In the Garden of Eden humans were made up of (3) bodies: Spirit, Soul and Body. However, after the fall of man, a fourth body was added to us; this is the flesh. Therefore, we are now a being with four bodies.
Many people believe that the flesh is our physical body, but no! It is a spiritual body- the nature of sin and iniquity in bodily form [Romans 6:6] with its own consciousness. This body is called “the Carnal Man” and is intertwined into the physical body and the soul. Hence, all three work together whenever we are operating in sin.
Evidence that the flesh is not the physical body is found in Galatians 5:24, “And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires”; Romans 6:6, “knowing this, that our old man is crucified with Him in order that the body of sin might be destroyed”; also Col 3:5.
Does the crucifixion or killing our flesh mean that we commit suicide and kill our physical bodies? No!
The connection is so close that all three can influence each other and operates in an unnoticeable relationship.
E.g., Something can touch your physical body [outside stimuli] and this can immediately trigger our Soul [seat of emotions and passion], and this can trigger our flesh. Even our physical eyes and ears can receive information that can trigger our Soul and flesh.
The Soul stands between the influence of our spirit and the influence of our flesh. That is why the spirit fights against the flesh and the flesh fights against the spirit (Galatians 5:17). The physical body is just the playing ground that manifest their desires and connect their influences to the natural realm. When the physical body is influenced and manipulated by the flesh and carnal soul, it then acts out what it was influenced to do, hence, the person is now engaged in physical sins.
When your soul is triggered, it does not mean that you have sinned, [unless if it is a spiritual sin or an iniquity] but the downfall of your soul will be determined by the body that gains control over your soul; whether it’s your spirit body or your flesh - the carnal man (Romans 8:13).
When the flesh takes hold of the soul, corruption will start with heart. This is called "iniquity".
Also, to add, whenever sin is manifested, it comes in two dimensions: either sin of the thoughts and heart, or physical sins where the physical body acts out the carnal thoughts.
The flesh is corrupt and is seeking to corrupt our soul and body with adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lustfulness, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, fightings, jealousies, angers, rivalries, divisions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkennesses, revelings (Gal 5:19-21).
When God communicates revelatory unction or speaks, he does it in our spirits, and our spirits communicates the information to our souls, and our souls communicates with our bodies. When we choose to yield to the Holy Spirit, our spirit gains strength, and the power of influence over our Soul. As long as our soul is under the influence of our God-centered spirit, it will not submit to the dictates of the flesh.
Even with temptations coming to us through our 5 senses, our Soul will not be negatively charged, hence, our flesh would have no influence over our Soul. Remember, spirit and flesh are in war for our soul. The one we yield to is the one who will be our master, Romans 6:16, “Don't you realize that to whom you yield yourselves as servants to obey, you are servants of the one you obey, whether it is of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?”
There is an Angel of Glory that is working with each Christian. He works to help the servant of God fulfill his or her mission. However, we face many temptations that hinder us.
In order for a Christian to overpower a tempting demons [imps], he or she must first overcome the temptation that is set in his/her path.
The temptation that you desire to be set free from must be placed in your path, giving your the opportunity to exercise your will power and cultivate aggressive revolt against it. Unless you overcome it, the devil will keep sending it and you will keep falling to it over and over; even after days and weeks of fasting for deliverance.
You must first resist the Devil [which means resist the temptation or overcome it] then the Devil will flee. Some deliverance will come by overcoming the temptation.
In Heaven, there is a special oil of glory that is poured upon the head of people who overcome evil.
Whenever we overcome temptation, there are Angels who release power upon us to overcome the tempter.
Many people who are tempted in their flesh wants a quick fix. They want to cast out and destroy the demon so that the temptation will stop. This is not how it works.
Many people believe that the flesh is our physical body, but no! It is a spiritual body- the nature of sin and iniquity in bodily form [Romans 6:6] with its own consciousness. This body is called “the Carnal Man” and is intertwined into the physical body and the soul. Hence, all three work together whenever we are operating in sin.
Evidence that the flesh is not the physical body is found in Galatians 5:24, “And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires”; Romans 6:6, “knowing this, that our old man is crucified with Him in order that the body of sin might be destroyed”; also Col 3:5.
Does the crucifixion or killing our flesh mean that we commit suicide and kill our physical bodies? No!
The connection is so close that all three can influence each other and operates in an unnoticeable relationship.
E.g., Something can touch your physical body [outside stimuli] and this can immediately trigger our Soul [seat of emotions and passion], and this can trigger our flesh. Even our physical eyes and ears can receive information that can trigger our Soul and flesh.
The Soul stands between the influence of our spirit and the influence of our flesh. That is why the spirit fights against the flesh and the flesh fights against the spirit (Galatians 5:17). The physical body is just the playing ground that manifest their desires and connect their influences to the natural realm. When the physical body is influenced and manipulated by the flesh and carnal soul, it then acts out what it was influenced to do, hence, the person is now engaged in physical sins.
When your soul is triggered, it does not mean that you have sinned, [unless if it is a spiritual sin or an iniquity] but the downfall of your soul will be determined by the body that gains control over your soul; whether it’s your spirit body or your flesh - the carnal man (Romans 8:13).
When the flesh takes hold of the soul, corruption will start with heart. This is called "iniquity".
Also, to add, whenever sin is manifested, it comes in two dimensions: either sin of the thoughts and heart, or physical sins where the physical body acts out the carnal thoughts.
The flesh is corrupt and is seeking to corrupt our soul and body with adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lustfulness, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, fightings, jealousies, angers, rivalries, divisions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkennesses, revelings (Gal 5:19-21).
When God communicates revelatory unction or speaks, he does it in our spirits, and our spirits communicates the information to our souls, and our souls communicates with our bodies. When we choose to yield to the Holy Spirit, our spirit gains strength, and the power of influence over our Soul. As long as our soul is under the influence of our God-centered spirit, it will not submit to the dictates of the flesh.
Even with temptations coming to us through our 5 senses, our Soul will not be negatively charged, hence, our flesh would have no influence over our Soul. Remember, spirit and flesh are in war for our soul. The one we yield to is the one who will be our master, Romans 6:16, “Don't you realize that to whom you yield yourselves as servants to obey, you are servants of the one you obey, whether it is of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?”
There is an Angel of Glory that is working with each Christian. He works to help the servant of God fulfill his or her mission. However, we face many temptations that hinder us.
In order for a Christian to overpower a tempting demons [imps], he or she must first overcome the temptation that is set in his/her path.
The temptation that you desire to be set free from must be placed in your path, giving your the opportunity to exercise your will power and cultivate aggressive revolt against it. Unless you overcome it, the devil will keep sending it and you will keep falling to it over and over; even after days and weeks of fasting for deliverance.
You must first resist the Devil [which means resist the temptation or overcome it] then the Devil will flee. Some deliverance will come by overcoming the temptation.
In Heaven, there is a special oil of glory that is poured upon the head of people who overcome evil.
Whenever we overcome temptation, there are Angels who release power upon us to overcome the tempter.
Many people who are tempted in their flesh wants a quick fix. They want to cast out and destroy the demon so that the temptation will stop. This is not how it works.