has to be placed in proper perspective. If your if your faith is not in the right place, that's going to pose a problem.
One of the problem that Jesus has with people is faith.
He went to a certain place, and the Bible says he could do no great work because they lack faith.
and one of the con. Jesus is not concerned, or he was not concerned about holiness, about
goodness, about any of these things.
Jesus only voiced out a concern concerning faith, he said, when the Son of man returns, will he find faith on earth?
That is what he said. Will he find faith on earth?
So even Jesus himself was concerned.
that there will not be faith in the end time.
That is why the devil is doing so many things, and we are not seeing so many great manifestation of Jesus. His hands are not shortened that he cannot save. His ears are not heavy, yet we are struggling to see supernatural manifestations in our own lives. Why? Because our faith is too small
when people tells you that if you have faith, the size of a mustard seed, rebuke them, because if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, I can tell you you will never see the hand of God, because a mustard seed is very small. Okay, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed that's going to pose a problem because God is only attracted to great faith.
Okay. So he never said, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed. No, he did not say that, he said, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed. It means
the mustard seed, even if it is so small, among the seeds, yet it has
the mindset, so to speak. It has the mindset, the paradigm, that though it is small, it is going to bring forth something big. Okay? So Jesus was saying, that is the attitude he wants us to have, even if we see ourselves small when they look at the Reubenites.
Okay, when they look at the at the sons of Reuben.
They said they were. They were very small.
They look at certain other tribes. They were very small, they were basically insignificant.
But then, when they look at this tribe in Ephrata. Okay, they said.
Can any good thing come from Nazareth? Because Nazareth basically was a was a town that had no
social significant. It was not known among the nobles. No great people. In fact, the Bible says.
no great man came from Nazareth before
nothing great came from Nazareth in the past.
Nazareth never had a history of breeding any great man on Nobels
or Irish token, or whoever they are. No, it never happened before.
so now they are saying, the Messiah is going to come from Nazareth, they are saying, but that doesn't even make sense. And any good thing come from Nazareth. That was the question that was asked.
So it says, Oh, Africa.
though you are small among many, yet out of you shall come forth one who shall be the ruler of my people. Okay.
So it was needful for Jesus, who had come from Ephrata, which is basically a place in Nazareth
called Bethlehem.
because it was Jesus was bringing forth a message. It doesn't matter how small you see yourself, it doesn't matter what is your background. It doesn't matter what is your social, spiritual, or even financial status. If you see yourself as being a component being, a body being a being that is able to generate something bigger than you. Then Jesus is saying, listen.
you are able to access certain realms.
Okay. So the the master seeder had that mentality.
It did not say, I am smallest among the seeds, so I am going to bring forth a small plant. No, it did not say that it said, listen, I am so small, I am the smallest among the seeds, but I am going to bring forth a tree, not a shrub.
not a herb. I'm going to bring forth a tree that's going to be the greatest among all the other trees in the field. And Jesus said, though it was the smallest, yet it brought forth a tree that was bigger
than all the other trees in the field.
and the Bible says that birds came, and they lodged in its branches, and they took shade on its shadow.
That is what Jesus is saying.
It doesn't matter who you are, where you came from.
Make sure. When you bring forth something you bring forth something that is great.
that is grand, that is huge, that is enormous, that is gigantic, that is able to shake nations.
Glory be to God!
So cheers, press of fires, and prayers of tongues are able to penetrate the barriers.
and the devil cannot stop it.
Okay, now, if you look in the photo. What are you seeing here?
You will see that the very wall
that was built between the spirit and the soul.
When you begin to pray in repentance.
You begin to travel for restoration, revival, replenishment, and deliverance.
Immediately your spirit get charged, and there is a there is a release.
a detonation, a discharge that takes place in your spirit, man.
that's going to demolish the wall that was built
as a separation between your soul and your spirit. That is why, if you look there in the photo you will see that there is a release of an energy, a discharge that smashed the wall. That is what happens in the realm of the spirit. Okay.
global. So it's all about your desperation. Now.
one of the requirements, as I said, is false forcefulness or aggressiveness. What does that mean?
Many times? You know it's it's funny because I have heard pastors are praying.
and they are saying demons. Can you please leave? I am asking you to leave. That is so ridiculous that that get my spirit so upset.
Christians are begging demons to leave. Christians are saying, Please to demons. These are not things I heard people say. I heard people say that for myself they are asking demons. Please, can you leave me alone, please? Can you leave you don't tell demons, please. You don't tell demon. Can you leave? They do not have an option. They do not have a choice in the matter. You drag them out, whether they want it or not, whether they like it or not. You don't care who their mother is. Their father
is what background they came from you. Drive out a devil and you drive it out. Good.
So there is a point of time. You have to release an aggressive approach against demons.
because there are some demons. Listen, there are some demons.
you rebuild them, you command them to go, and they go
because there are different categories of personalities. Among demons there are some demons. They are very ferocious, they are very stubborn.
they are very they are very difficult to deal with. Okay, and you need a a hard approach.
It's like a dog. There are some dogs you point and they go, you say, Go, and they go. There are some. You have to stamp your foot. Okay.
and you have to shout, Go! And it will go. There are demons. You needed to have an aggressive approach against them. You need to be forceful. When you say go you, you tell them, go with a force. Okay, you don't tell a demon, please, or can you go, or will you leave me alone? Can you get out of my house? No, you don't do that.
So sometimes we need to have an aggressive approach against demons, against a situation.
Sometimes a situation is stubborn.
I'm gonna allow it for a reason. Okay.
there are people God wants to build
boldness in. He wants to build a character. If you are a warrior.
you must possess a certain character.
There is characters for teachers.
There are. I'm sorry there are characters for warriors, there are characters for carpenters, there are characters for those who are skilled in masonry. There are different characters for different personalities. If you are a warrior, you must possess the character of a warrior, and the character of a warrior is not one who goes in a corner and cry at every blink of the eye of the devil, every thread the devil send you are in a corner crying.
if you, if you apply for a job, and you did not get a job. You are in a corner crying, if you have a job and they decide to release you. Today you are in a corner, crying, that is what the devil wants for you to break down
every opposition or trial, or testing.
Okay? And many times we find ourselves being confronted by demons, either directly or indirectly.
and we are broken down. We are weeping, we are crying sometime, you know we are so. We are so fearful, or we are so scared, we have lost so much substance and virtue.
We rebuke demons, and the rebuke is so weak the demons are not even flinting, you know
there are people who rebuke demons, and the demon come back and rebuke them.
Why? Because there are. There's a time you have to get fed up. Okay. When you are going through
carbon situations, situations that do not want to go.
you have to get fed up at some point. You have to get aggressive. You have to develop a holy anger against that thing
is, either you go, you uproot, you bend, or you break, but you have to get out of my life.
Whoever sent you, by whatever way you come, whether it be ancestral, inherited.
you have to get out of my life. Enough is enough. I am fed up with that harassment. I am fed up with that comment. I am fed up with the presence of that spirit. I am fed up of falling in that same cycle of situation over and over you have to get aggressive. You have to get angry. You have to get forceful against that thing.
Okay, that is your force of resistance. That is your revolt of resistance.
So there are different revolts of resistances for every situation. That is why Jesus said, resist the devil, and
he will go.
So again you have to apply force. Amen. Praise the name of the Lord!
No, even as I, even as I close.
There are few things I wanted to understand. Okay.
the devil, or let me say, demons can dwell in your physical body. No doubt about it. People say, demons cannot dwell in Christians because demons cannot live in the same body. The Holy Spirit is living in that doesn't even make sense. Okay, a human being
has 3 components, as we said, spiritual and body.
both God and the devil. Or, let me say, demons can dwell in that level of your being your your physical body. Okay, you can be oppressed in some areas while you are striving in some areas. What does that mean
in your physical body? Let me let me zoom do
do a host plan, so you can see it. Okay? So this is a plan of a house.
You can see there the kitchen, the garage, the bedroom.
you know, the the hallway, the entry, whatever the dining.
these are different components of our physical body.
No, let's see, the kitchen is our mouth. Okay, it represents our mouth because that's where we eat.
And the garage represents, let's say, our feet.
The bedroom
number 2 represent our ears. Bedroom number 4 represents our nose. Bedroom number 3 represents our fingers. The closet represents our stomach.
Every component of your physical body is responsible for itself.
Okay, never forget that every component of your physical body is responsible for itself. What does that mean?
It means if you use your hands to sin, your eyes are not going to answer.
No, your eyes are not going to answer to God. Your hands are going to answer to God because your hand are sinned. Okay.
if your belly sinned, your belly is going to answer to God, what am I saying?
You will be
responsible for answering for the sins of the different components of your body that are used to do wickedness. So if you use your eyes, you have to give an account.
If you use your ears. You have to give an account. If you use your mouth, you have to give an account. If you speak evil things, you have to give an account. If you go places with your feet, you have to give an account. If you work evil deeds with your hands, you have to give an account, so you can be holy
in your mouth.
Okay, glory be to God you don't lie, you don't speak evil things. You don't gossip, you don't. You don't back bite. You don't speak guile. Okay, so your mouth is clean before God.
but as much as your mouth is clean before God. Guess what your ears, your ears are corrupting.
So now we are dealing with different chambers of your physical body. So the so, so the so the kitchen is clean. There is no allegation against the kitchen. But guess what? There are allegations against the garage, or there are allegations against the bedroom. There are allegations against the hallway. Why? Because you are not saying evil things with your mouth.
but you are listening to gossip with your ears. That's an allegation against your ears or your ears are clean, but you are watching unclean things. That's an allegation against your eyes. Okay, you are not watching any unclean thing. You are not listening to any unclean thing. You are not speaking any unclean thing, but you are doing unclean things with your hands.
That's an allegation against your hands. Okay, fair enough. You are not doing anything evil with your hands, but your feet are going into places where you should not go. That's an allegation against your feet. Okay, so
you are righteous in your hands, you are righteous in your mouth. God will use you in these areas.
You are righteous in your ears. He will use you in that area, but the areas of your physical body where you are corrupted, God will not use you there
the devil will dwell there. So yes, God
can use you physically in certain areas while the devil is using you in the other components. Why?
Because both God and the devil are given jurisdiction over the components of your physical body
in your soul it is the same thing.
Okay, you may be righteous
in paying tithes. Glory to God. You may be a good person in giving. Okay, glory be to God! Probably you do not have an anger issue. Okay, glory be to God. But there are other areas of your heart
that need checking up.
So, though you do not have angry issues, yet you have a problem in forgiving.
Okay, you may have. You may not have a problem in forgiving you. Forgive very easily, but you may have a problem in certain other areas of your emotion.
of your, of your of your soul, of your heart, of your mind.
You think evil things, so your soul have different chambers.
and all the Chambers must be subjected to the Holy Spirit. There must not be any part of your soul, and that includes your thinking system, your mind. It includes your will, the seat of submission. It includes your emotion, your passion, your everything must be subjected to God. Okay, one of the things the devil does
he uses? Because, remember, we said earlier, your physical body contains the the hormones, the brain, and the channels of the 5 senses. So the devil
uses your your flesh basically to listen to outside stimuli
things that will enter into your ear gates, or your sensory gates, or whatever gate of your body goes into your mind, then the devil will come back and try to manipulate your thoughts.
Take action concerning the thoughts that entered into your mind through the sense you get of the body.
and then the devil is going to try to manipulate you. No.
the way the devil does it is by using your hormones. Okay, because the devil cannot do anything
with your physical body unless he passes through the channels of your hormones.
Okay, your soul is different. Your soul is etheral, so the devil can use your emotions and stuff like that. But for your physical body to come into play, your hormones must be
utilized. So, for example, if the devil puts a thought in your mind that is in your soul.
How are you going to act it out? You are going to act it out, using your physical body.
How does that happen?
The brain in your head must be manipulated
by thought signals. Okay, the brain in your head must be manipulated by thought signals
that's going to induce the secretion of the hormones that causes anger because anger is stimulated by a hormone in your brain. Rage is stimulated by a hormone in your brain.
A violence is stimulated by a hormone in your brain. That is why there is a there is this disease.
They they call it a zombie disease, because what it does
it, it destroys a certain part of your brain that is responsible for aggressiveness and cannibalism. So when the disease takes over that part of your brain, it induces the secretion of rage, violence, and
vandalism and
you know all the other emotions that represents destruction, such as cannibalism, murder and rape, and such like. Okay, so these zombie demons or let me say, the zombie disease. It gives you a zombie like characteristic, all because of
brain manipulation and the utilization of the secretion of negative hormones. So if your brain, if your mind can stimulate negative hormones in your brain
that's going to. That is why so many people are easily agitated. They are easily angered. They have anger and attitude issues. It is because their brain is secreting too much of these negative hormones, and it is all because of the of their thoughts. That is why the Bible says, be transformed and be renewed
by the renewing of your mind. If your mind in your soul is renewed, then it will control your brain, signal to secrete
positive hormones instead of negative hormones. Okay, that is why so many people are changed.
They used to kill before they used to steal before they used to do this they used to take drugs, and when they got converted
all that stopped the reason why it stopped because they had a change in their mind, and because the the mind was changed, it was able to impact their brain
on a positive scale instead of a negative scale. So all the negative things they used to do before. They are not doing it anymore, because the hormones, the negative hormones that were secreting are being secreted to to initiate these actions. They are not being secreted anymore. Okay? So the demons they are trying to access our hormones. And if they can do that, that's going to be a problem. Okay? So they can
ignite our attitude. They can ignite our irritability. We are easily irritated for no reason we find ourselves being sad, for no reason we find ourselves being dung, being oppressed, feeling depressed, feeling suppressed, feeling rejected, feeling like nobody loved us. Nobody loves us, nobody care about us. We feel like, you know we are not making it. All of a sudden
it dawned on you
that you are a failure. All of a sudden it dawned on you that you are not going anywhere. You are not amounting to anything. Why? Because demons are manipulating your mind to make you feel inferior about yourself to make you feel like you are less than who God expects you to be, or God wants you to be. So. All these are brain manipulation and demons are responsible for these things. Okay, that is why our soul has to be
pure so that it can influence our body on a positive level
a man praise the name of Yeshua! Praise the name of Jesus!
Remember, remember, I said, even as I closed.
Remember, I said, sorry.
Amen. Remember, I said again, your spirit is pure.
The spirit of every human being goes back to God. It is written in the Book of Ecclesiasis, chapter 12, 7, that the spirit of every human being goes back to God. It means your spirit is faultless, it cannot sin, it is your soul and your body that is at stick. Okay, your body cares less because it goes back to the grown and rot. But your soul is what that needs to be given. Accurate attention.
No, before I close, I remember, I said, I will explain something concerning
the corruption of the physical body. It is very important, because, as much as people may say. Well, God does not look on the outside. He look at the heart. He does not look at your physical body. It doesn't make any sense.
because your physical body is the testimony of your soul. Your physical body is what testifies to what is inside. What is inside of your soul is what's going to manifest in the physical.
The way you dress will tell the world who you are and what you are on the inside, the way you carry yourself, not only in your dress code, but in your mannerism. Okay, in your physical characteristics. It will tell what type of person you are on the inside.
Okay, praise the name of the Lord has nothing to do with a relationship with Church, or the prayer, or the Bible, or God, or whatever. No, what you are on the inside will manifest on the outside. Now there are things
that must be kept away from your physical body
so as much as we say, God looks at the heart and not at the physical. That is a life on the pit of hell.
because when you die, although your physical body goes to the ground and become dust, never forget.
One day your this very same physical body is going to be resurrected.
and it is going to stand before God. Listen!
When you die, you are going to have what is called a temporary separation.
Your spirit, your soul, and your body will be separated temporarily when you die.
But then, after God comes
we are talking about at the end of the of the 1,000 year. Millennial reign
is going to usher in what is called the great white throne judgment.
The Bible says that the sea is going to give up the dead.
The graves are going to give up the dead. So it means your physical body that rotted
thousands of years ago is going to come back molecule by molecule, and you are going to stand up before God with that very same physical body that you have today.
It means.
if you die with tattoos all over your physical body. You are going to stand before God with these very same tattoos on your physical body, because your physical body is going to come back to life.
Okay, no, I am not saying, if you have tattoos you are condemned. No, you are not condemned
as long as they were before you became a Christian.
Okay, as long as they are before you became a Christian.
There are certain things you cannot do to your physical body as a Christian, okay, and and such like.
piercing, putting holes or markings, manipulating your physical body, such as
let's leave out reconstructive surgery for medical purposes. Okay, there is reconstructive surgery, which is body manipulation again, but it is for medical purposes, and God understands. But when it talks about physical manipulation.
for vanity, because you want to look more sexy, or you want to look more hot, or you want to have bigger butts, or you want to have bigger breasts for you to look more this more, that this is vanity, and God will not allow it. Okay, anything for medical purposes God will wink in that area, but when it comes to vanity.
to be used and consume upon your own loss. God is not going to blink. He's not going to wink.
Okay, so whatever you do in your physical body.
if it is not glorifying God, that's going to be a problem. So we have to be very careful, because if you die with something on your physical body that is accused
when you resurrect at the great white throne judgment, you are going to be resurrected with that very same cursed thing on your physical body.
Okay, be very careful.
It is a warning that God gave. And again, I'm saying that because we are on the topic spiritual and body. It is a warning God gave.
he said. Be careful of the accursed thing, lest you be accursed by it, and you yourself become a curse. So not only you are accursed by the accursed thing, but you yourself became a curse.
No, it is. It is very detrimental in those areas. Because, yes, what can happen, and what does happen
when a person is carrying an accursed thing upon their physical body?
According to God, they themselves became a curse
when that person who is a curse comes around you. What do you think they are going to do
so when when people who are, or, let me say, have become accused
by impartation, comes into your home.
They'll leave behind criticism.
They come around you, they leave behind curses.
If you interview them for a job. You just interviewed a curse.
Okay, if you allow them into your life. You have just allowed a curse into your life because the person
himself or herself became oppose.
That is, that is a serious problem.
Okay, so we have to be very careful that we don't
fall into the trap of the devil
by following the world, to do things to our physical body, or put things upon our physical body that does not resonate with the spirit of God that does not testify to the glory of God.
Have you ever seen Jesus with bring? Jesus does not wear. Bring
the angels they do not wear bling. God does not wear bling. - he does not wear any form of jewelry.
I am not condemning those who are doing it. I'm saying, Jesus God, the Holy Spirit. They do not wear jewelry, even if God is the God of gold and silver, even if he's a God of diamond and rubies, and whatever they are not wearing jewelry. God does not have a watch, he does not have a ring, he does not have a chain, he does not have a bracelet. Why.
there's a reason.
Okay, he don't need it.
Neither do we, because we have the Holy Spirit. Okay, so we have to be very careful what we put on our physical body.
because these things can render our physical body unclean as the temple of God, and thus corrupting our soul. If your soul and your physical body is corrupted, and you die as a corruption. That's going to be a problem. It doesn't matter how long you have been going to church. If you die as a corrupted person
that's going to be a problem for you.
Okay, if you die with a corrupted body.
a cursed body because of either misinformation. You were mal informed, or you were never informed.
That's also going to be a problem. And God said, my people perish for lack of knowledge.
Okay, because if you die with a body that is accursed, you are going to be resurrected with that very same cursed body. When you stand before God, I can tell you you cannot enter, because nothing that is accused shall enter in the Bible made that very clear in the book of Isaiah, and also in the Book of Revelation.
Be very careful that you do not
render your body subjective to things that are unclean things that are worldly. It is better to be pure and simple
done looking glamorous, and you are on your way to hell. It doesn't. It's not worth it. Sense of God. It's not worth it.
When you go to the New Jerusalem you will have all the gold and silver that you need.
You will have so many things that your mind cannot comprehend. It's not worth it in the name of beautification, or in the name of sexy, or in the name of looking good, or in the name of keeping up to the times and the season of modern civilization. Dress codes, and how do they call it
designers? Whatever it's not worth it, it's not worth it.
Okay, many of us. We run after these things because we are trying to keep up with the times, not understanding. The times are testifying to the devil, to the Antichrist.
Okay, so let us walk in purity, in our spirit, in our soul and in our body, and we are going to see God do marvelous things.
Okay, the the place, even as I close the place I want us to reach is the place where your body contains the anointing.
It is very, very, very scarce to find people whose body contains the anointing. The anointing comes to your spirit, and most of us all of us. We have the anointing in our spirit. But do you have the anointing in your soul?
We cannot, because we have so many unclean things in our soul, we cannot carry or sustain the mandate of the anointing
The reason why Peter's body
was able to heal the shadow of his physical body was able to heal the sick.
it was because his spirit was anointed.
his soul was anointed, and his physical body was anointed.
Now for the anointing to pour down into your physical body. It must be overflowing in your soul.
and for the anointing to be overflowing in your soul, it must be overflowing in your spirit.
If the unless the anointed is not overflowing in your spirit, it will not drop into your soul. It's like a it's like a fountain. It's like a crop that is overfilled, and it's falling into the saucer.
Okay, so your soul and your body is like the source of the spirit.
So let us reach to a place where the anointing can well up
in our spirit to the point where it's pouring over into our soul.
And when that happens, we are going to see so many yokes be broken. The Bible says the yokes shall be broken because of the anointing. There are some yokes in our soul, they will not be broken unless they are confronted by the anointing, and we need the anointing of the Spirit of God that is deposited within our spirit
to enter into the chambers of our soul, the hidden part of our man, to set us free. Many of us we are under bondage in our soul, and we are under our captivity because we have not encountered the anointing that God has placed in our spirit.
Why? Because there is still a wall and a separation.
Okay, so we need the anointing to flow down from our spirit into our soul to the point where it is overflowing into our physical body. When that happens, then
you have what is called holy flesh. The Bible talks about the word flesh is not the flesh we talked about earlier. We're talking about your physical body is now holy.
Okay, there is a level of holiness. A human being can attain
to the point. If something that is not holy touches it, it becomes holy.
and we see that in the Book of Exodus, when God said, Listen.
anybody who touches Moses will become holy instantly.
It doesn't matter whether they were a murderer. Instantly they will become holy just by touching Moses Garment.
If they touch Aaron immediately, the Bible says they will become holy.
The Bible says, anybody who touches that altar, or anything that touches that altar that is consecrated.
it will become holy instant. Instantly.
Okay, so there is a holiness we can attain
that can be impartible to other people. It can become contagious.
That is why Jesus said, you shall lay hands on the sick
for you to lay hands on the sick and see the sick recover.
Your your hands must be holy, it must carry the anointing. If the anointing is not in your hands. How are you going to lay hands on a cover? It doesn't make sense.
When your physical body is holy, your soul is holy, and your spirit is radiating the anointing. You are going to walk into buildings, and demons are going to run for their life.
You are going to go among people and people are going to be delivered.
Okay, now, this is already happening. It's happening with many of us here, even if we are not carrying the anointing to that capacity in our physical body, even if we are not carrying the anointing to that capacity in our souls. But many of us here, even in this room tonight
we have been going to places
and people are getting healed and delivered. Listen to me very carefully. I'm going to give you that encouragement.
Do not think, because you have never laid hands on a Sikh and see them recover.
Do not think for a second.
because you have never laid hands on a creeper and see the person walk.
Do not think, because you have never laid hands on the blind and see them see.
do not think, because you have never laid hands on the death and see them here. That means you have never performed a miracle.
God uses your spirit to perform miracles, and you do not know it.
How do you know that people who were deaf began hearing because of your presence.
even if you do not know them, or you have never prayed for them.
You don't have to lay hands on a person for them to get healed by your presence. God is going to use the anointing in your spirit to heal them. Okay. And that is who we are. We are channels, and we are rods of power that channels the frequency of God.
Okay. So even if you have never raised a dead or caused a cripple to get up from a wheelchair and walk. Do not underestimate yourself.
You might be surprised to know the amount of people who are getting healed and delivered
just by coming in your presence.
You may walk into a supermarket.
and if God were to open your eyes to see the amount of demons who ran from that supermarket when you entered, you will be surprised. You would wonder who you are. You do not even know who you are.
If you know the amount of people who were delivered from death
when you go on your job. Probably the manager was supposed to be killed last night.
The Supervisor was supposed to be in an accident.
There are death sentences that were hanging over the head of your neighbors, family members, or your coworkers.
and because you entered into the atmosphere, or they came into your presence, they were instantly delivered from that sentence of death. Now they are leaving, and they do not even know it is because of your presence. Why they are still alive.
Okay. So you may be doing so many things in the realm of the spirit that you do not know about, never, and do not underestimate who you are. Amen. And I'm saying that for every person who is hearing the sound of my voice you are more than who you think you are. God is using you in greater capacities that you do not know about.
You are not useless. I'm telling you you are definitely not useless, especially in these times and season God is using His people, whether they know it or not.
Amen. Glory to God! So remain faithful.
Continue to serve God, and continue to do what you are doing, those of you who were able to purchase the Prayer Book.
God bless you all! I thank you all for being a good supporter after so many years of doing online teachings and prayers.
I feel good that some of you will
able to purchase the the Prayer book.
Not that I could not give it for free, but I think it it was a venue that could help to take care of certain things as we know. Every month I have
the subscriptions to pay for my website and for other things, and so many other things. Okay, so all these could help to take care of certain things.
I mean, many of us were a little bit disappointed that so many of the people who said they would have bought the book did not buy it, but the few who bought
I really want to say thank you
for purchasing, whether it be the ebook or the the paperback copy
those of you who purchased the paperback copy. You will get it soon. There was a little setback.
because the
the the printing company. They do not work on weekends. I am not even sure why, but they do not work on weekends, so that again
lengthen the time for the delivery. Also I had to change the cover. There was something. They contacted me for me to change something, and I had to change it, and I also changed the cover, so that again prolonged the the delivery of the book. So I do want to apologize.
Those of you who ordered the physical copy, and you have not gotten it as yet. I assure you you will get it
and again. Thank you all for purchasing, whether it be the ebook or the physical copy.
Those who have not,
purchase it as yet feel free to do that.
If you are not able. Let me know. Amen.
Also share the link with
your brothers, your sisters, or whoever you think would be interested in such a book.
I I take I take how should I say? I don't want to say the wrong way.
but I'm very happy that the book was constructed because
I constructed it in a way that will not be common, you know, if you pray the prayers you will recognize. These are not common prayers that you go around here and all over the place, I specifically constructed it in a specific way.
That would be strategic and tactical. I did not make it too deep to run away, people, but I did not make it too shallow. Okay, so
there is another book that is also in the process, because some people they did not buy the book because they feel it is too deep.
and they are afraid to pray these prayers because they are afraid that the demons will come after them, or the devil come after them, because they do not want to aggravate the devil, and they cannot stand in combat, so they find it was too deep, too powerful for them. They want something more.
you know, relating to novices or new beginners. So the very same book that I wrote, I am. I am converting it.
I'm converting a copy to suit people who are
beginners and newcomers, people who are not so strong in Christianity so that all of us can get a chance.
Also, there is another one that I'm constructing specifically for
family household. So the entire Prayer book will focus on family household. So prayers that I did not put in that in the one that I just published will be found in the
in the one for family. So I'm going to detail it. I'm going to go into crevices that I did not go into in the 1st one I'm going to go into corners and hidden secret places. Okay, so as soon as I finish that, you all will be the 1st to know.
Okay, so these are the projects that I'm currently working on. Amen. Last night I stayed up all night constructing a video and advertising video, you know, for proper advertisement of of the book. So I will send a video to the. It's on my website. You all can go on my website and see it.
I am not sure if I'm able to send it to the group because of the size. But you all can go on my website and you will see
the video feel free to share it with.
Again, your friends and your family and your church members, whoever they are. Amen. So really and truly, God bless you all!
Praise the name of the Lord before we close. Is there anybody who want to say anything.
Good night, everybody. I'm so excited for hearing these words. I you know it's like
God just revealed a lot of things to me that he already was showing me, and he revealed it even clearer to me.
So I just give him good thanks.
I just give God especially for the part of the body, the spirit, the soul. I just. I thank God for these words, and, Brother Tony, just keep up the good work that God has put inside of you. Just keep up the good works. And yeah, me and your mother is there enjoying your work. God gave you.
Amen. Thank you.
Amen. Amen!
God bless you, Brenda! God bless you, mother!
Praise the name of Jesus! It's good to have you all really and truly, and we will continue to stay connected in the realm of the Spirit. Amen! Praise the name of the Lord! Somebody else was saying something.
Yes, Brother Tony.
so I'm asking you, are you going to place this teaching on Youtube and start a Youtube channel? I would be very happy if you do that.
A Divine Encounter
A Divine Encounter
Yes, I already opened a Youtube channel.
And I am going to be placing videos there. That is also in the pipeline. I want to make sure that I finish what I'm doing before I can start focusing on Youtube teachings and stuff like that. But the teaching tonight I didn't have plan to place it anywhere
definitely, not on Youtube. So, I think it's been recorded. If well, what I will do I will send a copy of the recording to the group.
So the people who were not there tonight they will be able to listen in Amen. So yes, you can look forward for the copy on the group. Amen!
Amen. Thank you.
And also, if if with the purchase of the ebook
you said, it also includes the audio, the
Okay? So the so the entire prayer, the entire prayer.
I am going to transform it into an audio form so that
you all can have it, both in.
you know, readable and also in audio form. You can play it in your homes in your car wherever, so that I have not done it as yet, because the the program
that I need to do that it's a lot of words. I mean, it's a lot of words. So the the program that I need to do that. It's it's a little bit costly.
I obviously I am not going to do that with my boys, because it's a lot of reading and a lot of editing. So I'm going to use
a program to do the entire
to do the entire book. It's it's very, very, very wonderful.
it doesn't matter.
Sorry my wife was asking something. So if anybody has
has a a thought on that. Please let me know. My wife was saying that wire program. Okay. But
again, we can also revisit that thought. But I want to have it in audio. If there is somebody who is willing to
read it.
It's fine with me. If you are able to read the entire book and record it in in your voice, then feel free to offer up your your service.
But because of the of the amount of reading I decide to use a A,
an audio program that would be very, very, very wonderful. Amen. So again, anybody has any thought on that. Please let me know.
Amen. Father, we give you thanks, we give a praise, we give you glory, we give you honor, we thank you for. Tonight. We thank you for your glory. We thank you for everything that you have done in the past, in the present, and also in the future.
Heavenly Father, we exalt you. We extort you. We thank you for your, we thank you because you have done a great and a mighty thing in our lives, and you will continue to do, not only in our lives, but in the lives of our children and our children's children, and in our household as a collective body. Heavenly Father, we ask you to bless us, we ask you, oh, God.
claim your word of healing, your word of deliverance, your word of breakthrough, ignite our Spirit cause our spirit, man, to be ignited with the fire of your glory. Heavenly Father, cause the amber of your presence to electrify our mind in the authority of the name of Jesus, heavenly Father, transform our soul, transform our bodies, transform our heart, our mind, our characteristic, our personality.
our ways. Oh, God! Transform our mannerism in the name of Jesus, to represent who you are, and to testify to your kingdom.
Heavenly Father, we pray that the fire of your glory will be lit upon the altar of our hearts.
Heavenly Father, ignite our zeal to serve you faithfully, ignite our zeal to seek after you day and night. Heavenly Father, the chains that are seeking to bind us, let them fall powerless behind us. Heavenly Father, we pray that the oppositions and the things that are fighting against our destiny, fighting against our holiness, fighting
against our character. Heavenly Father, we ask you to give us power to go through the lines of the devil defenses and give us artillery. Oh, God! To disarm the powers of darkness! Heavenly Father, I ask you tonight to weaponize every person here, weaponize them, father, make them weapons of war.
make them weapons of war in the authority of the name of Jesus, my God set them on fire, and cause them to be set ablaze with the fire of your glory, let their feet, oh, God, be like brass! Oh, father, furnish in the fire, in the authority of the name of Jesus set fire in their steps. Oh, my God, my
father! Let the tongues be set on fire of the Spirit of the living God. Heavenly father, we ask you that you engulf them with a flame of your glory, and let them be filled with the anointed for end, time, revival, and end time deliverance. For this we give you praise, we give you glory. Heavenly Father, touch every person here
who is hearing the sound of my voice, touch them from the sole of their feet to the crown of the head.
Fill them, oh, God! Like a cistern that is filled with the water and with new wine, my God, transform the waters into wine in the authority of the name of Jesus, my God! Release tonight the anointing of honey. Release tonight the anointing of milk release tonight the anointing of grains in the authority of the Most High God, Heavenly Father, we ask you to bring them, oh God, into relationship.
where they can understand and articulate the wisdom of your glory. Heavenly Father, give them the language of your presence, and cause the language to become the fiery power in the name of Jesus, the power that makes rich, to which no sorrow is added, the power that testifies within the 12 gates of heaven, the power that testifies upon the 7 altars the power that
as the 7 golden lamps and the 7 flames of your presence in the authority of the name of Jesus, my God, my Father, I ask you to keep them by the authority and the jurisdiction of the Golden Horn. Keep every person hearing the sound of my voice. Keep them, oh, father! By the Golden Horn, and by the Diamond Horn, in
the authority of the name of Jesus, my God, keep them! Oh, God! Within the cliff of the rock, in the palm of your hands! Bless them! Bless the household! Bless the children and the children's children! I rebuke every rebuke proclaimed over them. I oppose every opposition that stands against them. In the name of Jesus.
I annihilate every force, every power that is fighting them within the crevices of the waters, the crevices of the cosmos, the crevices of the forest, and the crevices of the land. In the name of Jesus, every territorial opposition, every opposition coming from the forest, from the mountain, the hills, and the valleys. Let them be rebuilt in the name of Jesus, the Christ of Nazareth. Activate them tonight. Oh, God, activate their gifts and activate their calling, activate them! Oh, God! That they begin to operate in the ministry and in the perspective, in the name of Jesus, the Christ of Nazareth. And for this we give you thanks. We give you praise, protect us from the wise of the devil, protect us from the assaults of hell, protect us
from the spirit of death, protect us from every arrow that flies by day and by night. Protect us from the powers of the astral omni or meditator. Father, protect us from the astral poison, protect us! Oh, God! From the animus 3rd eye from the food eye of the kingdom of Satan. Every surveillance, every monitoring system, spirit, tower, and infrastructure, protect us in the name of Jesus, the
of Nazareth. I decree and declare by the tongues of fire that no one here, under the sound of my voice, will experience destruction, premature or sudden death.
we cancel death in the family, we cancel death in the household, we cancel death. Now in the authority of the name of Jesus Christ. We bind hands and feet, the spirit of the grim reaper, the spirit of the bounty hunter, the spirit of death.
In the name of Jesus Christ. We bind the 12 gates of hell. We bind the 12 gates of hell in the name of Jesus, the Christ of Nazareth. Let blessings come down upon us tonight. Let blessings rain down upon our homes tonight. Let the dew of Mount Zion begin to rain upon us and our household tonight. Let the dew of Mount Zion
begin to rain upon our children tonight. Let blessings for prosperity begin to rain down tonight. In the authority of the name of Jesus. We command the gates of the East. We command the gates of the North, the gates of the South, and the gates of the West to open unto us the blessings of the most High God, in the name of Jesus, praise the name of Yeshua! Amen, and Amen.
sorry about that. If you are able to see my screen, we are going to look at the mysteries of man men has put into the components of our body. Now.
Praise the Name of Yeshua, I hope everybody's able to hear me clearly.
Father, we give you thanks. We give a praise, we give you glory, we give you honour, we magnify your name, we thank you for your Holy Spirit. We thank you for your divine anointing of fire. We thank you for the spirit of clarity, the spirit of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. We thank you because your Holy Spirit is already here permitting your will to be done, permeating our spirit, our soul, and our body.
ask you to bring into divine alignment our spirit, our soul, and our body in perfect alignment to your Holy Spirit, so that we can walk and be fashioned after the similitude of your kingdom. Father, in the name of Yahoshua. We ask you to bless us. Even as we proceed. Tonight, we ask you to cover us. We ask you to envelope us. We ask you to neutralize every astral power, every psychic force, every
demonic interference. We ask you to neutralize every spheric interference within the atmosphere of the land, the sea, the air, and the waters. We ask you, in the name of Yeshua, that you bind the hand and feet every force that will seek to oppose us tonight, father.
in the name of Yeshua, we pray that your name, your will be done, and be glorified.
Amen. And Amen.
Praise the name of Jesus. So
even as we proceed. If you are not able to see my screen clearly raising the model load
again, if you are able to see my screen, please give me a heads up. Let me know that my screen
is being shown clearly. If you all are seeing it blurry, or if you all are not seeing it. Please let me know. Amen, because I want to make sure that whatever I'm showing, it's coming across clearly.
Are you all able to see my screen clearly, okay, okay, grow with your God.
Okay, prison him with a loan.
If you look at the 1st photo, you will see that
I basically, I took some time in Photoshop to assemble the photo.
and you can see there are 3 beings, one on the left, one on the right and one in the center.
If you realize the one in the center is basically black.
The one on the right is sort of yellowish.
Okay, that represents the physical body.
The one on the left, which is whitish, bluish.
represents this, the spirit. Okay, so let me just make it clear.
The one that is black represents the soul. The one that is yellowish represents the body, and the one that is whitish, bluish, represents the spirit.
The reason why that is assemble like that
it is representing us before we get converted. Okay, before we get converted our spirit, his spirit.
our soul, is dark
and our physical body is basically just normal flesh. Okay, there is no light in our soul.
If we go to the second photo you will see that the center man, which is the soul, which was previously black, is now white.
that happens after conversion, so after conversion, your soul immediately changes composition and disposition.
it becomes white. It means that the light of God is now in your soul. However, if you realize the spirit remains
the same, the physical body remains the same. Okay.
But then, when we go to the
further photo. Okay? And we are going to look at a list of things when we go to the further photo. What is going on here
there is an image I put representing God the Father. Okay, glory be to God.
You will see that
in the Spirit there is something different. Okay. Unlike the spirit in that photo, you will see the spirit here
there is something different because it is radiating light. The reason why it is radiating light, it is because our spirit
is the part of our being that is in communication with God. Therefore our spirit is illuminated with the essence and the glory of God.
When you look at our spirits and our soul, you will see that there is an arrow. It means
it is our spirit that influences our soul
and our soul influences our physical body.
If you look at the physical body you will see that the physical body is still dark. The reason why it is dark. There is a reason.
Let's go to the to this photo. Now, in this photo, what you see different. There is something different. You will see that the physical body
is light up. Okay. Unlike this one, the physical body is dark.
but here the physical body is much brighter. It means something happened within that space of time
that cause the person's physical body to change substance. Okay, so here we see the physical body is being illuminated
soul in the center is also radiating light. Okay.
praise the name of the Lord, and we see the Spirit is also in communication with God sitting on the throne. And it's also radiating light. Now.
what do you think about that photo? Let's look at that photo to understand what really is going on
in the area of in the area of standing, your ground, confronting temptation and such like.
You have temptation.
Then there is corruption, then there is submission. There is a there is a protocol
that exists when it comes to the dealing of or, let me say, the dealing between demons and human being
cannot be subjected to evil unless you go through temptation. You cannot be corrupted unless you go through temptation. Every human being must go through temptation
at the ending of the trial. Either you lose or you win.
2 things are going to happen
now, if you look in that photo very closely.
Amen. You will see, there are 4 beans. There are 4 beans, the the body, the men.
You will see, the soul in the center.
then the spirit which is again illuminated with the glory. But then, if you look in between the soul and the body you are going to see, there is a dark figure.
there is a dark figure.
The dark figure is your flesh, your flesh.
Okay. Now, if you look closely also, you will see
the dark figure is not upright, like the soul, the spirit, and the body. Okay, all 3 beings of the person is standing upright, but you will see that the flesh, what I put as the flesh
is a little bit crooked.
The reason why it is crooked, it is because
the flesh is again not your physical body. Many people have been taught in Christian churches that your flesh is your physical body? No, your flesh is not your physical body, your flesh is the embodiment of iniquity.
So God in the Garden of Eden created man, spirit, body
and soul. Okay. When the spirit and the body came together, the Bible says he breathed in man, and man became a living soul. So when the spirit and the physical body came together, a new entity was formed, and that is called the soul. That is why the soul is able to relate to the physical, and is still able to relate to the spiritual together.
Why? Because the substance of the soul is made out of every substance which is spiritual substance, and also it has a spiritual sorry physical characteristic. It is connected to both. Being
okay. So the soul can relate to the spirit as well as it can relate to the physical body.
Now, after the fall of man.
as much as God created human beings, spiritual and body. After the fall of man, scene came into existence.
and when I say existence, I'm talking about in the human race.
It existed before the human race with the follow of Lucifer. But when man fell, sin came into existence within the bloodline of the human race. Hence a 4th entity came into existence, and this is called the flesh, the body of sin. As we read in the book of Romans, so the flesh, which is the embodiment of iniquity
is crooked. The word iniquity means crookedness.
It means to be bent. That is why in the photo I basically illustrate that the the flesh is crooked. Because that is what iniquity means.
No, if you look at the arrows, let us look at the arrows a little bit.
You will see on that side where it says, temptation.
The human body which contains the 5 senses is receiving stimuli from various temptations, various categories of temptation.
When you attempted.
there are signals that go through your 5 senses, your touch, your hearing, your sight, and you know the different components of your of your senses.
whatever that enters into your mind.
We are talking about your brain.
It goes into 2 comp. Into 2 dimensions. Okay, whatever goes into your mind, it enters into 2 dimensions.
Number one.
Whatever enters into your mind through the gate of your eye, or through the gate of your ears, or through the gate of your torch, your sensory
nervous system and such like.
It goes into the mind of your soul, but not to forget.
It also goes into the mind of the flesh.
So now, whatever stimuli. For example, let me give an example.
If somebody comes and the person say, Listen!
You are ugly, and you will never make it in life. You are a failure.
Immediately these words they go into your mind.
it enters into your soul, and it also enters into your flesh.
Now what happens?
Your flesh is going to. Now use that opportunity
to try to cause you to react negatively. If you look at the flesh here, you will see that from the head of the flesh or from the mind of the flesh. There is that
connection going into the mind of the soul. Okay.
that is the influence of the flesh. So the flesh is going to put his own thoughts into your mind, to persuade you to react negatively to what you received from the ear gate of your body. Okay.
Now, if you take note, you will see that there is an there is a shield
by a Presa shield, by this by the head of the soul. Why, it means that
the person's mind is armed with a fortification that will not allow negative thoughts or negative proclivities to take hold.
That is why the spirit is still luminous.
You can see my little emoji thumbs up.
The soul is still luminous. You can see the thumbs up because the mind is protected by a shield.
You can see the body is still luminous because it has not been subjected to corruption.
so you will see the little sad face by the flesh. Why? Because the flesh is sad, because the the thought it projected into the soul did not take form because the mind was protected
by a defense mechanism. Okay?
But then, when you go to that next photo, we see we have entered into another dimension which is the dimension of corruption. So there was the dimension of temptation. That is where you have to be vigilant. But now we have entered into the dimension of corruption. What happens now, if you take note, you will see there is something different about
the the photo. Okay, the the structure
and the different components. Number one. Your, if you look at the spirit, you will realize
the spirit is missing that glow. Okay, so look at the spirit here glowing so brightly. But then in that photo the spirit is not glowing so brightly.
Number 2. When you look at the soul in the center.
sorry you will see something different.
The shield is not there.
Secondly, you will see that there are black spots on the body of the soul.
Thirdly, there is a darkness in the center of the chest of the soul. What happened? Something happened.
Just the the defense mechanism, fortification, the fortress, the fortitude that protected the mind of the soul
from the influence and the stimuli of the flesh is now gone. Okay. So now the thoughts of the flesh.
I am not sure if you all are able to see my cursor.
The thoughts of the flesh has now entered into the soul.
and because there was no fortification or protection, it corrupted the soul.
That is why you see, the black spots represent the corruption.
the Bible. Talk about your garment being spotted with the flesh.
You talk about your garments not being spotted with sin, so sin has now entered into that dimension.
but the dimension of that corruption is the dimension of iniquity. It is not yet seen. Okay, it is not yet seen. We are still in the dimension of iniquity. What does that mean?
There is a difference between sin and iniquity. Okay, iniquity is the matter of the thoughts of the heart.
So in that case
the the body is still luminous, because the body has not been subjected to any form of uncleanness.
The spirit has lost some luminousness because the soul is now dwindling in dubbing, in uncleanness.
the soul is corrupted because the thoughts of negativity has entered into the the prisons be in
now. The the heart has now become darkened. Okay.
if you look on the side of the soul, you will see there is a stack of bricks. It is not a wall, it is not a wall, it is just a stack of bricks. What does that mean?
It means whenever you subject your your mind, you subject your thoughts to corruption, negativity.
evil thoughts, and evil words coming from your flesh.
Not only you corrupt your soul, okay, but you place building materials
for the devil to construct a wall, so that wall is not yet constructed. Okay, if you look at the spirit.
you will still see there is a connection of light between the spirit and the soul. So it means that the communication has not yet been broken. But there are building materials already laid down for demons to construct a wall of separation.
So because this, the soul does not have a defense in the, in the area of the mind it corrupted the heart of the soul.
However, person is still
thinking the evil thoughts but has not yet acted it out. That is why the person has not yet sinned. But there is iniquity in the heart of the person
so understand. When Lucifer was in heaven, Lucifer did not sin as yet, but the Bible says, when God evaluated Lucifer, he found out that there was iniquity in Lucifer. He was lifted up because of his beauty, pride to hold off his heart. Therefore, he was corrupted inwardly
because of that. Okay. It was only when he acted out what was in his heart.
that is, when he began entering
into the dimension of sin. Okay. So even if you have not acted out what is in your heart or in your mind
as long as that negative thought, that negative feeling.
Okay, it's in your mind, in your heart.
You are corrupted, you are are defiled
because your soul is hosting something that should not be there.
So let us go to the set, to the to the other photo which represents the 3rd dimension.
Okay, which is the dimension of subjection. So there is the dimension of temptation.
the dimension of corruption. Now we are dealing with the dimension of subjection.
because, listen, when somebody fall into sin, it is. It is not something that happens overnight. You don't. You don't just fall into sin overnight. That's not how it happened. Okay, there is a process. There is a protocol. There is a system
that that must come into play before you are subjected to the mundane.
There are plays that need to be played in your mind. There are manipulations that need to manifest in your emotions. There are certain things that need to be done to you. Okay, by astral spirits in order to bring you to that point of subjection.
No, in the area of subjection, as you can see on the screen.
It is the 1st stage of sin.
1st stage of sin. What happens?
You can see on the based on the photo number one.
the soul no less sorry the body. Let's look at the body.
If you look at the color of the body
in that photo and look at the color of the body. In that photo you will see there's a difference. So in in in that photo.
Okay, the soul is corrupted, but the body has not yet been subjected to corruption. Why? Because the person has not yet acted out the iniquity.
In that case the soul has corrupted the body.
If you look at the darkness in the soul, it is much larger than there, there it is only in the upper part. But here
the darkness has taken over the person's being.
The arrow represents the influence of the soul over the body which subjected the body to sin. Now you know, when we, when we look in the Book of Genesis.
the Bible says, Glory to God! When Tim killed Abel, when Cain killed Abel.
God came to Cain and said, Listen, why is your countenance like this?
Okay, if you did good.
then I would have blessed you, but you did not do good, so I did not bless you.
So God said to Cain, listen, sin is knocking at your door.
Sin is knocking at your door. Why? Because God saw Cain already had iniquity in his heart.
He already had murderous proclivities.
Jealousy, rage, and envy had already filled the heart of Kin.
but he had not yet acted out what he had in his thoughts. So God warned him, and God said, sin is knocking at your door, even if iniquity has already entered into your heart, your mind, and your thought. Yet be careful, be careful, because sin is knocking.
then allowed the thoughts of his heart to get a better part of him.
and he acted out what he had in his mind, and immediately what happened?
He sinned. He sinned by killing Abel, he murdered his brother.
It was when he murdered his brother. That is where everything went downhill. Okay, so in that photo you will see it is the 1st stage of sin.
It is where the soul
has brought the body into subjection to the iniquity that was in the heart, and the body
carried out. What? The what the the mind of the soul brought across. So, for example.
okay, the soul had in like, in the case of King, the soul had the desire to murder
the body acted out what the soul commanded.
Now both the soul and the body has been brought to subjection to the pranks and the tactics of the devil.
Okay, at that point, at that point you can see if you look at the emojis, you can see the soul.
the body and the spirit. They are all sad and weeping. Why? Because they have been subjected to the pranks of the devil.
The spirit, on the other hand, you can see that, you know in in the previous photo you will see God is sitting there, and there is a channel between God and the Spirit.
But there you are not seeing God. You are not seeing any connection between God and the Spirit. Why? Because the soul.
the soul, is not in communication with the spirit.
therefore the spirit is not in communication with God.
There is a wall that was built, because, remember, while iniquity, if you look in this photo while iniquity
was in the heart. But sin was not yet fulfilled.
There was only building material plays there.
but know that the iniquity has brought forth sin.
Demons were able to take the building materials and did what they build a wall. Now there is a separation between the spirit and the soul.
Note that if you look over the flesh.
okay, if you look over the flesh you will see the flesh is giving these thumbs up because the flesh has won the battle. Okay.
over the over, the over the flesh you will see that dark, shadowy, hooded figure represents the spirit of
death, the devil, whatever you know you may want to put it now, the reason why the spirit of death, or darkness or destruction is there. It is because the soul and the body is not
feeling from the spirit, and that is the whole purpose of the devil
to separate your soul and your body from your spirit. Why? Because your spirit listen, your spirit cannot sin. Okay, your spirit cannot be corrupted. Many people have
been taught in churches that your spirit sinned, and blah blah, no, your spirit cannot sin, your spirit remains.
It doesn't matter how evil you are. It doesn't matter how wicked you are. It doesn't matter. You could be the greatest witch on the earth. Your spirit remains pure
and holy. Why? Because your spirit is the breath of God. Never forget that your spirit is the breath of God. Every human being.
he is the Spirit, or her spirit is the breath of God, therefore it cannot succumb to sin, neither can it succumb to temptation. That is why the Bible says the spirit
was against the flesh, and the flesh was against the spirit that goes for Christians as well as non-christians. Why? Because the Spirit, being the breath of God, cannot sin. Okay.
globe to God, so the spirit is
separated from the soul, and that is going to pose a problem. The reason why it is the 1st stage of sin. It is because sin has different degrees. Now, here.
okay, yeah, I outlined the 4 different beans you can see at the far right the dark
bean which is the flesh.
There you will see the body. Then you will see the bluish figure which is the soul, and then you will see to the far left the spirit. Okay, now let's look at this.
What is happening here we see, as I explained earlier, we'll see, we see that the flesh influences
the the soul influences the body.
The spirit is not influenced by this. By the by the flesh.
The spirit is not influenced by the soul, and the spirit is not influenced by the body. It is God
who is influencing the spirit
and the spirit influences the soul. Okay. And it is the duty of the soul to influence the body.
Okay, now, if you have that wrong that's going to pose a problem. Now there is a Scripture.
the Bible says, for the flesh in the book of Galatian, chapter 5, verse 17, it says, for the flesh lost against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh, and these are contrary, the one to the other, that you cannot do the things that you would. What does that mean? Okay.
if you take note 1st of all, the word lost is not
lost, as in you want to phone.
or you want to commit adultery. No, that is not that type of loss, the word lost basically desire.
But then there is something we have to take note in that verse does not see
lost after. Okay, there is a difference between lost in
something and lost in against something. So in that verse it did not say, the flesh is lost
after the spirit, and the spirit is lost in after the flesh. No, okay.
glory to God, it says against it means.
The desires of the spirit
is against the flesh, and the desires of the flesh is against the spirit. These 2 desires are contrary one to another, so the spirit wants to. Bring the things of God while the flesh wants to bring the things of the devil.
Okay. Now, in the dimension of the flesh. Okay, in the dimension of the flesh.
What does the flesh contain? Now, remember, we said, the flesh is not the physical body okay.
the flesh is the embodiment of iniquity, sin, and corruption.
So what does
The the flesh contains?
The outline is in Galatians, chapter 5, from verse 1920 and 21. It says, now the works of the flesh. Remember again. No, it did not say the works of the physical body. It did not say, the works of the soul.
It did not say the works of the spirit. It says, Now the works of the flesh.
and manifest in visa.
So when you look at Land's viciousness.
uncleanness, fornication, adultery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, sedition, heresy, strife, envy, murders drunkenness, reveling and such like all of these corruptions they dwell in the flesh.
not in the physical body. Okay.
Physical body only contains the components that can be manipulated by stimuli of the flesh.
I will explain that even as you go along in the physical body, the only thing you find
are hormones, your brain, and the channels of your 5 senses. That is the only thing your physical body contains, your hormones, your brain, and the channels of your 5 senses. Now, how is it that
man is able to go through series of destructions and temptations, and all of these things.
If the body only contains your home and your brain and your channel of the 5 senses, it is because, number one.
your body's health is dependent upon your soul, your soul can be corrupted, can be corrupted by what? Again, the the proclivities of the flesh mentioned in Galatians. Chapter 5.
Your soul, on the other hand, contains your heart and your mind.
I know it is something that we have been a little bit confused about as pertain to what is your soul, and what is your heart, and what is your mind, and what is your this, and what is your that?
Your your soul contains your heart, and it also contains your mind. Okay.
a soul is made up of your mind, your will and your emotions. The soul.
Amen is the seat, and again we can read it there. The soul is the seat of feelings, it is the seat of desires. It is the seat of your affections, it is the seat of your appetite, it is the seat of your pleasures. Okay, whenever you have emotions and desires and affections, and all of these things.
and flowing through your being, it is your soul. Okay.
it is your character, it is the substance of your person. It is your identity, it is your personality. It means your soul is who you are. Your soul is the really you. The Bible says man became a living soul. When you die your physical body goes to the ground and rotten. Yes.
your spirit goes back to God, but it is your soul that goes to eternal torment in damnation, or
goes to Paradise in heaven. It is your soul that retains the memory of your past life. It is your soul that remembers when you used to do things that were contrary to God. It is your soul that retains every information
that you received during your life on earth that brought you into condemnation in hell, or the good deeds that brought you to Paradise. So everything that you are. It is your soul. So your soul is the part
that has authoritative measures over your physical body.
so your physical body does not react on its own. Whatever you touch, it is because of your soul. If your hand was treadful to steal, it is because of your soul. Okay.
some people would say things, and they would say, well, I did not intend to say that, or I don't know why I said that.
It doesn't even make sense. Your mouth cannot open to say anything if your soul does not command it. Okay, you cannot say anything.
You cannot blink your eyes. You cannot do nothing. Okay, you can't do nothing. If your soul does not command it. Okay, so your physical body is dependent upon the stimuli of your soul, while your soul is dependent on your spirit or
according to your corruption, it can be dependent for
corrupt things from the flesh either or okay. However, however, your soul can be corrupted
because of the evil proclivities and stimuli from the flesh. Your spirit.
on the other hand, as I said, is pure?
Okay, grow me to call your heart is the seat of your conscience.
Your heart is the part of you that is responsible for hatred, for love.
It is responsible for conviction.
It is the one that holds virtues for bitterness, resentment.
it holds the virtue for compassion.
Okay, all of these things.
Your will is also within your soul, and it is the power to respond to your heart or your mind. Okay, that is your will. Your will is the power to respond to the
stimuli or the signal of your heart or your mind. Your mind is basically the the consciousness, the awareness, and the alertness.
Okay, that is your mind, your mind. Think.
okay. But it is your will
that causes you to propel into the velocity.
using the stimuli that you receive, you become a recipient to the stimuli of your mind or your heart. Now there are 2 places to channels, thoughts are generated.
thoughts are generated in your mind, and thoughts are also generated in your heart.
so you can have a thought in your heart as well as you can have a thought in your mind. Okay, you can think with your mind. You can think with your heart.
Okay, when you think with your mind that thought is situated.
and it is how I would say
it was, it is birthed, or it was birthed in your head. That is where you have a thought in your head. Okay, but when you think with your heart
the thoughts they are felt in a different location.
Okay? And you all know that there are certain things you have going through your mind, and you will you? You will know it is located in your mind, in your head, in your brain, but there are certain things you will have, and you will feel it in your chest. It's coming from the center of your being. It is not in your head. It's in your chest area. Why? Because it is coming from your heart. Okay, your heart is the seat
that carries the the mandate of your conscience, your conscience. Okay, glory to God! So the thoughts of your heart.
Okay. The thoughts of your heart can influence the thoughts of your mind, and the thoughts of your mind can also influence the thoughts of your heart. So it is when the thoughts of your heart comes into being.
That is where it becomes your character. So the Bible says, as a man thinketh not in his mind, not in his mind. If you think in your mind.
you are corrupted by the proclivity of uncleanness within the sphere of your thinking system or your paradigm. Okay, but it is when the thought is coming from your heart. That is where everything takes another turn. It is where it becomes your character. So the Bible says, as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. You are
what you think in your heart.
If in your heart you think of murder. You think of revenge, you think of killing you, think of stealing.
you think of bitterness, whatever that is, who you are.
Okay. If in your heart. You think of fornication. You are a fornicator. It doesn't matter whether you fornicated or not. In the past you may have never committed adultery, but if it is in your heart, you are already an adulterer.
There are many people
okay. When they go in prayer, God would address them as something they have never committed before. God would call certain people
a thief, and the person will say, Well, I have never stolen before, and God will say, No, you have never stolen physically, but in your heart. You have already stolen
because of the thoughts that are coming from your heart.
Okay, the spirit is the seed of the Holy Spirit.
It is the seat of your intuition, it is the seat of your discernment, it is the seat of your spiritual gift, your anointing.
Okay, the light of God is in your spirit.
The light of God does not
come in your soul. Listen. The light of God does not come in your soul. Okay. The the essence of God's glory does not come in your soul, it comes in your spirit.
and it is your spirit that shares it with your soul. If your soul comes in alignment with your spirit.
so as much as your soul remains connected to your spirit, and your spirit remains connected to God whatever the Spirit gives.
and I'm talking about the Holy Spirit. Whatever the Holy Spirit gives, your spirit will receive it, and whatever your spirit receives, it will feed your soul.
Okay, and when your soul is nourished it will feed your physical body. Now let's go to another
section of of the Slider.
If you look at that photo.
you will see there it says, holiness and purity of the soul and body.
So what is happening in this photo? What is what is happening with the the bubble and the chalice and the witchcraft, whatever
it means when you are working in holiness and purity of your soul and your body.
Okay, automatically, you are protected by the glory of God.
If you look at the arrow you will see that it is bumps enough. What does that mean? It means
no witchcraft. The doll represents voodoo.
The pentagram represents witchcraft, the chalice represents
rituals. Whatever witchcraft or we can ritual. Now
the the pentagram, the the red pointed star of 5 pointed star. If you look at you will see that
2 points are facing down, and 1 point is facing up. So let me explain that
whenever you see that symbol, okay, let me let me zoom it.
Whenever you see that symbol with 1 point facing up and 2 points facing down. It represents witchcraft.
If you see, the 1 point is facing down and the 2 points are facing up, it represents Satanism.
So you have to understand the difference. So you know what you're dealing with. However, no witchcraft, no voodoo.
no hex, no spell, no vex, nothing is able to touch you
while you are within the jurisdiction of holiness and purity
of not only your soul, not only your soul, but also your physical body.
Okay, many people would say, Brother Tony, your physical body is going to rotten. So what you put on your physical body, it doesn't matter. God is not concerned about your physical body. He's only concerned about your soul and your heart. That is one of the lies of Satan in order to bring people to hell.
and many people will receive a surprising hell
because they thought they were on their way to heaven.
but because they misunderstood, and they were misinformed because they were lied to by the devil.
they found themselves going into
the gate of hell when they were supposed to be going into the gates of heaven. Listen!
If you want to walk in the power and in the holiness of God, you have to be pure in your mind.
in your heart, in your will, in your soul and in your body. You cannot be corrupted in your physical body and think you are okay. No, you have to be pure in your physical body, and you have to be pure in your soul. Okay.
Praise the name of Jesus, because there are allegations against your physical body, and there are allegations against your soul, either or either. We are, in whatever sphere allegations
they are going to render you incapable of penetrating certain spheres in prayers. Okay, there is a dimension of prayer you cannot enter if your soul is corrupted.
or and if your physical body is corrupted, okay, if your physical body is corrupted, it means your soul is corrupted
Okay, so all of these things must come into play. Now glory be to God!
If you look at that photo, let me share that photo. If you look at that photo you will see
that there are 2 categories of people walking on the streets.
You will see the the normal people.
and you will see delighted beings, delighted people. Now these are not angels.
these are Christians who are covered with the light of God.
There is a place in Christianity where you can shine so bright
demons, the witches! They will not know
difference between you and an angel.
There are many Christians.
Okay, they confront, or let me say, they are confronted by witches and demons and the demons. They are confused. They do not know if this is a human being. Or if this is an angel, okay, they are confused. That is a place we have to get where demons and witches do not know whether this being is an angel or a human being.
When a witch comes to your home, and the witch cannot identify who you are.
this is a place you should be, and you want to be okay.
You can go anywhere in the nation.
When the kingdom of darkness sees you, they will be confused.
and they will think twice before the attack
again. They do not know if it is an angel.
We see that here.
when you are walking in the light of God. That is how you look in the realm of the spirit.
Okay, you can look at my screen. That is how you look in the realm of the spirit. You are not an ordinary person.
you are beings of light.
you, when listen! When Jesus said, you are the light of the world, many of us don't really understand what Jesus is talking about. We are literally light bulbs. Okay, we are. We are like fluorescent bulbs walking on the street.
So the kingdom of darkness, they are able to identify us
because of the brightness of our lights.
No, whenever
whenever you go into a into a new state, or into a new city, or into a new town, or a new country, or wherever
the kingdom of darkness always try to analyze you.
to know whether you are lightweight.
heavy weights, or whether you are
blazing hot. What is the temperature of your fire? Okay, what is the brightness of your light and based on what the the notice, it will determine what level of attack they launch against you.
Okay, let's look at that that page.
If you look there, you will see that
I label that page deliverance. What happens whenever
okay, whenever you are, let me let me go back to it.
Whenever you find yourself in that predicament of subjection. Okay, whenever you find yourself in that predicament of subjection, if you look at the screen again, you will see that there is a wall
between your spirit and your soul, and because of the wall that figure, the devil is able to do so many things to your body and to your soul, because there is no influence, no interference. Your spirit is separated. Okay, but then, when you go here.
prisoner Hashua, you will see deliverance.
Now, what is really happening here?
When you realize again, because of the prayers and the intercession of the saints, it gives God jurisdiction
to bring to you. Conviction. Okay, the Spirit of God is not going to forsake you, you know, whenever we find ourselves falling in sin and dwindling in iniquity for a season we may find ourselves.
so to speak, flat line. No, just give me a minute.
There is. There is a place
in your life where you are subjected to what is called 0 point.
and at 0 point it is a place in your life, the kingdom of darkness. Gain the greatest access to annihilate you. Okay, it is called 0 point.
All the astral manipulations, the psychic manipulations, all the astral poisons, the fiery dots, and the arrows and the nets and the snares, and the traps, and all of these things. They are to subject you to 0 point, so that they can get a door in your life to annihilate you to kill you. Okay, many of us have reached to that place of 0 point where the devil
was able to kill us, and when I say, Kill us, I'm talking about physical death. Many of us would have already been dead hadn't it been for the intervention of the mighty God of Israel.
because many of us have entered into a place of sin where we have
turn our backs on God's holiness. We have forsaken the assembly of ourselves, we have forsaken prayer, we have forsaken righteousness and holiness. There are many of us. We played around with sin, we try to live a Christian life.
We are praying, we are fasting, we are reading the Bible, we are talking about God, and at the same time we are living in fornication. We are living in adultery, we are living in wilderness. We are listening to all of this corrupted music. We are doing so many corrupted, evil, wicked and sinful things, while at the same time we are
facing worship and we are singing praise. It does not make any sense that we are living in fornication. We are living in adultery. We are living in a state of worldliness. We are going to discos, we are going to pubs and dances, and we are going to festivals. We are getting drunk. We are doing all of these things.
and at the same time we are worshiping, and we are praising, and we are doing all of these things. It means something is seriously wrong with us.
Okay, so when all of these things are happening, it means
we need deliverance. So there is a separation
between our soul and our spirit.
and it is because of the mercies of God. Why God would send His Holy Spirit to convict us of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment, our spirit, and not convicted. It is our soul that's convicted, hence
resourceful prayer for soul restoration, for revival, for replenishment and deliverance. What's going to happen? If you look at the photo
and then on my screen, you will see that
The soul has become very, very, very bright, radiating light. Why?
Because there are certain components of prayer that's needed whenever there is a wall
built between your spirit and your soul first, st and I'm I'm not sure why part of the
the writing is called. Oh, but it doesn't matter. Okay, prayers of cheers.
And one of the components that is needed whenever there is a wall between your spirit and your soul.
Okay, prayers of fire, and also
when we look at prayers of fire. We see prayers of fire. They are ignited by certain components.
the components that are needed for the ignition of your prayers. Okay, the components that are needed for the ignition of your prayers. You have the Word of God, you need the Word of God, you need faith, you need a forcefulness and aggressiveness, and I will explain that
you need the oil of your battles, and you need your heart's disposition. All of these things are very important. If your prayer.
must become bursted in the realm of the spirit.
Okay. So for your for your prayers to take form.
And the reason why
I highlighted these is because these are the prayers. No demon in the second, heaven is able to stop. Okay, remember, we talked about in the, in, the, in the atmosphere. In this, in the, in the air, in the sky, there are 3 levels of resistance against the prayers of a Christian.
There is the 1st resistance in the
in the somewhere you have in the what is called the exosphere. If you look at the different levels or layers of the atmosphere of the earth, you will see what is called the exosphere.
in the exosphere and in the very layer of the exosphere over the earth. You have the 1st barrier of demonic resistance
in the uppermost part of the sky that is
Beyond the moon there is another level.
and also there is a 3rd level
outside of the the Milky Way Galaxy. Okay, the 3rd Level is outside of the Milky Way Galaxy. Now, these 3 levels listen to me very carefully
these 3 levels of barrier
that that are stationed to resist the prayers of Christians. These are called the 3 metallic barriers
and the metallic barriers, they are established by a console. Okay.
this console is called a metallic console.
the the metallic console. These are basically the console of dragons. Listen, listen to me very carefully. Okay.
Console of dragons, which is the metallic console. They established the metallic barriers. That is why we have
warfares like metallic warfares. I remember God told me about metallic warfares years ago, and it only took me now to really understand what God meant by metallic warfares. I didn't understand at the time. Okay, now.
the 3 components
of metallic barriers stationed in the air to resist our prayers must be penetrated through. Okay, in the edge of the second heaven
dies after you leave the 1st heaven
in the edge of the second heaven there is a what is called a cosmic barrier
in the cosmic barrier. That is where you have a resistance.
Oppose not just your prayers, but your answers, and alongside the cosmic barrier
of resistance you also have what is called a cosmic net.
So the cosmic barrier is there to block your prayers and cosmic net?
Is there to trap your answers to your prayers.
Now the cosmic barrier. Listen to me very carefully.
The cosmic barrier
is established, or let me say they are established by a category of spirits. They are called the Mysteries of the air, or they are called the legions of the air.
The legions of the air. They operate under the Queen of Heaven, who is called oh! Let me say they operate under the Queen of Heaven.
and to the subjects of the Queen of Heaven.
who is again called the Legions of the Air. They are called in the Catholic
in the Catholic Church.
the Legion of Mary. Okay. So whenever you hear of the Legion of Mary in the Roman Catholic Church. It is referring to the legion of the air, or the legion of the cosmos, or the legion of the Queen of Heaven.
Okay, so these are the people who build the the barriers of resistance against our prayers.
But also there is a kingdom in space that that has built what is called a cosmic nets.
and the cosmic net is built by
kingdom of the prince of Persia. So the prince of Persia
is responsible for building cosmic resistance against our answers.
So whenever an angel is coming with the answer to our prayers.
the kingdom of the Prince of Persia is going to set up resistance and fights and combats in order for us to not receive the answer to our prayers.
Okay. And all of these things they happen because
kingdom of the devil is not willing for us to prosper.
Okay. So prayers of tears, prayers of fire.
and the prayers of tongues. These are the 3 types of prayers
the barriers of the dragons cannot resist. Okay, so whenever you pray, whenever you pray in tongues.
it cannot be stopped.
No demon can stop it whenever you pray with tears.
No demon can stop it, and whenever you pray with fire no demon can stop it.
Okay? Again, praying the fire may be, may depend on the level of the heat at the ending of the day.
If you have the necessary components, your prayer will be combusted. It will turn to fire. Okay, so you need
your heart disposition to be in the right place. It means
it doesn't matter what you pray. It doesn't matter how wonderful you pray. It doesn't matter what wonderful words you use. It doesn't matter how strategic you sound. If your heart is not in the right place.
that's going to pose a problem in your prayer.
Okay? And that is one of the one of the reasons, I said, I will mention to you all that the the Prayer book that I wrote is not
a book of magic, so don't think because Brother Tony wrote the book.
It is, it is it is containing powerful prayers. So as soon as I pray these prayers, I am going to see immediate result, it is magically going to happen for me. Glory be to God! No.
no, don't make God get angry with me and my prayers. Don't do that.
Don't idolize my prayers. Okay, I am. I am giving this very firm warning. Do not idolize my prayers. Don't think it is the it.
and as long as you prayed, you must see result. No results
are dependent upon your heart's disposition. Never forget that.
Okay, it is according to your heart
also. Your faith has to be placed in proper perspective. If your if your faith is not in the right place, that's going to pose a problem.
One of the problem that Jesus has with people is faith.
He went to a certain place, and the Bible says he could do no great work because they lack faith.
and one of the con. Jesus is not concerned, or he was not concerned about holiness, about
goodness, about any of these things.
Jesus only voiced out a concern concerning faith, he said, when the Son of man returns, will he find faith on earth?
That is what he said. Will he find faith on earth?
So even Jesus himself was concerned.
that there will not be faith in the end time.
That is why the devil is doing so many things, and we are not seeing so many great manifestation of Jesus. His hands are not shortened that he cannot save. His ears are not heavy, yet we are struggling to see supernatural manifestations in our own lives. Why? Because our faith is too small
when people tells you that if you have faith, the size of a mustard seed, rebuke them, because if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, I can tell you you will never see the hand of God, because a mustard seed is very small. Okay, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed that's going to pose a problem because God is only attracted to great faith.
Okay. So he never said, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed. No, he did not say that, he said, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed. It means
the mustard seed, even if it is so small, among the seeds, yet it has
the mindset, so to speak. It has the mindset, the paradigm, that though it is small, it is going to bring forth something big. Okay? So Jesus was saying, that is the attitude he wants us to have, even if we see ourselves small when they look at the Reubenites.
Okay, when they look at the at the sons of Reuben.
They said they were. They were very small.
They look at certain other tribes. They were very small, they were basically insignificant.
But then, when they look at this tribe in Ephrata. Okay, they said.
Can any good thing come from Nazareth? Because Nazareth basically was a was a town that had no
social significant. It was not known among the nobles. No great people. In fact, the Bible says.
no great man came from Nazareth before
nothing great came from Nazareth in the past.
Nazareth never had a history of breeding any great man on Nobels
or Irish token, or whoever they are. No, it never happened before.
so now they are saying, the Messiah is going to come from Nazareth, they are saying, but that doesn't even make sense. And any good thing come from Nazareth. That was the question that was asked.
So it says, Oh, Africa.
though you are small among many, yet out of you shall come forth one who shall be the ruler of my people. Okay.
So it was needful for Jesus, who had come from Ephrata, which is basically a place in Nazareth
called Bethlehem.
because it was Jesus was bringing forth a message. It doesn't matter how small you see yourself, it doesn't matter what is your background. It doesn't matter what is your social, spiritual, or even financial status. If you see yourself as being a component being, a body being a being that is able to generate something bigger than you. Then Jesus is saying, listen.
you are able to access certain realms.
Okay. So the the master seeder had that mentality.
It did not say, I am smallest among the seeds, so I am going to bring forth a small plant. No, it did not say that it said, listen, I am so small, I am the smallest among the seeds, but I am going to bring forth a tree, not a shrub.
not a herb. I'm going to bring forth a tree that's going to be the greatest among all the other trees in the field. And Jesus said, though it was the smallest, yet it brought forth a tree that was bigger
than all the other trees in the field.
and the Bible says that birds came, and they lodged in its branches, and they took shade on its shadow.
That is what Jesus is saying.
It doesn't matter who you are, where you came from.
Make sure. When you bring forth something you bring forth something that is great.
that is grand, that is huge, that is enormous, that is gigantic, that is able to shake nations.
Glory be to God!
So cheers, press of fires, and prayers of tongues are able to penetrate the barriers.
and the devil cannot stop it.
Okay, now, if you look in the photo. What are you seeing here?
You will see that the very wall
that was built between the spirit and the soul.
When you begin to pray in repentance.
You begin to travel for restoration, revival, replenishment, and deliverance.
Immediately your spirit get charged, and there is a there is a release.
a detonation, a discharge that takes place in your spirit, man.
that's going to demolish the wall that was built
as a separation between your soul and your spirit. That is why, if you look there in the photo you will see that there is a release of an energy, a discharge that smashed the wall. That is what happens in the realm of the spirit. Okay.
global. So it's all about your desperation. Now.
one of the requirements, as I said, is false forcefulness or aggressiveness. What does that mean?
Many times? You know it's it's funny because I have heard pastors are praying.
and they are saying demons. Can you please leave? I am asking you to leave. That is so ridiculous that that get my spirit so upset.
Christians are begging demons to leave. Christians are saying, Please to demons. These are not things I heard people say. I heard people say that for myself they are asking demons. Please, can you leave me alone, please? Can you leave you don't tell demons, please. You don't tell demon. Can you leave? They do not have an option. They do not have a choice in the matter. You drag them out, whether they want it or not, whether they like it or not. You don't care who their mother is. Their father
is what background they came from you. Drive out a devil and you drive it out. Good.
So there is a point of time. You have to release an aggressive approach against demons.
because there are some demons. Listen, there are some demons.
you rebuild them, you command them to go, and they go
because there are different categories of personalities. Among demons there are some demons. They are very ferocious, they are very stubborn.
they are very they are very difficult to deal with. Okay, and you need a a hard approach.
It's like a dog. There are some dogs you point and they go, you say, Go, and they go. There are some. You have to stamp your foot. Okay.
and you have to shout, Go! And it will go. There are demons. You needed to have an aggressive approach against them. You need to be forceful. When you say go you, you tell them, go with a force. Okay, you don't tell a demon, please, or can you go, or will you leave me alone? Can you get out of my house? No, you don't do that.
So sometimes we need to have an aggressive approach against demons, against a situation.
Sometimes a situation is stubborn.
I'm gonna allow it for a reason. Okay.
there are people God wants to build
boldness in. He wants to build a character. If you are a warrior.
you must possess a certain character.
There is characters for teachers.
There are. I'm sorry there are characters for warriors, there are characters for carpenters, there are characters for those who are skilled in masonry. There are different characters for different personalities. If you are a warrior, you must possess the character of a warrior, and the character of a warrior is not one who goes in a corner and cry at every blink of the eye of the devil, every thread the devil send you are in a corner crying.
if you, if you apply for a job, and you did not get a job. You are in a corner crying, if you have a job and they decide to release you. Today you are in a corner, crying, that is what the devil wants for you to break down
every opposition or trial, or testing.
Okay? And many times we find ourselves being confronted by demons, either directly or indirectly.
and we are broken down. We are weeping, we are crying sometime, you know we are so. We are so fearful, or we are so scared, we have lost so much substance and virtue.
We rebuke demons, and the rebuke is so weak the demons are not even flinting, you know
there are people who rebuke demons, and the demon come back and rebuke them.
Why? Because there are. There's a time you have to get fed up. Okay. When you are going through
carbon situations, situations that do not want to go.
you have to get fed up at some point. You have to get aggressive. You have to develop a holy anger against that thing
is, either you go, you uproot, you bend, or you break, but you have to get out of my life.
Whoever sent you, by whatever way you come, whether it be ancestral, inherited.
you have to get out of my life. Enough is enough. I am fed up with that harassment. I am fed up with that comment. I am fed up with the presence of that spirit. I am fed up of falling in that same cycle of situation over and over you have to get aggressive. You have to get angry. You have to get forceful against that thing.
Okay, that is your force of resistance. That is your revolt of resistance.
So there are different revolts of resistances for every situation. That is why Jesus said, resist the devil, and
he will go.
So again you have to apply force. Amen. Praise the name of the Lord!
No, even as I, even as I close.
There are few things I wanted to understand. Okay.
the devil, or let me say, demons can dwell in your physical body. No doubt about it. People say, demons cannot dwell in Christians because demons cannot live in the same body. The Holy Spirit is living in that doesn't even make sense. Okay, a human being
has 3 components, as we said, spiritual and body.
both God and the devil. Or, let me say, demons can dwell in that level of your being your your physical body. Okay, you can be oppressed in some areas while you are striving in some areas. What does that mean
in your physical body? Let me let me zoom do
do a host plan, so you can see it. Okay? So this is a plan of a house.
You can see there the kitchen, the garage, the bedroom.
you know, the the hallway, the entry, whatever the dining.
these are different components of our physical body.
No, let's see, the kitchen is our mouth. Okay, it represents our mouth because that's where we eat.
And the garage represents, let's say, our feet.
The bedroom
number 2 represent our ears. Bedroom number 4 represents our nose. Bedroom number 3 represents our fingers. The closet represents our stomach.
Every component of your physical body is responsible for itself.
Okay, never forget that every component of your physical body is responsible for itself. What does that mean?
It means if you use your hands to sin, your eyes are not going to answer.
No, your eyes are not going to answer to God. Your hands are going to answer to God because your hand are sinned. Okay.
if your belly sinned, your belly is going to answer to God, what am I saying?
You will be
responsible for answering for the sins of the different components of your body that are used to do wickedness. So if you use your eyes, you have to give an account.
If you use your ears. You have to give an account. If you use your mouth, you have to give an account. If you speak evil things, you have to give an account. If you go places with your feet, you have to give an account. If you work evil deeds with your hands, you have to give an account, so you can be holy
in your mouth.
Okay, glory be to God you don't lie, you don't speak evil things. You don't gossip, you don't. You don't back bite. You don't speak guile. Okay, so your mouth is clean before God.
but as much as your mouth is clean before God. Guess what your ears, your ears are corrupting.
So now we are dealing with different chambers of your physical body. So the so, so the so the kitchen is clean. There is no allegation against the kitchen. But guess what? There are allegations against the garage, or there are allegations against the bedroom. There are allegations against the hallway. Why? Because you are not saying evil things with your mouth.
but you are listening to gossip with your ears. That's an allegation against your ears or your ears are clean, but you are watching unclean things. That's an allegation against your eyes. Okay, you are not watching any unclean thing. You are not listening to any unclean thing. You are not speaking any unclean thing, but you are doing unclean things with your hands.
That's an allegation against your hands. Okay, fair enough. You are not doing anything evil with your hands, but your feet are going into places where you should not go. That's an allegation against your feet. Okay, so
you are righteous in your hands, you are righteous in your mouth. God will use you in these areas.
You are righteous in your ears. He will use you in that area, but the areas of your physical body where you are corrupted, God will not use you there
the devil will dwell there. So yes, God
can use you physically in certain areas while the devil is using you in the other components. Why?
Because both God and the devil are given jurisdiction over the components of your physical body
in your soul it is the same thing.
Okay, you may be righteous
in paying tithes. Glory to God. You may be a good person in giving. Okay, glory be to God! Probably you do not have an anger issue. Okay, glory be to God. But there are other areas of your heart
that need checking up.
So, though you do not have angry issues, yet you have a problem in forgiving.
Okay, you may have. You may not have a problem in forgiving you. Forgive very easily, but you may have a problem in certain other areas of your emotion.
of your, of your of your soul, of your heart, of your mind.
You think evil things, so your soul have different chambers.
and all the Chambers must be subjected to the Holy Spirit. There must not be any part of your soul, and that includes your thinking system, your mind. It includes your will, the seat of submission. It includes your emotion, your passion, your everything must be subjected to God. Okay, one of the things the devil does
he uses? Because, remember, we said earlier, your physical body contains the the hormones, the brain, and the channels of the 5 senses. So the devil
uses your your flesh basically to listen to outside stimuli
things that will enter into your ear gates, or your sensory gates, or whatever gate of your body goes into your mind, then the devil will come back and try to manipulate your thoughts.
Take action concerning the thoughts that entered into your mind through the sense you get of the body.
and then the devil is going to try to manipulate you. No.
the way the devil does it is by using your hormones. Okay, because the devil cannot do anything
with your physical body unless he passes through the channels of your hormones.
Okay, your soul is different. Your soul is etheral, so the devil can use your emotions and stuff like that. But for your physical body to come into play, your hormones must be
utilized. So, for example, if the devil puts a thought in your mind that is in your soul.
How are you going to act it out? You are going to act it out, using your physical body.
How does that happen?
The brain in your head must be manipulated
by thought signals. Okay, the brain in your head must be manipulated by thought signals
that's going to induce the secretion of the hormones that causes anger because anger is stimulated by a hormone in your brain. Rage is stimulated by a hormone in your brain.
A violence is stimulated by a hormone in your brain. That is why there is a there is this disease.
They they call it a zombie disease, because what it does
it, it destroys a certain part of your brain that is responsible for aggressiveness and cannibalism. So when the disease takes over that part of your brain, it induces the secretion of rage, violence, and
vandalism and
you know all the other emotions that represents destruction, such as cannibalism, murder and rape, and such like. Okay, so these zombie demons or let me say, the zombie disease. It gives you a zombie like characteristic, all because of
brain manipulation and the utilization of the secretion of negative hormones. So if your brain, if your mind can stimulate negative hormones in your brain
that's going to. That is why so many people are easily agitated. They are easily angered. They have anger and attitude issues. It is because their brain is secreting too much of these negative hormones, and it is all because of the of their thoughts. That is why the Bible says, be transformed and be renewed
by the renewing of your mind. If your mind in your soul is renewed, then it will control your brain, signal to secrete
positive hormones instead of negative hormones. Okay, that is why so many people are changed.
They used to kill before they used to steal before they used to do this they used to take drugs, and when they got converted
all that stopped the reason why it stopped because they had a change in their mind, and because the the mind was changed, it was able to impact their brain
on a positive scale instead of a negative scale. So all the negative things they used to do before. They are not doing it anymore, because the hormones, the negative hormones that were secreting are being secreted to to initiate these actions. They are not being secreted anymore. Okay? So the demons they are trying to access our hormones. And if they can do that, that's going to be a problem. Okay? So they can
ignite our attitude. They can ignite our irritability. We are easily irritated for no reason we find ourselves being sad, for no reason we find ourselves being dung, being oppressed, feeling depressed, feeling suppressed, feeling rejected, feeling like nobody loved us. Nobody loves us, nobody care about us. We feel like, you know we are not making it. All of a sudden
it dawned on you
that you are a failure. All of a sudden it dawned on you that you are not going anywhere. You are not amounting to anything. Why? Because demons are manipulating your mind to make you feel inferior about yourself to make you feel like you are less than who God expects you to be, or God wants you to be. So. All these are brain manipulation and demons are responsible for these things. Okay, that is why our soul has to be
pure so that it can influence our body on a positive level
a man praise the name of Yeshua! Praise the name of Jesus!
Remember, remember, I said, even as I closed.
Remember, I said, sorry.
Amen. Remember, I said again, your spirit is pure.
The spirit of every human being goes back to God. It is written in the Book of Ecclesiasis, chapter 12, 7, that the spirit of every human being goes back to God. It means your spirit is faultless, it cannot sin, it is your soul and your body that is at stick. Okay, your body cares less because it goes back to the grown and rot. But your soul is what that needs to be given. Accurate attention.
No, before I close, I remember, I said, I will explain something concerning
the corruption of the physical body. It is very important, because, as much as people may say. Well, God does not look on the outside. He look at the heart. He does not look at your physical body. It doesn't make any sense.
because your physical body is the testimony of your soul. Your physical body is what testifies to what is inside. What is inside of your soul is what's going to manifest in the physical.
The way you dress will tell the world who you are and what you are on the inside, the way you carry yourself, not only in your dress code, but in your mannerism. Okay, in your physical characteristics. It will tell what type of person you are on the inside.
Okay, praise the name of the Lord has nothing to do with a relationship with Church, or the prayer, or the Bible, or God, or whatever. No, what you are on the inside will manifest on the outside. Now there are things
that must be kept away from your physical body
so as much as we say, God looks at the heart and not at the physical. That is a life on the pit of hell.
because when you die, although your physical body goes to the ground and become dust, never forget.
One day your this very same physical body is going to be resurrected.
and it is going to stand before God. Listen!
When you die, you are going to have what is called a temporary separation.
Your spirit, your soul, and your body will be separated temporarily when you die.
But then, after God comes
we are talking about at the end of the of the 1,000 year. Millennial reign
is going to usher in what is called the great white throne judgment.
The Bible says that the sea is going to give up the dead.
The graves are going to give up the dead. So it means your physical body that rotted
thousands of years ago is going to come back molecule by molecule, and you are going to stand up before God with that very same physical body that you have today.
It means.
if you die with tattoos all over your physical body. You are going to stand before God with these very same tattoos on your physical body, because your physical body is going to come back to life.
Okay, no, I am not saying, if you have tattoos you are condemned. No, you are not condemned
as long as they were before you became a Christian.
Okay, as long as they are before you became a Christian.
There are certain things you cannot do to your physical body as a Christian, okay, and and such like.
piercing, putting holes or markings, manipulating your physical body, such as
let's leave out reconstructive surgery for medical purposes. Okay, there is reconstructive surgery, which is body manipulation again, but it is for medical purposes, and God understands. But when it talks about physical manipulation.
for vanity, because you want to look more sexy, or you want to look more hot, or you want to have bigger butts, or you want to have bigger breasts for you to look more this more, that this is vanity, and God will not allow it. Okay, anything for medical purposes God will wink in that area, but when it comes to vanity.
to be used and consume upon your own loss. God is not going to blink. He's not going to wink.
Okay, so whatever you do in your physical body.
if it is not glorifying God, that's going to be a problem. So we have to be very careful, because if you die with something on your physical body that is accused
when you resurrect at the great white throne judgment, you are going to be resurrected with that very same cursed thing on your physical body.
Okay, be very careful.
It is a warning that God gave. And again, I'm saying that because we are on the topic spiritual and body. It is a warning God gave.
he said. Be careful of the accursed thing, lest you be accursed by it, and you yourself become a curse. So not only you are accursed by the accursed thing, but you yourself became a curse.
No, it is. It is very detrimental in those areas. Because, yes, what can happen, and what does happen
when a person is carrying an accursed thing upon their physical body?
According to God, they themselves became a curse
when that person who is a curse comes around you. What do you think they are going to do
so when when people who are, or, let me say, have become accused
by impartation, comes into your home.
They'll leave behind criticism.
They come around you, they leave behind curses.
If you interview them for a job. You just interviewed a curse.
Okay, if you allow them into your life. You have just allowed a curse into your life because the person
himself or herself became oppose.
That is, that is a serious problem.
Okay, so we have to be very careful that we don't
fall into the trap of the devil
by following the world, to do things to our physical body, or put things upon our physical body that does not resonate with the spirit of God that does not testify to the glory of God.
Have you ever seen Jesus with bring? Jesus does not wear. Bring
the angels they do not wear bling. God does not wear bling. - he does not wear any form of jewelry.
I am not condemning those who are doing it. I'm saying, Jesus God, the Holy Spirit. They do not wear jewelry, even if God is the God of gold and silver, even if he's a God of diamond and rubies, and whatever they are not wearing jewelry. God does not have a watch, he does not have a ring, he does not have a chain, he does not have a bracelet. Why.
there's a reason.
Okay, he don't need it.
Neither do we, because we have the Holy Spirit. Okay, so we have to be very careful what we put on our physical body.
because these things can render our physical body unclean as the temple of God, and thus corrupting our soul. If your soul and your physical body is corrupted, and you die as a corruption. That's going to be a problem. It doesn't matter how long you have been going to church. If you die as a corrupted person
that's going to be a problem for you.
Okay, if you die with a corrupted body.
a cursed body because of either misinformation. You were mal informed, or you were never informed.
That's also going to be a problem. And God said, my people perish for lack of knowledge.
Okay, because if you die with a body that is accursed, you are going to be resurrected with that very same cursed body. When you stand before God, I can tell you you cannot enter, because nothing that is accused shall enter in the Bible made that very clear in the book of Isaiah, and also in the Book of Revelation.
Be very careful that you do not
render your body subjective to things that are unclean things that are worldly. It is better to be pure and simple
done looking glamorous, and you are on your way to hell. It doesn't. It's not worth it. Sense of God. It's not worth it.
When you go to the New Jerusalem you will have all the gold and silver that you need.
You will have so many things that your mind cannot comprehend. It's not worth it in the name of beautification, or in the name of sexy, or in the name of looking good, or in the name of keeping up to the times and the season of modern civilization. Dress codes, and how do they call it
designers? Whatever it's not worth it, it's not worth it.
Okay, many of us. We run after these things because we are trying to keep up with the times, not understanding. The times are testifying to the devil, to the Antichrist.
Okay, so let us walk in purity, in our spirit, in our soul and in our body, and we are going to see God do marvelous things.
Okay, the the place, even as I close the place I want us to reach is the place where your body contains the anointing.
It is very, very, very scarce to find people whose body contains the anointing. The anointing comes to your spirit, and most of us all of us. We have the anointing in our spirit. But do you have the anointing in your soul?
We cannot, because we have so many unclean things in our soul, we cannot carry or sustain the mandate of the anointing
The reason why Peter's body
was able to heal the shadow of his physical body was able to heal the sick.
it was because his spirit was anointed.
his soul was anointed, and his physical body was anointed.
Now for the anointing to pour down into your physical body. It must be overflowing in your soul.
and for the anointing to be overflowing in your soul, it must be overflowing in your spirit.
If the unless the anointed is not overflowing in your spirit, it will not drop into your soul. It's like a it's like a fountain. It's like a crop that is overfilled, and it's falling into the saucer.
Okay, so your soul and your body is like the source of the spirit.
So let us reach to a place where the anointing can well up
in our spirit to the point where it's pouring over into our soul.
And when that happens, we are going to see so many yokes be broken. The Bible says the yokes shall be broken because of the anointing. There are some yokes in our soul, they will not be broken unless they are confronted by the anointing, and we need the anointing of the Spirit of God that is deposited within our spirit
to enter into the chambers of our soul, the hidden part of our man, to set us free. Many of us we are under bondage in our soul, and we are under our captivity because we have not encountered the anointing that God has placed in our spirit.
Why? Because there is still a wall and a separation.
Okay, so we need the anointing to flow down from our spirit into our soul to the point where it is overflowing into our physical body. When that happens, then
you have what is called holy flesh. The Bible talks about the word flesh is not the flesh we talked about earlier. We're talking about your physical body is now holy.
Okay, there is a level of holiness. A human being can attain
to the point. If something that is not holy touches it, it becomes holy.
and we see that in the Book of Exodus, when God said, Listen.
anybody who touches Moses will become holy instantly.
It doesn't matter whether they were a murderer. Instantly they will become holy just by touching Moses Garment.
If they touch Aaron immediately, the Bible says they will become holy.
The Bible says, anybody who touches that altar, or anything that touches that altar that is consecrated.
it will become holy instant. Instantly.
Okay, so there is a holiness we can attain
that can be impartible to other people. It can become contagious.
That is why Jesus said, you shall lay hands on the sick
for you to lay hands on the sick and see the sick recover.
Your your hands must be holy, it must carry the anointing. If the anointing is not in your hands. How are you going to lay hands on a cover? It doesn't make sense.
When your physical body is holy, your soul is holy, and your spirit is radiating the anointing. You are going to walk into buildings, and demons are going to run for their life.
You are going to go among people and people are going to be delivered.
Okay, now, this is already happening. It's happening with many of us here, even if we are not carrying the anointing to that capacity in our physical body, even if we are not carrying the anointing to that capacity in our souls. But many of us here, even in this room tonight
we have been going to places
and people are getting healed and delivered. Listen to me very carefully. I'm going to give you that encouragement.
Do not think, because you have never laid hands on a Sikh and see them recover.
Do not think for a second.
because you have never laid hands on a creeper and see the person walk.
Do not think, because you have never laid hands on the blind and see them see.
do not think, because you have never laid hands on the death and see them here. That means you have never performed a miracle.
God uses your spirit to perform miracles, and you do not know it.
How do you know that people who were deaf began hearing because of your presence.
even if you do not know them, or you have never prayed for them.
You don't have to lay hands on a person for them to get healed by your presence. God is going to use the anointing in your spirit to heal them. Okay. And that is who we are. We are channels, and we are rods of power that channels the frequency of God.
Okay. So even if you have never raised a dead or caused a cripple to get up from a wheelchair and walk. Do not underestimate yourself.
You might be surprised to know the amount of people who are getting healed and delivered
just by coming in your presence.
You may walk into a supermarket.
and if God were to open your eyes to see the amount of demons who ran from that supermarket when you entered, you will be surprised. You would wonder who you are. You do not even know who you are.
If you know the amount of people who were delivered from death
when you go on your job. Probably the manager was supposed to be killed last night.
The Supervisor was supposed to be in an accident.
There are death sentences that were hanging over the head of your neighbors, family members, or your coworkers.
and because you entered into the atmosphere, or they came into your presence, they were instantly delivered from that sentence of death. Now they are leaving, and they do not even know it is because of your presence. Why they are still alive.
Okay. So you may be doing so many things in the realm of the spirit that you do not know about, never, and do not underestimate who you are. Amen. And I'm saying that for every person who is hearing the sound of my voice you are more than who you think you are. God is using you in greater capacities that you do not know about.
You are not useless. I'm telling you you are definitely not useless, especially in these times and season God is using His people, whether they know it or not.
Amen. Glory to God! So remain faithful.
Continue to serve God, and continue to do what you are doing, those of you who were able to purchase the Prayer Book.
God bless you all! I thank you all for being a good supporter after so many years of doing online teachings and prayers.
I feel good that some of you will
able to purchase the the Prayer book.
Not that I could not give it for free, but I think it it was a venue that could help to take care of certain things as we know. Every month I have
the subscriptions to pay for my website and for other things, and so many other things. Okay, so all these could help to take care of certain things.
I mean, many of us were a little bit disappointed that so many of the people who said they would have bought the book did not buy it, but the few who bought
I really want to say thank you
for purchasing, whether it be the ebook or the the paperback copy
those of you who purchased the paperback copy. You will get it soon. There was a little setback.
because the
the the printing company. They do not work on weekends. I am not even sure why, but they do not work on weekends, so that again
lengthen the time for the delivery. Also I had to change the cover. There was something. They contacted me for me to change something, and I had to change it, and I also changed the cover, so that again prolonged the the delivery of the book. So I do want to apologize.
Those of you who ordered the physical copy, and you have not gotten it as yet. I assure you you will get it
and again. Thank you all for purchasing, whether it be the ebook or the physical copy.
Those who have not,
purchase it as yet feel free to do that.
If you are not able. Let me know. Amen.
Also share the link with
your brothers, your sisters, or whoever you think would be interested in such a book.
I I take I take how should I say? I don't want to say the wrong way.
but I'm very happy that the book was constructed because
I constructed it in a way that will not be common, you know, if you pray the prayers you will recognize. These are not common prayers that you go around here and all over the place, I specifically constructed it in a specific way.
That would be strategic and tactical. I did not make it too deep to run away, people, but I did not make it too shallow. Okay, so
there is another book that is also in the process, because some people they did not buy the book because they feel it is too deep.
and they are afraid to pray these prayers because they are afraid that the demons will come after them, or the devil come after them, because they do not want to aggravate the devil, and they cannot stand in combat, so they find it was too deep, too powerful for them. They want something more.
you know, relating to novices or new beginners. So the very same book that I wrote, I am. I am converting it.
I'm converting a copy to suit people who are
beginners and newcomers, people who are not so strong in Christianity so that all of us can get a chance.
Also, there is another one that I'm constructing specifically for
family household. So the entire Prayer book will focus on family household. So prayers that I did not put in that in the one that I just published will be found in the
in the one for family. So I'm going to detail it. I'm going to go into crevices that I did not go into in the 1st one I'm going to go into corners and hidden secret places. Okay, so as soon as I finish that, you all will be the 1st to know.
Okay, so these are the projects that I'm currently working on. Amen. Last night I stayed up all night constructing a video and advertising video, you know, for proper advertisement of of the book. So I will send a video to the. It's on my website. You all can go on my website and see it.
I am not sure if I'm able to send it to the group because of the size. But you all can go on my website and you will see
the video feel free to share it with.
Again, your friends and your family and your church members, whoever they are. Amen. So really and truly, God bless you all!
Praise the name of the Lord before we close. Is there anybody who want to say anything.
Good night, everybody. I'm so excited for hearing these words. I you know it's like
God just revealed a lot of things to me that he already was showing me, and he revealed it even clearer to me.
So I just give him good thanks.
I just give God especially for the part of the body, the spirit, the soul. I just. I thank God for these words, and, Brother Tony, just keep up the good work that God has put inside of you. Just keep up the good works. And yeah, me and your mother is there enjoying your work. God gave you.
Amen. Thank you.
Amen. Amen!
God bless you, Brenda! God bless you, mother!
Praise the name of Jesus! It's good to have you all really and truly, and we will continue to stay connected in the realm of the Spirit. Amen! Praise the name of the Lord! Somebody else was saying something.
Yes, Brother Tony.
so I'm asking you, are you going to place this teaching on Youtube and start a Youtube channel? I would be very happy if you do that.
A Divine Encounter
A Divine Encounter
Yes, I already opened a Youtube channel.
And I am going to be placing videos there. That is also in the pipeline. I want to make sure that I finish what I'm doing before I can start focusing on Youtube teachings and stuff like that. But the teaching tonight I didn't have plan to place it anywhere
definitely, not on Youtube. So, I think it's been recorded. If well, what I will do I will send a copy of the recording to the group.
So the people who were not there tonight they will be able to listen in Amen. So yes, you can look forward for the copy on the group. Amen!
Amen. Thank you.
And also, if if with the purchase of the ebook
you said, it also includes the audio, the
Okay? So the so the entire prayer, the entire prayer.
I am going to transform it into an audio form so that
you all can have it, both in.
you know, readable and also in audio form. You can play it in your homes in your car wherever, so that I have not done it as yet, because the the program
that I need to do that it's a lot of words. I mean, it's a lot of words. So the the program that I need to do that. It's it's a little bit costly.
I obviously I am not going to do that with my boys, because it's a lot of reading and a lot of editing. So I'm going to use
a program to do the entire
to do the entire book. It's it's very, very, very wonderful.
it doesn't matter.
Sorry my wife was asking something. So if anybody has
has a a thought on that. Please let me know. My wife was saying that wire program. Okay. But
again, we can also revisit that thought. But I want to have it in audio. If there is somebody who is willing to
read it.
It's fine with me. If you are able to read the entire book and record it in in your voice, then feel free to offer up your your service.
But because of the of the amount of reading I decide to use a A,
an audio program that would be very, very, very wonderful. Amen. So again, anybody has any thought on that. Please let me know.
Amen. Father, we give you thanks, we give a praise, we give you glory, we give you honor, we thank you for. Tonight. We thank you for your glory. We thank you for everything that you have done in the past, in the present, and also in the future.
Heavenly Father, we exalt you. We extort you. We thank you for your, we thank you because you have done a great and a mighty thing in our lives, and you will continue to do, not only in our lives, but in the lives of our children and our children's children, and in our household as a collective body. Heavenly Father, we ask you to bless us, we ask you, oh, God.
claim your word of healing, your word of deliverance, your word of breakthrough, ignite our Spirit cause our spirit, man, to be ignited with the fire of your glory. Heavenly Father, cause the amber of your presence to electrify our mind in the authority of the name of Jesus, heavenly Father, transform our soul, transform our bodies, transform our heart, our mind, our characteristic, our personality.
our ways. Oh, God! Transform our mannerism in the name of Jesus, to represent who you are, and to testify to your kingdom.
Heavenly Father, we pray that the fire of your glory will be lit upon the altar of our hearts.
Heavenly Father, ignite our zeal to serve you faithfully, ignite our zeal to seek after you day and night. Heavenly Father, the chains that are seeking to bind us, let them fall powerless behind us. Heavenly Father, we pray that the oppositions and the things that are fighting against our destiny, fighting against our holiness, fighting
against our character. Heavenly Father, we ask you to give us power to go through the lines of the devil defenses and give us artillery. Oh, God! To disarm the powers of darkness! Heavenly Father, I ask you tonight to weaponize every person here, weaponize them, father, make them weapons of war.
make them weapons of war in the authority of the name of Jesus, my God set them on fire, and cause them to be set ablaze with the fire of your glory, let their feet, oh, God, be like brass! Oh, father, furnish in the fire, in the authority of the name of Jesus set fire in their steps. Oh, my God, my
father! Let the tongues be set on fire of the Spirit of the living God. Heavenly father, we ask you that you engulf them with a flame of your glory, and let them be filled with the anointed for end, time, revival, and end time deliverance. For this we give you praise, we give you glory. Heavenly Father, touch every person here
who is hearing the sound of my voice, touch them from the sole of their feet to the crown of the head.
Fill them, oh, God! Like a cistern that is filled with the water and with new wine, my God, transform the waters into wine in the authority of the name of Jesus, my God! Release tonight the anointing of honey. Release tonight the anointing of milk release tonight the anointing of grains in the authority of the Most High God, Heavenly Father, we ask you to bring them, oh God, into relationship.
where they can understand and articulate the wisdom of your glory. Heavenly Father, give them the language of your presence, and cause the language to become the fiery power in the name of Jesus, the power that makes rich, to which no sorrow is added, the power that testifies within the 12 gates of heaven, the power that testifies upon the 7 altars the power that
as the 7 golden lamps and the 7 flames of your presence in the authority of the name of Jesus, my God, my Father, I ask you to keep them by the authority and the jurisdiction of the Golden Horn. Keep every person hearing the sound of my voice. Keep them, oh, father! By the Golden Horn, and by the Diamond Horn, in
the authority of the name of Jesus, my God, keep them! Oh, God! Within the cliff of the rock, in the palm of your hands! Bless them! Bless the household! Bless the children and the children's children! I rebuke every rebuke proclaimed over them. I oppose every opposition that stands against them. In the name of Jesus.
I annihilate every force, every power that is fighting them within the crevices of the waters, the crevices of the cosmos, the crevices of the forest, and the crevices of the land. In the name of Jesus, every territorial opposition, every opposition coming from the forest, from the mountain, the hills, and the valleys. Let them be rebuilt in the name of Jesus, the Christ of Nazareth. Activate them tonight. Oh, God, activate their gifts and activate their calling, activate them! Oh, God! That they begin to operate in the ministry and in the perspective, in the name of Jesus, the Christ of Nazareth. And for this we give you thanks. We give you praise, protect us from the wise of the devil, protect us from the assaults of hell, protect us
from the spirit of death, protect us from every arrow that flies by day and by night. Protect us from the powers of the astral omni or meditator. Father, protect us from the astral poison, protect us! Oh, God! From the animus 3rd eye from the food eye of the kingdom of Satan. Every surveillance, every monitoring system, spirit, tower, and infrastructure, protect us in the name of Jesus, the
of Nazareth. I decree and declare by the tongues of fire that no one here, under the sound of my voice, will experience destruction, premature or sudden death.
we cancel death in the family, we cancel death in the household, we cancel death. Now in the authority of the name of Jesus Christ. We bind hands and feet, the spirit of the grim reaper, the spirit of the bounty hunter, the spirit of death.
In the name of Jesus Christ. We bind the 12 gates of hell. We bind the 12 gates of hell in the name of Jesus, the Christ of Nazareth. Let blessings come down upon us tonight. Let blessings rain down upon our homes tonight. Let the dew of Mount Zion begin to rain upon us and our household tonight. Let the dew of Mount Zion
begin to rain upon our children tonight. Let blessings for prosperity begin to rain down tonight. In the authority of the name of Jesus. We command the gates of the East. We command the gates of the North, the gates of the South, and the gates of the West to open unto us the blessings of the most High God, in the name of Jesus, praise the name of Yeshua! Amen, and Amen.