Every Hour, days, months and time are connected to the revelatory time frame of Heaven, and is dominated by the Angelic Orders of the Throne Room.
These are the Seraphic and Cherubic Orders.
There are four (4) great prayer and fasting in a year. These are the fast and prayer of the Four Season of the year: the two are of the Equinoxes and the other two are of the Solstices. Why is this important to know?
When ever a Season change, there is a divine transaction that takes place. Each Season is dominated by one of the Four winds carry grace and blessings. The Four winds of the Earth are four Archangels. These are among the Watchers. They are responsible for the air we breathe on earth, and for the breath of man and raises the dead.
Every time a new season starts, a different Archangel of God takes over with a different virtue and anointing.
This anointing facilitates all those who function at this time of the year.
Each season is protected by a holy Angel. E.g., the Spring Equinox [from March 21st to June 20th] is ruled by an Archangel, but when it ends on June 20th, the new Season being the Summer Solstice will start the next day on the 21st. Therefore, when a season changes, the Angel watcher changes.
During this change, there is a divine transition from an old season to a new season, and there is a shift that takes place in the atmosphere. At the changing of each season there is a tremendous power released from both kingdoms.
But also note, just as there are Archangels over each season, there is a Demon over each season. [Just as Angels take over the new seasons, it is the same way the demons of the seasons would take over when a season changes.]
When this shift is taking place in the spirit realm during the transition from old season into the new season, the demonic forces and energies are also transitioned against the inhabitants of the Earth.
Each Guardian Watcher is responsible for a Season with lesser angels under his authority, also, each Guardian Demon is responsible for a Season with lesser demons under his authority. The Angel comes with great blessings and the Demon comes with destruction for that new season. Therefore, during every transition from an old Season into a new Season, the saints should be in prayer and fasting because portals are being open for 6 hours.
21 March from 3 – 9hr (3 – 9a.m.); 21 June from 24hr – 6 hr (12 midnight – 6a.m.)
21 Sept from 9 – 15hr (9a.m. – 3p.m); 21 Dec from 6 – 12hr (6a.m. – 12 midday)
Solstice prayers and fasting are vertical from 12 – 6 and 6- 12 and the Equinox prayer are horizontal from 3 – 9 and 9 – 3.
There are four (4) great prayer and fasting in a year. These are the fast and prayer of the Four Season of the year: the two are of the Equinoxes and the other two are of the Solstices. Why is this important to know?
When ever a Season change, there is a divine transaction that takes place. Each Season is dominated by one of the Four winds carry grace and blessings. The Four winds of the Earth are four Archangels. These are among the Watchers. They are responsible for the air we breathe on earth, and for the breath of man and raises the dead.
Every time a new season starts, a different Archangel of God takes over with a different virtue and anointing.
This anointing facilitates all those who function at this time of the year.
Each season is protected by a holy Angel. E.g., the Spring Equinox [from March 21st to June 20th] is ruled by an Archangel, but when it ends on June 20th, the new Season being the Summer Solstice will start the next day on the 21st. Therefore, when a season changes, the Angel watcher changes.
During this change, there is a divine transition from an old season to a new season, and there is a shift that takes place in the atmosphere. At the changing of each season there is a tremendous power released from both kingdoms.
But also note, just as there are Archangels over each season, there is a Demon over each season. [Just as Angels take over the new seasons, it is the same way the demons of the seasons would take over when a season changes.]
When this shift is taking place in the spirit realm during the transition from old season into the new season, the demonic forces and energies are also transitioned against the inhabitants of the Earth.
Each Guardian Watcher is responsible for a Season with lesser angels under his authority, also, each Guardian Demon is responsible for a Season with lesser demons under his authority. The Angel comes with great blessings and the Demon comes with destruction for that new season. Therefore, during every transition from an old Season into a new Season, the saints should be in prayer and fasting because portals are being open for 6 hours.
21 March from 3 – 9hr (3 – 9a.m.); 21 June from 24hr – 6 hr (12 midnight – 6a.m.)
21 Sept from 9 – 15hr (9a.m. – 3p.m); 21 Dec from 6 – 12hr (6a.m. – 12 midday)
Solstice prayers and fasting are vertical from 12 – 6 and 6- 12 and the Equinox prayer are horizontal from 3 – 9 and 9 – 3.
There are various weapons laid out in scriptures that is revealed to a warrior. God uses these weapons against His enemies, and they are therefore at our disposal against our spiritual adversaries.
These weapons are:
THUNDER - Exo_9:23, 1Sa_2:10 (Christians can also use Thunder, just as the witches uses it against us).
ARROWS - (Lightnings) Psa_144:6 , 2Sa_22:15,
Demons also use thunders against Christians.
HAILSTONES - (Exo_9:23, Eze_38:22)
SNARES - Psa_11:6
FIRE - (Psa 97:3, Psa_11:6 Exo_9:23, Eze_38:22)
BRIMSTONE - (Psa_11:6 Eze_38:22)
HORRIBLE TEMPEST - Wind Storm) Psa_11:6
WORD OF GOD - Heb_4:12
NAME OF CHRIST - Psa_118:11-12
A SWORD - Psa_149:6, Rev_1:16, Rev_2:12
There are various weapons laid out in scriptures that is revealed to a warrior. God uses these weapons against His enemies, and they are therefore at our disposal against our spiritual adversaries.
These weapons are:
THUNDER - Exo_9:23, 1Sa_2:10 (Christians can also use Thunder, just as the witches uses it against us).
ARROWS - (Lightnings) Psa_144:6 , 2Sa_22:15,
Demons also use thunders against Christians.
HAILSTONES - (Exo_9:23, Eze_38:22)
SNARES - Psa_11:6
FIRE - (Psa 97:3, Psa_11:6 Exo_9:23, Eze_38:22)
BRIMSTONE - (Psa_11:6 Eze_38:22)
HORRIBLE TEMPEST - Wind Storm) Psa_11:6
WORD OF GOD - Heb_4:12
NAME OF CHRIST - Psa_118:11-12
A SWORD - Psa_149:6, Rev_1:16, Rev_2:12

There are "FOUR" Gates of petition to access the Throne Room. Three are for personal petition, "Prayers", "Supplications", "Thanksgiving", (Philippians 4:6) and a fourth is added when it pertains to petition for someone else, "Intercession", (1 Titus 2:1).
Before you enter the Four Steps, you must first be cleared of all allegations, accusations and condemnations that stands against you before God. This is called repentance – Peace with God (Romans 5:1).
As much as the Glory of God brings life it also brings judgement.
This is seen in scriptures where Supplication many times is connected with crying out to God-1 Kings 8:28; 2 Chronicles 6:19; Psalm 28:2; 30:8; 31:22; 142:1; Hebrews 5:7. Consider especially Psalm 142:1; Jeremiah 3:21; 31:9; Hosea 12:4.
You can have prayer without supplication, but you cannot have supplication without prayer; the two is of the same nature.
We must know that combating Demons is not easy if you possess no knowledge of them. It takes faith, holiness and the anointing in Jesus name to cast out a spirit, but you need an addition - "knowledge" in order to destroy demonic ancestral strongholds.
Because Demons are of different ranks, one must be walking in an anointing that is stronger than this specific demon in order to overpower it.
Though the anointing is powerful over all spirits, yet the anointing will work for Christians according to their level in Christ.
The level of anointing that is moving upon your life will determine the level of power available to you. The deeper you get in God is the stronger the anointing gets; and the more powerful demon you will be able to deal with.
If the power of a demon is stronger than the power that is on you, how can you bind or overpower it? You must have enough power to bind the strong man before you can destroy his territory.
There are "FOUR" Gates of petition to access the Throne Room. Three are for personal petition, "Prayers", "Supplications", "Thanksgiving", (Philippians 4:6) and a fourth is added when it pertains to petition for someone else, "Intercession", (1 Titus 2:1).
Before you enter the Four Steps, you must first be cleared of all allegations, accusations and condemnations that stands against you before God. This is called repentance – Peace with God (Romans 5:1).
As much as the Glory of God brings life it also brings judgement.
This is seen in scriptures where Supplication many times is connected with crying out to God-1 Kings 8:28; 2 Chronicles 6:19; Psalm 28:2; 30:8; 31:22; 142:1; Hebrews 5:7. Consider especially Psalm 142:1; Jeremiah 3:21; 31:9; Hosea 12:4.
You can have prayer without supplication, but you cannot have supplication without prayer; the two is of the same nature.
We must know that combating Demons is not easy if you possess no knowledge of them. It takes faith, holiness and the anointing in Jesus name to cast out a spirit, but you need an addition - "knowledge" in order to destroy demonic ancestral strongholds.
Because Demons are of different ranks, one must be walking in an anointing that is stronger than this specific demon in order to overpower it.
Though the anointing is powerful over all spirits, yet the anointing will work for Christians according to their level in Christ.
The level of anointing that is moving upon your life will determine the level of power available to you. The deeper you get in God is the stronger the anointing gets; and the more powerful demon you will be able to deal with.
If the power of a demon is stronger than the power that is on you, how can you bind or overpower it? You must have enough power to bind the strong man before you can destroy his territory.